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Surrender: 40 Songs, One Story | Bono
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Bonoartist, activist, and the lead singer of Irish rock band U2has written a memoir: honest and irreverent, intimate and profound, Surrender is the story of the remarkable life hes lived, the challenges hes faced, and the friends and family who have shaped and sustained him. When I started to write this book, I was hoping to draw in detail what Id previously only sketched in songs. The people, places, and possibilities in my life. Surrender is a word freighted with meaning for me. Growing up in Ireland in the seventies with my fists up (musically speaking), it was not a natural concept. A word I only circled until I gathered my thoughts for the book. I am still grappling with this most humbling of commands. In the band, in my marriage, in my faith, in my life as an activist. Surrender is the story of one pilgrims lack of progress ... With a fair amount of fun along the way. Bono As one of the music worlds most iconic artists and the cofounder of the organizations ONE and (RED), Bonos career has been written about extensively. But in Surrender, its Bono who picks up the pen, writing for the first time about his remarkable life and those he has shared it with. In his unique voice, Bono takes us from his early days growing up in Dublin, including the sudden loss of his mother when he was fourteen, to U2s unlikely journey to become one of the worlds most influential rock bands, to his more than twenty years of activism dedicated to the fight against AIDS and extreme poverty. Writing with candor, self-reflection, and humor, Bono opens the aperture on his lifeand the family, friends, and faith that have sustained, challenged, and shaped him. Surrenders subtitle, 40 Songs, One Story, is a nod to the books forty chapters, which are each named after a U2 song. Bono has also created forty original drawings for Surrender, which appear throughout the book.
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This book far exceeded my expectations. Bono is a multi-faceted, supremely talented, complicated man. Skillfully blending stories of his music with his activism and his personal life, it‘s a great read (and audiobook).

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( ( ( 😎 ) ) )

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⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 Parts of this were great, parts were a little navel gazey. Seems like a good guy. Married to his high school sweetheart, who he obviously cherishes, which I find very sweet. He narrates and intersperses with music, which is great, except I was listening to the narration at 1.5x, so it was a little distorted. A pick for anyone who thinks it might be interesting, but not a universal must read.

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“Edge is from the future, and he says it‘s better there.”

Bono long ago surrendered himself to working for a better future, whether it was his activism, his songwriting, or his embrace of technology in music, it‘s distribution, and it‘s presentation. This book discusses much of it. However, it‘s his faith in God, family and friendship that stuck out most to me. This is more than a memoir… it‘s a sacred text, essential to music history.

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I loved this book!! If you are a U2 fan, it would be hard not to love it! If you‘re not a U2 fan, I think you could enjoy it bc Bono is a great writer, but it is definitely for the long-time U2 lover!

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I really enjoyed listening to this! Bono performs his memoir, not just reads it, and there is music sprinkled in. (The audiobook is 100% the way to go). I‘m not a U2 super fan but I like them and am just the right age to have always had their music as part of my life. I went to one of their shows and it was a huge spectacle. This book reminded me of all the songs I loved and also about the work Bono has done as a humanitarian.

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Gray and yellow is apparently the official color scheme for memoirs and biographies.

Ruthiella Clearly! 😂 1y
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This was a powerful autobiography, an exploration of his life, his family, band of brothers, and the through line of music and religion that runs through his life. I loved the insights into the inspiration and process of their music, his humanitarian work, and his decades long relationship with his wife. Really wonderful!Great on #audio read by the author. #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
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I thoroughly enjoyed a peek into Bono‘s world. From his family to the band, his activism, highs and lows and of course, the music ❤️
Bono narrates the audio and added music and other sound effects. It‘s long, but well worth the listen if you‘re a U2 fan.
#Pop23 ~ a celebrity memoir

BarbaraBB It is actually weird to see him without sunglasses while he‘s never without them in real life! 2y
squirrelbrain I wish this wasn‘t quite so long, I think I‘d be more interested in reading it if it was a bit shorter… 2y
Cortg @BarbaraBB right? And his style of choice ☺️ 2y
Cortg @squirrelbrain I hear ya! 2y
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#currentlisten Reliving my childhood and loving every minute!

Cinfhen TRUTH 2y
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Bono's voice is always with me, even if I'm not always with him. His memoir took me not only through his life, but through my memories of my life with his performances.


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'[Desmond Tutu] talked about the philosophy behind truth and reconciliation-- his deep belief that they have to happen in that order, that we need to see ourselves before we can be redeemed. Only after the truth has its way can a clenched fist become an open hand.'

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'It was part reverie and part revelry, part rosary and part rosé. The day I fell asleep in the Chapelle du Rosaire de Vence, the mesmerizing little church designed and constructed by Henri Matisse just after World War II. Was it an excess of humidity or a lack of humility?'

I love his wordplay.

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'Over time Mr. [Gavin] Friday has found a role as a kind of midwife to our albums, arriving late, when everyone knows everyone else's opinion on everything and can't stand the sight of each other. Gavin will walk into the room with fresh ears and a pair of forceps.'

