Am absolutely loving the amazing reviews coming in for this one...it's my baby!
Am absolutely loving the amazing reviews coming in for this one...it's my baby!
Wow! It's all happening today...now you can download my latest psychological thriller for just 99p/99¢.
Hi guys...in case anyone is interested Games People Play is FREE to download for a few days.
#Books that have influenced me... A Bend In The River - I was impressed by the brooding atmosphere and the language. Have you read it - what did you think?
To think Sherlock Holmes first appeared in Great Britain in 1887!!! My favourite detective by far... Who is yours?
Just one of the wonderful reviews coming in for In Harm's way... You really do breathe a sigh of relief when they start coming in like this!
Really excited about my new book... It launches Tuesday 16th October! In Harm's Way is a psychological drama setting Scotland.
One of the great bits about being an author... Someone asks you to sign their books when you're in the Mediterranean!
Excited to announce that my new psychological thriller is available for request on Netgalley...
What if a woman with an alcohol problem disappeared?
What if there was no evidence of a crime?
What if her brother asked you to help?
What would you do?
In Glasgow, DI Andrew Geddes put the case to the top of his list.
Traveling through the fabulous #thar dessert in #pakistan gave me inspiration for my first as yet unpublished #novel ... #crimethrillers #inspiration #writerslife #writerslove #travelling
#eenymeenyminymoe catch a #thriller by the toe! Where do you #read
#summerread #SummerReadingChallenge #SummerReadingList
#summertime #HolidayChat
If you would like questions about this book for #bookdiscussiongroups just contact me...
#bookclub #Bookclubs #discuss #discussion
Wonderful to be Book Of The Moment on this terrific site... check it out!
You know you're doing something right when you make it on to this great bookshelf!
A.j. Griffiths-Jones
Hi quick question for you... do you prefer to read fast paced plot driven novels or are you happy to go at a bit slower pace and get to know the characters? I try to combine both but it does take time to build a character.
Really enjoyed doing this interview... Check it out - lots of good stuff on there!
Another terrific event... huge thanks to the guys at Virgin Money Lounge Glasgow for the great welcome. Met a lot of really nice friends old and new... thanks for coming and making it such a success. Hope you all enjoy the books!
Terrific night at Aye Write... thanks to everyone who came along!
Sooo... next week is going to be busy! Another great, #event for your #diary #comeandsayhello #vmlounges #glasgow #glasgowliving
The Mitchell Library gearing up for Aye Write Book Festival in Glasgow ...delighted to be part of this
Sometimes being an author is just the best thing...
Hi guys... for those of you who might be interested... Your chance to grab this bestseller... 99p for 4 DAYS ONLY!!!
#Scotlandthroughcharlieseyes Glasgow Cathedral...
‘And here‘s what you need to understand. What you did in the past didn‘t end with Jimmy. You worked for him. Now you work for me. You‘ve got seven days to
show me we‘re going in the right direction. Seven days.‘ Never take a no from somebody who can give you a yes. He looked at his watch. ‘Starting in sixty minutes. Now get out of my house.‘
His voice rose from a cry to a scream. ‘Lily. Lily!‘ He spoke to the group who had offered nothing. ‘I left a baby here, somebody must‘ve seen her.‘ They stared, no idea what he was talking about. A new terror seized him. He ran a few steps up and down the beach, lost and afraid. The bag lay where Jennifer dropped it. But no push-chair. No sign his daughter had ever been there. Lily was gone.
‘Have to admit he‘s got balls, Jimmy. Got to give him that.‘ ‘Balls are ten a penny, Kevin. Who‘d know that better than you?‘ He spoke to me. ‘You‘re a big disappointment, Charlie. I really thought you could pull it off. The reports said you were smart. Got a lot of respect for smart people. Your father for instance, he‘s an old bastard but he‘s a smart old bastard. Can‘t imagine he rates you.
We turned our backs on the loch and picked our way through the stones to the road and the House Over-by. Making love was a quiet joy. We‘d only had a day but for as long as it lasted it had been a sweet, sweet thing.
Charlie Cameron gets about a bit! Have crime fiction will travel! ... see Scotland through Charlie's eyes!
#OnLocation ... great day doing the new promo video for Delaney with Yannis Xamonakis
Had a terrific time doing this.. . very different and original idea from a great blog site! Catch the full article here.. .
Had a terrific time doing this.. . very different and original idea from a great blog site! Catch the full article here.. .
Hi just wanted to share this... #FeelGoodSunday... Great to see Delaney at #23 in the paid Kindle charts, #6 in Movers and Shakers and #1 in two categories Australia. Huge thanks to everyone who bought it... some days it feels great to be an author.
See what this amazing blog site has to say about Charlie and Delaney... and while you're there take a look around... lots of great stuff on here!
Author interview... enjoyed doing this. Catch the full thing here... http://lenkaslist.com/index.php/owen-mullen-interview
Looking forward to this great event at the Aye Write Book Festival in Glasgow ... don't forget to book your tickets!
Owen Mullen, Claire MacLeary & Angus McAllister, Glasgow Criminal Beginnings
21st Mar 2018 • 7:45PM - 8:45PM • Mitchell Library
Three crime writers who started out life in Glasgow, but haven‘t always chosen to set their work in the city come together to discuss the influence Glasgow has had on their books.
A great way to stay up to date with new book launches and events #follo #AmazonAuthorPage
Worldwide Author... bit.ly/2n0sI51
Out with my niece doing essential research for Charlie... he likes his food! #ItsToughBeingAnAuthorSometimes.
This research is actually for the next book.
Hard to explain just how wonderful it is when your debut novel gets long-listed for the McIlvanney Crime Book Of The Year...
Was delighted when Delaney notched up a coveted Star Pick here...
Plenty to keep Charlie busy this time... and look out for beautiful Peebles!
Love chasing round Scotland finding new locations for Charlie... In Old Friends And New Enemies Edinburgh Castle has a starring role!