A winner, he's been flipping through it saying CHOO CHOOOOO for about an hour.
A winner, he's been flipping through it saying CHOO CHOOOOO for about an hour.
Super weird book. The 5 year old thought it was "super fantastic" though.
yay #litsyforandroid I can finally post on the train!
I'm on chapter 3 of this book and have no idea what it's about, I didn't even read the back of the book. its my favorite way to read, no expectations.
I love being the first to post about a book. I got Red Rising from the library, but @MAESTROvonBOOKSTEIN pilfered it from me so I picked this off my bookshelf at random. It's already annoying me by doing the whole "I work at a school called The School" thing a la Nanny Diaries.
I'm on page 70, about to quit this. Any reason I should stick it out? Does it get better? ::yawn::
My very favorite book has been made into a movie and I'M INVITED TO THE SCREENING!
I received this postcard from the Czech Republic yesterday. I think it's my first literary postcard. #nerdalert
Whenever I'm tempted to sign up for a book subscription box, I instead send @MAESTROvonBOOKSTEIN to the library to get me a surprise book. This was today's surprise.
Can't believe I never knew this existed! At least I was still able to download it, unlike The Diary of Darcy J. Rhone, which is nowhere to be found :(
I'm a crybaby so I was surprised I made it through without crying. And then I read the epilogue...😭
The first book I've picked up because of Litsy! I was litfluenced, ran to the library right away, 3 minutes before they closed.
The first book Rylie ever read to baby Jamie 😍
Halloween Book Club tonight at my place
At the library trying to fit in a Halloween book before the holiday.
I was wait listed at the library for months, finally got it in and they only gave me 7 days to read it. Wish me luck. Come Wednesday, I might run out of time and have to add it to my Did Not Finish stack if such a thing exists.