I love 'Mr. Friday'

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'"There is no more sombre enemy of good art than the pram in the hall," is how the English critic Cyril Connolly summed it up. Unless, that is, you want to write about the contradictions of your new life.... The tearing. The tension. This fear of either losing creativity or mistreating creation. There's nothing any man can make--can imagine, write, draw, or sing into being--that is as beautiful as that child in that pram.'

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'[U2]'s deep hope is that Ireland will, by peaceful and democratic means, one day become a united Ireland again.'

This powerful statement hit like a thunderbolt. I've been a fan of the band for 25 years and have read countless books, profiles, etc, and never knew where the band members stood on reunification.

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'“So you're not a Christian band then?“ such people would ask Adam.

“I'm in a band with Bono,“ he'd laugh. “For that alone I deserve an access-all-areas pass through the pearly gates.“'

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'Ten, nine, eight, seven has nothing on a punk rock singer yelling ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR.'

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'It was almost as messy, but for me [writing original songs with early U2] was just like being born. Punk rock slapped me on my naked arse and I just started wailing.'

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Come on, did you honestly think we‘d escape a memoir? If you‘re looking for a well-crafted musical memoir in the spirit of Patti Smith‘s Just Kids, this ain‘t it. Granted, there are plenty of anecdotal Bono bonbons/brushes with greatness (Johnny Cash! Pavarotti! Gorbachev!) but the name-dropping eventually lost steam, much the same way that U2‘s late-career output has left me wanting. I longed for more stories from the early years.

SamAnne Good review. I read his interview in the NYT Book Review and said hard pass. Arrogant and pedaling hard to be perceived as the most erudite intellectual. No humility. 🙄🙄 (edited) 2y
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This makes my Gen-X heart so happy! I highly recommend the audio of this as Bono weaves his personal story of faith, love, and reconciliation through 40 of U2‘s classic songs. With snippets of original recordings, this is my favorite audiobook of the year (just under the wire)!

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I‘m so glad @Cinfhen ‘s review encouraged me to read this, as it is certainly the best celebrity memoir I‘ve ever read. Too many of them are either overly curated or a bit shallow, but this one is deep, meaty, and immersive. Bono comes across as a deeply thoughtful man. Audio is for sure the way to go.

Cinfhen I‘m so glad you enjoyed this one. It‘s completely immersive on audio♥️🎶Have you tried this musical memoir- it‘s one of my favorites- also fantastic on audio 2y
Hooked_on_books @Cinfhen I haven‘t tried that one. I have a positive impression of Dave Grohl but wouldn‘t call myself a fan. U2, on the other hand, I adore. I just love their sound. 2y
Cinfhen I‘m not a Grohl or Foo Fighters super fan either, but after listening to the memoir I became smitten with Dave Grohl. I‘d say if you can borrow the audio, give it a chance. 2y
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Soubhiville I second the vote for The Storyteller! I don‘t care for the Foo Fighters, but I loved Nirvana. But after listening to his audiobook I‘m a fan of Grohl. He came off as a genuinely good guy, which I think the music industry makes difficult. (I‘m looking forward to reading Bono‘s memoir in the new year!) 2y
Megabooks I third storyteller and I‘m not a big Grohl fan either. This memoir is on my list. Glad you loved it! 2y
MaureenMc I‘m listening to this one now. (I lucked out with a Libby “skip the line” loan.) Loving it so far! 2y
Hooked_on_books @Cinfhen @Soubhiville @Megabooks Ok, ladies! When I have an audiobook lull (I have tons of holds still coming in), I‘ll give Mr Grohl a try. 2y
Kristin_Reads This is my new favorite. The best! 2y
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The library has a way of derailing the best laid plans. I did finish A Christmas Carol (the 1st of the 5 stories in my print edition), and I‘ll finish the audiobook I started this morning, but everything else is getting shoved aside for this audiobook memoir and an ebook for #readingtheamericas2023 #dominicanrepublic that caught my eye. I mean, when the library gets a book you asked for, you kinda have to read it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ #weeklyforecast(revised)

Librarybelle Sounds like a good strategy! 😂 2y
Cinfhen Woohoo! I recently listened to the tagged audio!!! It was GREAT 😊 ENJOY 2y
EclecticBookLover It is so worth ditching everything to listen to surrender. It's an absolutely beautiful book. 2y
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BarbaraBB I read your DR book and am going to read another Vargas Llosa for Peru. 2y
DGRachel @BarbaraBB I found his books for 3 countries and this was the only one in my library‘s catalog, so I thought I‘d start here. Of course, I placed the digital hold only to get a message saying the library‘s license expired and my hold would only be filled if the library bought a new copy. Since there was interest, they did! 💖 2y
BarbaraBB I hope you‘ll like him, I didn‘t enjoy all of the books I read but I am willing to try again 🤞🏽 2y
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Poetic. Reflective. Inspiring. Superb.

Kristin_Reads The best! 2y
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Its 20 hour length nearly steered me away from this audiobook but while it is a bit overly long it is also really engaging. Bono is a magnetic storyteller and he displays that brilliantly here. There is nothing really revelatory and I did find myself wishing for a memoir from Larry Mullen. I would love his perspective on decades with U2 and Bono.

