Stayed home from work today with a bit of a stomach bug, not to mention a bit of an ice storm her in NW Missouri. Great time to enjoy the tea I received in the #muglove exchange and dive into a new book.
Stayed home from work today with a bit of a stomach bug, not to mention a bit of an ice storm her in NW Missouri. Great time to enjoy the tea I received in the #muglove exchange and dive into a new book.
Finished The Woman in the Window. 👍🏻👍🏻. Now on to a little Jojo Moyes with some Danica Patrick sprinkled in.
Sunday morning book and coffee in my new cup that I absolutely love!! #muglove #ilovesundays #pajamasallday
These songs did not blubber. They calmly asserted that life was tragic, but at least there was wine in it. I love that. But would add coffee and books.
Worst picture ever but I really wanted to keep that quote as it referenced knitting, my second love. Anyway this book was amazing. There‘s so much I want to say about it. But I‘ll leave it at this. Just read it. 😆. Happy New Year reading friends! Can‘t wait to see what 2018 brings. 🎉🎉
So. Many. Emotions. I can‘t stop reading but I don‘t want to finish. Goodness!
What to read next... I‘m leaning toward A Little Life. Love my Christmas gifts from my Litsy pen pal @Rachael_reads 💗💗💗
Lots of books to read but Buddy wants to snuggle. That rarely happens so I guess I‘ll enjoy it while I can then get back to my book!
3 more days of work then I‘m off for 10 glorious days of reading!!
Remember who you are. Remember what matters. Stay true to your ideals. Be courageous. This book is inspiring me and breaking my heart all at once. To my bookmark exchange partners and pen pal...my packages will go in the mail tomorrow! I haven‘t forgotten you all!! 💗💗
Probably not the book I should be reading the week that my cousin is having surgery for due to a brain tumor....
A little easy reading tonight. Resting up for a full day of shopping for yarn and books tomorrow. 🤓🤓
Finally finished this and I‘m glad I did! I had a lot of trouble getting into this one, so much so that I put it down for awhile and read a different book. Picked it back up this weekend and really enjoyed it. There was definitely a whoa I didn‘t see that happening moment. Stick with it, it‘s a good one.
Pretty sure this book is going to rip my heart out and stomp on it. 💗
When your watch tells you it's time to stand up and move. 😳 I can't...I'm reading!
I'm off work for the next 10 days! I'm ready to do nothing but read!
Happy Sunday everyone! Planning on finishing this one today. I hurried up and got almost everything around the house done yesterday so today could be full of cooking and reading. 💗
Sunday morning with coffee and Evelyn. 😊 I just bought a French press. Why is coffee so much better when it's made in a press? Or maybe it's the cup. 😆
I miss my dad. I miss him all the time. That is the truth!
My Friday night. At home with Buddy and Rich People Problems. 💗
I can't decide which one to start.
Kicked back waiting on my mom to have her pacemaker replaced. Enjoying this book so far. The way today is going I'll finish it. 😐
Having a nice relaxing Easter with my mom. And of course a good book.
Coffee ✔️ Book ✔️ Blanket ✔️ I'm ready to spend the afternoon with Stephanie Plum. I'm ready for a good easy read! Happy Friday!
Just started this today and I already love it!
Off work all week with nothing to do but read...well almost nothing.
This book ripped my heart out. So many things paralleled my own life. But I loved it. Read it in one day.