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Darling Girls
Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
Get ready for another twisty domestic thriller from the New York Times bestselling author of THE SOULMATE. From the outside, Alicia, Jessica and Norah might seem like ordinary women you'd meet on the street any day of the week. Sure, Jessica has a little OCD and Norah has some anger issues. And Alicia has low self-esteem that manifests itself in surprising ways. But these three have a bond that no one can fully understand. It's a bond that takes them back decades, to when they were girls, and they lived on a farm with a foster mother named Miss Fairchild. Miss Fairchild had rules. Miss Fairchild could be unpredictable. And Miss Fairchild was never, ever to be crossed. In a moment of desperation, the three broke away from Miss Fairchild, and they thought they were free. But the reach of someone with such power is long, and even though they never saw her again, she was always somewhere in the shadows of their minds. When bones are discovered buried under the farmhouse of their childhood, they are called in by the police to tell what they know. Against their will, they are brought back to the past, and to Miss Fairchild herself. DARLING GIRLS asks the questions: what are we capable of when in a desperate place? How much can we hide the demons inside us? And can the past ever truly be buried?
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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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The Housemaid is Watching was a quick read for me! Next up on the TBR is Darling Girls. I‘ve been waiting for this one. 🤞🏻❤️

Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3.5/5)

“Darling Girls” was a creepy but intriguing read that made me suspicious of all the characters until the very end. I kind of suspected ‘who did it‘ early on into the book, however the plot twists made it less obvious. Overall this is a solid read, however the very last chapter wasn‘t entirely necessary and it was a weird way to end the book.

Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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This book surprise me. You won‘t see the ending coming. 😮

Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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This was a doozy of a mystery about found family, child abuse and secrets. I could not stop listening, though I would not really recommend the audiobook as it was difficult to differentiate the POV at times, the book was a gripping fast paced thriller. 5⭐️

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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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This is not my usual 5 star read. I always try to mix up my reading with some mystery/psychological thrillers so I don't get burned out with the rom coms and fantasy/magic reads. This was so hard to put down. It hooked me from the beginning with the stories behind 3 young girls under the care of their deranged foster mother. The ending, more specifically, the last chapter - was absolutely great. Recommend! Bonus is that it's in Kindle Unlimited.

tpixie Stacked! 1mo
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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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#17 of 2024! #BOTM April 2024
Started: 6/2/24
Finished: 6/9/24
8 Days

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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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Too much work means I‘m too tired to read much. I am reading some great books but they‘re all rather concentrate-y and lack of brain-space means I‘m flicking through magazines or vacantly watching TV.

This, however, grabbed me from the start and I flew through it. It‘s certainly not a ‘fluffy‘ read though, covering 3 sisters who endured an abusive foster home and now, many years later, hear that a body had been found at the house.

LeahBergen This sounds like some good camping reading. Stacked! 2mo
Cathythoughts That‘s great you found a book to read ❤️ 2mo
CatLass007 I‘m glad you‘re enjoying it. When I have a tough time concentrating, I change the medium. Do you listen to audiobooks? 2mo
See All 6 Comments
sarahbarnes This sounds very intriguing! 2mo
BarbaraBB Glad this worked for you in busy times. 2mo
squirrelbrain @CatLass007 - I do listen to audiobooks, when I‘m driving to and from work 2mo
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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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Dark, tragic, & suspenseful, this is my favorite Hepworth yet. I wouldn‘t say I was particularly shocked by any of the twists, but I loved the intricacies of each plot line & how well-thought out it was. I felt the back & forth between past & present & the multiple point of views played perfectly in telling the story of Jessica, Norah, & Alicia. The characters are complex & multi-dimensional &made this more than just your typical mystery/thriller.

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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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Masterfully written story with compelling plot and stunning twists and turns. Plenty of sorrowful topics, but the book is great.

LiteraryinLawrence What a cool cover! I read this and liked it but it had a much more traditional cover. 2mo
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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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This was a great thriller, kept me guessing and great twist at the end! I appreciated how well the three sisters loved each other, even while they were all dealing with difficult issues stemming from their painful childhoods and their shared history with the same abusive foster parent. #BOTM #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3mo
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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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This was my first Sally Hepworth book and it did not disappoint. I went back and re read some sections to make sure I understood what was happening and who was who. That last chapter really seals the deal!

Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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Finished this on Monday! Another 5 star read from Sally Hepworth! If you love domestic suspense then this is for you! You really get to know the main characters of Jessica, Norah, and Alicia & how the abuse they endured as children in foster care (in Australia) shaped who they are but there‘s always the ability to change. Great twists & a quick read! I‘m going to go back and read her previous books (at some point!)