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I won‘t lie…this memoir is long & Bono gets a twee too “preachy” at times, but then Bono has been putting out music & working as a social activist for decades!!!!! If you‘re a U2 fan this is a MUST LISTEN but even for those who just enjoy memoirs, music, reflections, poetry, and hearing the thoughts of a global citizen, then you will 💯 appreciate the lyrics and stories shared by Bono. 👇🏼

Cinfhen 🚨🚨🚨🚨Go audio, it‘s an immersive experience🎧♥️
(edited) 2y
TrishB 👍🏻 I think hubby will be happy. 2y
peaKnit I love music memoirs. 2y
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Megabooks Omg girl, apparently Bono stopped by Parnassus yesterday and they‘ve already sold out of their signed copies! #NotSurprised! 2y
KarenUK We got 3 signed copies, but sold out in minutes…. Staff weren‘t allowed to buy on first day 🙁 @megabooks @cinfhen 2y
Cinfhen That‘s pretty cool @Megabooks @KarenUK im just imaging Bono walking into a bookstore like any regular customer 😍 2y
Cinfhen He‘s a bit sanctimonious but not in a derogatory way @TrishB @peaknit and that‘s the only reason why I lowered my star rating from 5 to 4 stars- he just went on & on &on about his activism🥹 2y
TrishB I‘ll be interested to see what hubby thinks- but we‘ll have to wait until after Christmas 😁 2y
Cinfhen Boo!!! That‘s a long wait for me to hear his thoughts but it‘s SUCH a GREAT gift 🎁 2y
TrishB The in person event is next Saturday and he‘s very excited! I‘ll let you know. 2y
Cinfhen Yay!!! Can‘t wait to hear all about it @TrishB 2y
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Day 4 of Cindy & Bono ♥️🎧🎊🙌🏻 I won‘t lie, this memoir is LOOOOOOONG but I‘m still enjoying ☺️🎶 {{Hopefully I‘ll have new flowers when I post my review 😉}}

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Swooning!!! Loving this memoir 🥰Audio is a MUST!! If your an #80sGirl or guy this is a trip down memory lane!! Bonus if you‘re participating in #ReadingAmericas23 this could count towards #Jamaica BTW: War is STILL one of my all time favorite albums 🙌🏻

BarbaraBB Mine too. Great suggestion! Maybe I do have my alternative for Jamaica @Megabooks 😀. Does he read it himself? 2y
BarbaraBB I already see he does 😂 2y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB 👍🏻👍🏻 I initially passed on this at the library due to length, but I may come back to it. 2y
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TrishB October is hubby‘s fave, I think he has about 15 vinyl versions. 2y
Cinfhen He also goes to #ElSalvador @BarbaraBB and #Ethiopia - he reads and sings 🙌🏻❣️and he gives the “story” behind some of the bands most iconic songs, which makes every song now more meaningful @Megabooks - I think you‘d both LOVE the audio. Bono is poetic, a real humanitarian 2y
Cinfhen I think I love Joshua Tree second most @TrishB but I get the sense that Bono is most connected to October 2y
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen @TrishB October is one of my faves too, along with Boy and Under a Blood Red Sky. Along the way I liked them less 2y
Hooked_on_books I‘m an Achtung, Baby gal myself. You may have convinced me to listen to this one. I do love the man. 2y
Cinfhen I promise you‘ll probably love him more @Hooked_on_books !!! Like @BarbaraBB I like their earlier stuff but im still a fan of the man, the band and the music 🎶♥️😊 2y
TrishB Hubby followed them round in their very early days and has slept on their hotel room floors way before they were famous. Despite some of the bad press (mainly Bono) gets he still loves them dearly for the early days. I know he is really looking forward to listening to him in a couple of weeks. 2y
Cinfhen VERY COOL!!! I have a feeling #MrB is gonna love this memoir @TrishB (edited) 2y
Kangaj1 I got hubby the print version and he bought himself the audio. He is loving this book, so I may have to read it too. 2y
Cinfhen It‘s an investment of time @Kangaj1 but well worth it 💗 2y
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Enjoying an afternoon tea and listening to Bono sing and reminisce about growing up in Ireland. Audio is FABULOUS with a total immersive experience. @TrishB he just sang a few bars of Cars #Numan 🙌🏻I can‘t believe im the first to post about this audiobook 🫶🏼

peaKnit Oh I love that song! I‘m not a U2 fan (yet) but this sounds wonderful. 2y
TrishB Oh cool 😁 apparently he does 11 songs when hubby goes to see him as well as talking about the book. 2y
Cinfhen I‘m SOOOOOO jealous @TrishB Are u going to??? It‘s going to be such an incredible night! Best best gift ever 💝💖💝 2y
Cinfhen I‘m super fan-girling @peaknit I don‘t think you need to love U2 to love this audio but as a fan it‘s beyond amazing @Megabooks 2y
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