August BOTM and a furry friend. My god, this book is good. I'm 90 pages in and it's been two hours
August BOTM and a furry friend. My god, this book is good. I'm 90 pages in and it's been two hours
Idk what's wrong with me but I just could not get into this one. Maybe the epistolary segments bothered me but I just was not a fan of the story. Am I the only one?
Annnnnd American Gods is back on my "I'll finish this later" pile bc I got this from the library AND it fits in a square on my BOTNS bingo card ☺️?
Returning back to this one and attempting to finish it this week. Anyone else have trouble with this? I get so lost in all the kooky elements.
Pretentious vocabulary and major, major first-world problems. Disappointing. Some clever plot elements, I'll admit, but overall? Pretty meh. Wouldn't recommend. Sad cause this came so highly applauded by BOTM. 😣
Only finishing this book because it's due tomorrow and I've already forced myself through 240 pages. Not worth it. Characters have pathetic problems and frankly, I don't care all that much. 😒
Next read. Not sure where it falls on my BOTNS bingo card, but it's been on my TBR for awhile and I couldn't resist taking it home from the library.. 🐣
Done! Ugh such love for this story. Beautiful sense of place, characters that had me laughing out loud at certain points and cringing at the similar mistakes we've made. I'm so happy too cause tomorrow the July picks for Book of the Month come out! 😍😊🤗
"He wanted to let go of his body, to let go of his mind. He'd tried talk therapy, but it wasn't for him. You couldn't change anything by sitting in a room with a stranger and telling him your side of the story."
"These were cultural artifacts. Like dinosaur bones, they were proof of previous life.."
Emma Straub, I love your prose. I've haven't read words so similar to my own internal thoughts in quite some time.
Just started my Book of the Month selection for June and loving it already!! (Also, in other good news, my spider plant's finally gonna have babies 😂☺️)
First book done! Any suggestions for reads within the other categories are welcome!☺️🤔📚
All the feels. Ending wasn't my favorite, but I think that's just how life goes. Sigh. I love you, Park.
"Eleanor, how many time do I have to tell you," he said, through his teeth, "that I don't like you...."
Ugh! My heart is yours, Park. ❤️
New Eames chair came in the mail today 😍😍 (don't worry though guys it's a knockoff) and its such a cozy spot to dig into American Gods. Which is so crazy, by the way.
"Then he walked over to the ATM machine..." Ugh, Neil! ? "ATM machine" is one of my least favorite grammatical technicalities but I guess I'm a bit strange when it comes to redundancy.. ??
Reading nook shelf. Doerr's greatest hit is still on my TBR (as are 90% of the other books in this stack 😅).
Today's at-work sneaky reading 🤓
Neil Gaiman's foreword alone is enough for me. 😍 One of my two most favorite authors ever.
Annnnd because I can't stay away from fiction (and because I can only handle so much folding), I'm diving into American Gods. 😏🙄
Wha.. How.. Ugh. I dislike using "Like" to explain how I feel right now, but I want others to experience all Hanya Yanagihara has to teach a reader with this novel. I didn't know my heart could shatter into so many pieces; I didn't know I could be so angry at an author and love her at the same time.
Ahhh Goodreads coming in clutch with the e-reader deals. This has been on my TBR for weeks and I'm sooo excited to slip my kindle in my purse and accidentally bring it with me to work... 😏😄
Oh, Baby Kitty. I know. I feel it too 💓
Kitten naps and afternoon reading. (My apologies for all the Little Life posts — I just can't seem to put this one down)
Sunny backyard reading. Still chugging along with A Little Life, and no, I haven't cried yet.
"There were times when the pressure to achieve happiness felt almost oppressive, as if happiness were something that everyone should and could attain, and that any sort of compromise in its pursuit was somehow your fault."
Shhhh... Don't tell my boss I'm reading between taking orders and serving food 🙊🙈
"Here, however, you made art because it was the only thing you'd ever been good at, the only thing, really, you thought about between shorter bursts of think about the things everyone thought about: sex and food and sleep and friends and money and fame."
Well, it's happening.. I'm starting A Little Life. 🐱
Mom had another B&N coupon and you all know what that means... 😝😏
"I raised the pistol very carefully in both hands.
For a moment I thought about the inner caves of my body, the living machines that run on and on in the endless dark.
I was going to shoot him, but they shot me first."
Rooftop reading this afternoon ?
Honestly the KonMari method isn't very fun. I'm making a mess of my clothes and talking to my socks and why did I do this again? 😂😅🙃 Someone please tell me it gets better..
Boyfriend wanted to go fishing so I thought I'd come along and sit next to the creek and dig into this King/Bachman collection. I always wanted to read Rage, especially since I love Stephen King and out-of-print books in general. So far so good. Has anyone else read it?
I've heard great things and I guess the hype was too much. Very slow start. Great characters and story elements, but it didn't grab me the way some people felt. If you're looking for depth though, this is it.
"We came because of the songs," Jimmy insisted stubbornly. "We came to find out about the Singers."
Love when I come home for the weekend and mom has Barnes & Noble coupons. Been dying to get my hands on these books after hearing the Books on the Nightstand podcast continually recommend them 💕📚 Can't wait to dig into A Little Life after I finish reading about the KonMari method 🤓
I picked this book up bc I had a target gift card & I have an affinity for thrillers. I thought the writing was decent and the story was interesting, but the author throws in a plot twist in the epilogue, which I thought was weak. I'll be dropping this book off at my little free library today!
Baby kitty (that's actually his name) sitting with my loaned copy of The Sparrow. I've been trying to finish this book for almost 2 months and I'm finally about halfway. What did everyone else think of it? I find it so hard to get into but I've only heard incredible reviews..