I don't have much time for reading lately, but I really really want to finish Atlas Shrugged in July. It's just so long! 😭🤞🏻
I don't have much time for reading lately, but I really really want to finish Atlas Shrugged in July. It's just so long! 😭🤞🏻
HELP! I have a TBR list a mile long, BUT do I need to read this, or can I just start watching the series? Is it worth it to bump my TBR list down a notch?
Just finished, and, excuse me, but, what the actual f$@k with that ending?! 😟😭
It was my mission to not buy any books this year because I already have so many waiting to be read on my shelves... I lasted til May. 🤦🤷😍
Meh. The story was entertaining, but there were few surprises; I anticipated most of the major events and twists. I writing was okay. The characters were not as well developed as I would have liked. It was an easy read though, and I got through it quickly once I was dedicated to finishing it.
Y'all- I can't even. This book is EPIC. I'm so in love. The sheer amount of creativity and work that had to go into this is mind-blowing. The complexity of the story, the uniqueness of the prose... I can't even. It's in my top two. It has to become a classic; it has to. And if you don't feel the same way, I care not a tad; I'm in love. I'm so glad to have the mystery resolved and so sad that it is over. I hope he writes a dozen more.
OMG this book was SO good! I know everyone is raving about it right now, but that's with good reason! The story is very creative and the writing is very powerful! I'm so in love. I could have done with a more definitive ending, but I really knew all along I wasn't going to get one. I wish it wasn't over!
Loved this book so much! It was quite different from what I thought it would be based on the write up, but it was wonderful! So creative and a great writing style! Winston got to be in the photo because he's black and white (a major theme in the book). #catsoflitsy
This wasn't quite what I expected, but it was good nonetheless. I thought the reading level would be a bit higher just based on the subject, I suppose. I'll definitely continue reading the series. It's very interesting to read the story from her perspective and get a better account than TV dramas afford!
Took a break from my longer book to read Sky in the Deep. I really, really liked it! The characters were so well developed for a shorter novel, and I found myself wishing it was just the first in a series! The progression of the story was somewhat predictable, but it was well written for sure, and you can feel the emotion radiating from the characters. A solid read for a lazy afternoon!
I fought and fought to get through this book just so I could say that I did. I've been working up the courage to post this because I know so many people loved this book. I didn't get it. It wasn't epic; it wasn't profound; it wasn't anything I didn't already know. I did find it pretentious and was highly irritated that large parts of the story ended up being moot in the end. 🤷 Sorry; I don't get it. Mustering the will to try Atlas Shrugged.
Wow!! I was 70% through the book and thinking it was good enough, not epic, but quickly found I was wrong when I discovered that it is, in fact, a true story! Originally I chose it for a quick, feel-good read, but it was crazy interesting too! Did you know German U Boats sunk hundreds of ships in the Gulf of Mexico - the crew even coming ashore in the US occasionally?! They kind of leave that out of school teachings. It takes 4 hours; read it!
Downloaded this little gem yesterday morning for $1.99! It was a quick read, original, and highly entertaining! I really enjoyed this story. A writer travels to Guernsey to meet some friends and learn about their lives & loss during the German occupation. The characters are each unique & wonderful! I saw that it was about to be a movie on Netflix. I can tell from the preview that they took some license with it, but it looks good nonetheless.
FINALLY FINISHED! I don't even want to admit how long it took me. I'm not a good enough reader to give it the concentration it requires with any distractions around. There's so many characters and plot lines and the time line twists and turns. The humor was right up my alley. The humor... in a war book, so you can see that it's messed up. I haven't read everything, but I can pretty much guarantee that there's not another book like it.
When you have a rebate card about to expire, what are you to do but blow it all on books? Seems like the adult thing to do...
Which should I read first?
This was a great read! It took a little while for it to absolutely suck me in, but it did. This one, in my opinion, showed much more writing talent from Margaret Atwood than The Handmaid's Tale. I was very impressed at her combination of fact and fiction as well as prose, poetry, and letters to develop the story. Would definitely recommend! Now I can watch the Netflix series!
I was correct; this is a really good book. The 1900s Canadian North is a sharp contrast to our world today, so the book isn't for the faint at heart; there's lots of wilderness and heartbreak. The mixture of the ways of life and ways of thinking of the natives, transplants, and their combination in future generations is interesting and entertaining. This book definitely reminds you of what is important and what is not. I absolutely recommend!
I got to 45% on my Kindle and bailed. I'm devastated at how much I don't like this book. I was so prepared to be enraptured by this series. This is mediocre middle school fiction. The characters are weak and under developed. The story doesn't seem to flow all that well. There's extreme detail in some places and lack thereof in others. I was expecting something more the caliber of Wicked (based on the musical), and this is definitely not that.
When your hubby is just the best and gets you geeky book gear!
So excited to start my next book while I'm waiting for my lunch date to get to the restaurant! Looks like a fun & quick read!
Finished. My reading progress was slow this week due to what I consider an excessive amount of required adulting. I worked hard today to get it finished, and my reward will be settling in for the latest J Law movie with the hubby and a glass of wine. (Wine glass courtesy of my mom 😂)
Getting started on my next read. Prime recently alerted me that the movie was available to rent, so I had to get the book started ASAP. I know it's the movie tie-in cover- please forgive me, but it's Jennifer Lawrence, enough said. Quite a deviation from the YA phase I've been in, but so far so good as long as I can keep all the Russian names straight. I remember a similar predicament with Crime and Punishment. 🤔
@FeastOfFiction My read bookshelf (top), purposefully made random, and my TBR shelf organized by color. It makes no sense, I know. 🤷🏻♀️ I will disclaim that my top shelf is not looking too impressive because I generally force any book I've just finished into someone else's hands whether they want to read it or not. 😂
Just finished "Speak" which has been on my tbr list for ages. A good and easy read about a young girl who was raped at a party the summer before her freshman year of high school and then ostracized for ruining the party. She must slowly find her identity outside of the incident and outside of her old circle of friends. Her narrative is dripping with dry comedy and sarcasm which made me really really love her.
I feel like this is such a powerful book. You, as the spectator, know that the main character is suffering from a mental disorder, but you see things from her point of view. As you read it, it sounds logical, it doesn't sound "crazy". I had to be careful to only read so much in a day or it would put me in a very depressed mood. I think it's a good read for both those who do and don't understand depression.
Aaaand finished. If only I hadn't waited until this afternoon to order the sequel. 😔 This was a creative and diverting read; would recommend to anyone who is looking for something captivating and easy to read. Triplet sisters are also queens, each with a fantastical gift, who will vie to the death to win the crown for themselves and their factions.
I'm officially a person who gets up extra early to have time to read before work. Today's addiction: Three Dark Crowns. I've just started it, but I already know it will consume all of my spare time until it is finished. It's very creative and easy to read so far.