I love reading about the late 1800s early 1900s era and this was a really interesting read!
I love reading about the late 1800s early 1900s era and this was a really interesting read!
Amazing highly highly recommend! And any Hailey Piper book also
Very highly review recommend! About societal issues facing gay men in the 80‘s
#fiction #NetGalley #highlyrecommend
This just delivered on my kindle last night I‘m about 30% through and I already highly recommend 🙌
#horror #noir #serialkiller #Gods #monsters #highlyrecommend
About a woman living her life as a man across the Oregon Trail who marries a woman to make her persona more believable. Didn‘t think I would like this one, but I ended up really enjoying it!
#lesfic #lesbianfiction #historicalfiction
This is probably my favorite thriller series about a woman raised in Africa who eventually becomes an assassin hell bent on taking revenge on those who abused her. Check trigger warnings for this one but definitely give it a read!
#thriller #strongwoman #thrillerseries
This is definitely one of my top 10 reads this year! It was so weird and kooky, but at the same time was written beautifully. This had so many elements that I wouldn‘t have thought would go together, but were just made to mesh so well together it was slightly apocalyptic, that had a little bit of a classic movie monster feeling to it, but bringing it into a modern New York setting.
#horror #novella