As the new regime approaches, I worry about this in myself. I want to be useful and take action and not just sit back and talk.
As the new regime approaches, I worry about this in myself. I want to be useful and take action and not just sit back and talk.
When you kill it with the first line...
I give up. There are no other books. This wins.
Heading to my "no political talk" Thanksgiving dinner and I just read this line.
I am actually almost angry about how good this book is. It's so damn good and now I just have to move on to something else???
Forgot to actually review this when I finish it. Whoops. This one took a weird turn, which isn't in itself a bad thing, but the first half just felt so different from the second. I feel like it was way more subversive in the earlier parts that had Plum examining her desires and motivations. The violence and militance felt campy and off.
Just started listening to this on audio. I'm looking forward to it. Let's see what I learn...
This is too real.
I may have found my Halloween costume...
This woman is actually the best.
Superstar lady scientist fled the Nazis and taught at my alma mater? OK then!!
Academia is THE WORST.
My litfluence broke 2,000! Thanks, friends! I love this community so much! 📚❤️
250 pages in and this book just keeps getting weirder and weirder.
Respectability politics, 1870s edition. #workreading
I find this sentiment bot romantic and underwhelming. He's not wrong, but I do want to be told I'm loved, even if at this point the value of the word is greatly diminished.
Do I even need to write a real review? It's Toni Morrison, of course it was good!
This was so lovely. And a great experience on audio-- it's read by the one and only Lin Manuel Miranda! There were things I didn't like about it. Mostly dealing with how other people were the ones to tell Ari who he is. I get the idea of self-denial, but I felt like the way things developed kind of weakened it. Still so beautiful and fun though!
"I have to write an essay about Alexander Hamilton..." read by Lin Manuel Miranda = fantastic (unintentional?) Easter egg.
Starting this as my lunch book and my first book for #boutofbooks
I have all kinds of complicated feelings about this book. The writing is exquisite, but I found these stories hard to read. I remember in my adolescence having a conversation with a relative who said he didn't read books about adultery. I was taken aback. So many great books featured adultery! But as I've gotten older, I've grown less comfortable with the theme.
These stories are stark and real and complicated.
Also, CW for a dog dying...
So I want to go to the Philly #ReadHarder group meetup. But I also want to stay home and snuggle with the kitty and avoid SEPTA ridiculousness...
My cat tends to attack things on my nightstand if I ignore her in the mornings. I only just realized how much abuse A. Ham has suffered...
It wasn't quite what I was expecting, but it was a fun and funny read. Let's say 3.5 stars.
Lovely way to start the acknowledgements.
So many rules for society. No talk of physical manifestations. No talk of drinking from skulls. My conversational arsenal is being whittled away...
What every precocious child needs: a mountain of a man as babysitter/book club member.
I find basically all of the characters annoying in different ways, yet I keep reading/listening (did this one on audio).