Sace I skipped this BOTM last month, but I may have to make it an add on for June. Sounds good. 3mo
MyNamesParadise @Sace well I know I definitely enjoyed it! I flew through it! I hope you like it when you get it!! 3mo
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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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Another month of only thrillers & horror. Is it a rut if I love it there?? Still reading and loving Vengeful, but it's a slow go. Hopefully it'll make into my May Wrap Up 😅

Darling Girls ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Curse of the Reaper ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
Secluded Cabin Sleeps Six ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Don't You Cry ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Island ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5

Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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Ohhhh, I‘ve never stacked my unreliable narrator stories up against each other, but this is a good one! I feel like I just can‘t say anything else less I give away any of the mystery.

DestinyMorna I have the same problem when writing my reviews. I don‘t want to give away too much! 3mo
marleed @DestinyMorna Especially on a new release when a reader may want to go into it sans references! 3mo
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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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I really loved this book. I have been a fan of Hepworth for a while now, but it's so obvious from this novel that her writing has developed to a whole new dimension. The characters were loveable and relatable. I loved Norah, Alicia, and Jessica each for different reasons. I also loved to hate Mrs. Fairchild. The book is fast paced and keeps you engaged by switching back and forth in perspectives and the evening is PERFECT. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

jlhammar I really enjoyed this one. It was my first Hepworth. Which of her books would you recommend I try next? 3mo
Margot0817 On page 119 now!! 3mo
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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth

I really liked each character separately and enjoyed seeing their individual journeys. Together, their bond is impressive, heartwarming, and endearing. There were a few twists and turns that wound up tightly at the end and explained a few things, but the open ending makes me nervous and uncomfortable at numerous possibilities for this genre. Convinced Sally is trying to give us panic attacks.

Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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If this isn‘t in your TBR, it NEEDS to be.

Ms. Hepworth‘s best yet!!

Surprise after surprise - twist after twist - with the ending one being the best. 5/5

FULL REVIEW: https://tinyurl.com/bdepjvtm


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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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Looking for a tense domestic mystery/thriller? Australian Sally Hepworth‘s latest might be just the ticket. Read my full review here: https://debbybrauer.org/#darling-girls

Publication is expected April 23.

#NetGalley #MacmillanAudio #DarlingGirls

Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth

This book is about three foster girls, Jessica, Norah, and Alicia who are all raised by the same foster mother, Holly Fairchild, and that foster mom is cruel and punishes them. The girls form a bond and refer to themselves as “sisters.”

Many years later, a detective calls them to tell the girls that bones have been found underneath the house they were raised in. They come back to be questioned by the police. Read the book to find out more.

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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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I always assumed Sally Hepworth wasn‘t an author for me (based on the covers, I guess?), but I actually really enjoyed this. Now I‘ll have to give her backlist a try. #BOTM

BarbaraBB I have preordered this one, I was so intrigued by the blurb! It will be published in Europe next month! 3mo
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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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DNF. This is NOT a review per se other than to say after 47% in, this book was not holding my attention and felt way too slow. I found myself putting it down way too often for another book (and I‘m a one-book-at-a-time person). Goodreads has it at a 4.2 so l guess I‘m in the #unpopularopinion boat.
I‘m sure that it picked up at 48% 😂😂, but I gave up.

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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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Blue box delivery day! #BOTM

AmyG I am waiting for someone to tell us how wonderful the Towles book is. 🤞🏻 4mo
Lesliereadsalot Me too. Really looking forward to it! 4mo
Chelsea.Poole Curious about Husbands! 4mo
Cathythoughts These three look enticing 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4mo
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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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🌿 the way this month is shaping up, I'll be excited to read, period lol, but I'm enjoying my medieval England trip with Elizabeth Chadwick's Outlaw Knight, currently.
🌿🌿 Technically, my BOTM pick is an early release (tagged).
#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView
@Kaylaapps play~tag~share

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! Happy Tuesday 4mo
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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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WOW... Just WOW! This is Ms Hepworth's best book yet and she writes wonderful books. This one will blow your mind. A MUST READ for thriller lovers.

We start out in a Psychiatrist's office. Someone is telling him about things that happened in their life. Throughout this story you hear more and more about this sad life. About the abuse she endured. About the horrendous things that were done to her.

Full review: https://tinyurl.com/2s44vda8

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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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If this isn‘t in your TBR, it NEEDS to be.

Ms. Hepworth‘s best yet!!

Surprise after surprise - twist after twist - with the ending one being the best.

You won‘t want to put the book down even though the chapters about their time in foster care are unsettling and upsetting.

Thank you to the publisher for a copy of this book. All opinions are my own.


