I registered for the #summerreadingchallenge through @bookshop_org and @getawayhouse .
One of the best things about summer reading is earning badges! I honestly don‘t know why but earning these badges make me smile and warm my heart. ❤️
I registered for the #summerreadingchallenge through @bookshop_org and @getawayhouse .
One of the best things about summer reading is earning badges! I honestly don‘t know why but earning these badges make me smile and warm my heart. ❤️
#52bookclub24 #handball #summerreadingchallenge #publishedinayearofthedragon
#pop24 #bookwithatleast3povs
#aty24 #relatedtoboatsbeachesbarsballadsorjimmybuffet
Soft pick. Combines myth, history, & modern culture to discuss cultural identity & highlights racist micro-aggressions & flat out racism.
The issue I had was how he depicts women. There are 2—a white girl & a Japanese-American girl. Both only serve as objects of the boys & to further the story-lines.
I can see why this is was an award winner. While I appreciated the story, still disappointed it didn't acknowledge the struggle of minority women.
Soft pick because I have mixed feelings. She expresses so much in so few words. Her poetry was brilliant with simple lines full of angst, hope, despair, love—all the things that fuel a teenage girl. But I also felt only poetry limited the story, & so all the characters are all caricatures, instead of fleshed out & developed characters.
I can see why this was an award winner. A powerful read, especially for its target demographic.
I'm not sure what to think or how to describe what I'm feeling. This book is an interesting mix of poetry & short stories that were also poetic. The stories are not beautiful or fantastic but are sad and real, which makes them lovely in their own way. The poetry is what really ties this collection together.
Book 5 #20in4
Book 8 #summerreadingchallenge (PEN/Faulkner award winner)
“I know I'm not gay. Gay boys like other boys. I HATE boys. They are mean and scary, and they're always destroying something or saying something dumb or both.”
The use of black & white contrasted with orange & red really packs a punch. The thematic use of fire takes on a multitude of meanings throughout the story.
This story hits hard & strikes deep into your heart.
Book 4 #20in4
Book 7 #summerreadingchallenge (banned or challenged)
A beautiful story about starting to find yourself. This story touches on several big topics including grief, LGBTQ+, racism, and child abuse. The happy-ish resolution of the child abuse arc definitely gave consideration to the book's target demographic because it wrapped up a bit too neat. But overall, a thoughtful and thought provoking story.
Book 3 for #20in4
Book 6 for #summerreadingchallenge (National Book Award winner)
Normally with a short story collection, I find at least 1 story that I don't like. Sometimes more than 1, and then there will be the ones that I'm meh about, & only one or two I really like. But this collection had no duds. While I liked some more than others, I found each story incredibly layered, thoughtful, and nuanced.
Book 2 for #20in4
Book 5 for #summerreadingchallenge (published by an indie/small press)