Lexicon is on sale today! Recommended if you like SFF with young adult-ish characters, punchy plotting & romance! A very fun read that deserves more attention
Lexicon is on sale today! Recommended if you like SFF with young adult-ish characters, punchy plotting & romance! A very fun read that deserves more attention
I read all Stein‘s books in a single sitting 💙 She dives into her heroine‘s voice without preamble, often shirking conventions like dialogue tags and simple scene blocking to give her work a dreamy stream-of-consciousness feel. She always calls out double standards and consent issues rather than excuse them—and she takes us to film school in this one as Letty & Tate complete a project about sex in cinema. #romantsy
1.99???? 🤯🎉
A perfect work of science fiction ❤️
I‘ll admit it! - I chose these books from the library PURELY because their colors put me in a happy Spring mood! 💐
Had to share this post from madeline.e.miller on IG! 😍😍😍😍 I cant wait to read this book!!
The heart of this series is so sweet under its goth aesthetic 🖤
I enjoyed a couple of the stories (Venison, Walleye, Chocolate Habanero) but overall, don‘t get the hype on this one. Pretty mediocre.
A birthday present I‘m very excited to read!! 💝
A brand new character (since Remender keeps killing them) plus Tajo is back, baby
Happy International Women‘s Day, littens! ? I‘m celebrating with French LGBTQ author Anne Garréta. She believed equality couldn‘t exist in language that positions the genders in opposition, so she wrote her experimental, feminist love story with NO gender pronouns AT ALL to identity its lovers.