JessieKB I can‘t wait!!! Have it on order🎉 4mo
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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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I may have gone a little overboard with my Book of the Month choices for April! I got five! Yikes! 😱 In my defense though, April is my birthday month so one of them was free! 🤭💕📚 What did everyone else pick this month? #botm

Kitta I think I got one you didn‘t! I went for the historical fiction. 4mo
Avanders Also my bday month! Happy bday month! 🥳🥳 4mo
Branwen @Kitta Oooooh nice! 🥰 @Avanders Yay! Happy birthday month! 🥳🎉 4mo
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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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Sooo excited for my April #botm box! 😁

TheSpineView Looks good! 4mo
marleed There were so n my any hood choices this month! 4mo
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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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I‘m excited for my April #botm box! I got the new Sally Hepworth (I always really like her books) and added Familia with my birthday month credit! Now I just need to prioritize reading a bit more on a daily basis. 💗

Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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Just one this month for #BOTM, but an author I've enjoyed in the past. What did you pick? 📚


Amor4Libros Great choice, this one is so good! 😊 4mo
Traci1 I picked The Husbands and added on The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo. I haven't been thrilled with choices lately but this month had several good ones. 4mo
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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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I flew through this one! So good! As are all Sally Hepworth‘s books. The story is of three women who met in an awful foster care situation but who have bonded as sisters. Human remains are found underneath their former foster home and the police contact them. Very good enthralling read.

Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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Darling Girls is a book about 3 foster girls that were placed at Wild Meadows. After 25 years, they are thrust.back to where they hoped never to return. Wild Meadows has been sold and a body has been found. The police want to know what the girls know.

Tentative Publishing Date April 23, 2024! Go get this book when it hits the stands.

That Ending!

#bookspinbingo #marvellousmarch Readathon 4th book

Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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This was a fun twisty thriller/mystery that takes place in foster care. You can‘t stop. I listened to this in one sitting.

Just what I needed, a fantastic distraction.

Three young women return to the town where they spent time in foster care at the behest of the local constabulary. A dead body has been found under the house they were fostered in.

What horrible secrets, past & present, are ready to be unearthed?

Popcorn ♥️


Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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This book by Sally Hepworth is utterly brilliant!!! It comes out April 24 and should be added to your stack immediately ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️📚

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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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Taking some PTO today and reading this one. Trigger: child abuse

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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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• 368 pages • first pub 2024 • Australia • fiction • thriller • dark • emotional • 3.5 Stars

“Darling Girls” by Sally Hepworth is a gripping novel that weaves together sisterhood, secrets, love, and murder. The story revolves around three women—Jessica, Norah, and Alicia—who were rescued from family tragedies as young girls and raised by their foster mother, Miss Fairchild. ⬇️

suvata Under her care, they grew up on an idyllic farming estate, but their childhood wasn‘t the fairy tale it seemed. Miss Fairchild had rules, was unpredictable, and was never to be crossed. When a body is discovered under their childhood home, the sisters find themselves in the spotlight as key witnesses—or perhaps prime suspects. 6mo
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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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Tackle the TBR 🤓📚
What are you reading?
#boleybooks #darlinggirls #sallyhepworth #netgalley #bookbuds #bookchat

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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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My January #bookspin was Sally Hepworth‘s latest novel due to be published in April 2024. I am a huge fan of hers but this one is just a meh for me. Happy to have it off my never ending NetGalley ARC list. @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 6mo
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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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The story follows 3 sisters as they are trying to navigate life after growing up in the foster care system and what unravels after they are called back to their old town after a body is discovered underneath their foster home.

This book kept me hooked so much that I forgot about all my other reads. The ending alone made this book a 5-star for me.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #NetGalley Pub Date: 4/23/24

SilversReviews This is in my TBR…glad to see it is good…thanks for your post. 7mo
Amor4Libros @SilversReviews Hope you enjoy it, looking forward to your review! 😊 7mo
SilversReviews @Amor4Libros I‘m sure I will. 😀Thanks. 7mo
BarbaraBB I just read and loved another of her books so will definitely stack this one! 7mo
Amor4Libros @BarbaraBB Her books just keep getting better! I think I have only one book left to read from her backlist and all the ones I‘ve read I‘ve loved 🙂 7mo
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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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My #bookspin and #doublespin reads for January are set. I‘m really looking forward to both of these books! 💕 @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Enjoy!! 7mo
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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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Good fast read like always

Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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Jessica, Norah and Alicia are as close as ever as adults after growing up in foster care together. Each one struggles to navigate their past traumas, which are stirred up when something is found at their former foster home, forcing their return there. I thought this was great, with some plot twists I wasn‘t expecting. It‘s darker than her prior books, so be aware of child abuse content. Coming next April.

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