Blimey, bought in error and such serendipity!
This was fantastic, I don't know why it's not better known?
Not just clever in concept but also in imagery and telling. It was like reading a film...
Blimey, bought in error and such serendipity!
This was fantastic, I don't know why it's not better known?
Not just clever in concept but also in imagery and telling. It was like reading a film...
#TitlesandTunes #GuiltyPleasure
Way late with this review, but I really enjoyed this fast-paced sci-fi thriller. It seems ready-made for a blockbuster film treatment and has some interesting narrative inversions. My least favorite part was the particular phenomenon: it reminded me of trying to explain the neurological reasons why Harry Potter spells work. But it also doesn't over-explain, which helps it deliver on the action and suspense.
#GuiltyPleasure #TitlesandTunes
It seems right to start this post with a confession: I don't have guilty pleasure reads. I read mostly literary fiction and have noticed what people call guilty pleasures are mostly romance or thrillers. My explanation for that is bad versions of those genres can still be fun, but exactly 0 people want a bad LF novel. So I found one thriller on my shelf - actually well-reviewed but check out the tagline 🦴🤐
#JanuaryJazz Day 3: #InWithTheNew books, naturally. Will post about this recent book hunting haul on Sunday. 💕
1. My first and middle names
2. Bed if home breakroom if im at work
3. Tagged
4. 3 people and 2 dogs
@ eggs #wonderouswednesday
I thought this was appropriate for the time.
"Words are like weapons...they wound sometimes" - Cher (If I Could Turn Back Time)
That's what this book is about, weaponizing language, putting together words that control, that manipulate, words that can kill. I was surprised how thrilling this book was, never having read any of his books. The tension kept ratcheting up and up as the two plotlines twisted around each other to the point you're not sure who's the hero and who's the villain. 5 ?
Now when Ra, the greatest of the gods, was created, his father had given him a secret name, so awful that no man dared to seek it, and so pregnant with power that all the other gods desired to know and possess it too.
#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl
1. Reorganize my closet, take the clothes that no longer fit to Goodwill.
2. Sadly none. My apt. doesn't allow pets.
3. Can I cheat and use my phone to connect with Libby? 🤣
If not, I'd take The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection by Arthur Conan Doyle. Maybe Sherlock can help me deduce a way off the desert island.
Thank you @TheSpineView for the tag.
#motivationalmonday @Cupcake12
#ChristmasQuotes #jingle
“She decided to sleep with him and get it over with. It was the only way. He had become an annoying jingle, striking in the shower, or at work, or just as she was falling asleep. She had to at least kiss him deeply and completely, in a way that left nothing behind. So she could move on. So she could stop imagining it. She couldn't keep losing herself to the jingle. It was impairing her ability to function.”
I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description or reason for wanting to read the book. Some are old and some will be new. Don't judge me - I have a lot of books.
Day 61
#tbrmountain #bookbuyingdiet
A secret organisation with the power to hack free will with language is riven by a civil war when an irresistible word is discovered. Musings on language, love, privacy and control in a fast-paced, tightly-choreographed split timeline. Great read. Turns out this wasn‘t the book I thought it was, but it‘s a damn good read (even if I do have Thoughts about fridging and sexual coercion). #BookSpin
“Every time something like this happens, anytime there‘s death and fear and people demanding action, to them that‘s an opportunity.”
Well this isn‘t a pandemic book but it‘s not a comforting book either 🤣
💥 boom. Barry‘s novel is a twisty game of who wiped out an entire town in Australia with a word and how is that connected to stories like the Tower of Babel? Intelligent, fast-paced with memorable characters and secret societies of... linguistic philosophers.
This is awesome. “The Magicians”, in a school for spies, sort of.
A mostly excellent thriller - the opening Wil segments are pretty disappointing and repetitive, but the Emily chapters make up for it. As Wil gets up to speed and we learn more about his companion, Eliot, those chapters get more bearable. Max Barry has a fascinating talent to consistently and engagingly pull the rug out from under his readers with paradigm-shattering plot twists executed so deftly they never feel like a cheat. A ton of fun.
LOVED this book. Fast paced, kept me guessing. Loved every minute of it. If you‘re a fan of Altered Carbon (the show, haven‘t read the book yet) you‘ll love this. Also a great choice for a #24in48 or a #24B4Mon challenge.
#litsyAtoZ #letterL
If you‘re reading this, consider yourself tagged 😉
#thisorthat #litsy @rheareads
So I‘ve already started in on my next #LitsyAtoZ book for #letterL and I‘m hooked. Never been one for thrillers or mystery but I do love me some dystopian societies. And I love the idea that “words could kill”. Great read so far and I‘m LOVING how the author paints this story. It‘s like I can see how the movie would play in my head. Also loving this quote.
Collected all my TBR‘s that I actually own for the A to Z challenge! My personal goal this year was to read 27 new books so taking on this challenge was a no brainer.
#LitsyAtoZ2019 #AbecedarianTBR #TBRStack
A dark and twisty take on language and persuasion. I didn‘t want to put this one down.
Husband, 60 pages into the first book on his Christmas book list - one of my all time favorites, Lexicon! 😍 I‘ve been telling him to read this book for years now.
My last pool reading pic from Mexico. Sad to be leaving today...I have to be back at work tomorrow after flying all night.
I wanted to like this... I really wanted to. The timeline jumps were confusing at times and ultimately... meh? It was a quick read and engaging but overall I wanted more.
Lexicon is on sale today! Recommended if you like SFF with young adult-ish characters, punchy plotting & romance! A very fun read that deserves more attention
Mentioned this one in my last post and wanted to do a quick review of it. This is a rare book that (for me at least) had genuinely surprising twists. The characters were fascinating and terrifying. And the world building was so thorough that I was swept in without once thinking about what the author might have been trying to do - he made himself invisible. I‘m still thinking about it 3 years later. It‘s probably time for me to read it again.
Super interesting concept despite slightly predictable plot lines. Would recommend it
The fifth pick!!! May May come soon 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻! Thank you @Christyco125 !!! #LittenPicksTBR
New review on Lexicon by Max Barry. Enjoyed this smart thriller. Read the review here: https://intentionalreader.wordpress.com/2017/12/05/lexicon-by-max-barry/
Started this one. Love the idea of the power of words and secret societies who wield them as weapons. And man, Max Barry can write!
Thank you for #payingitfoward with the #7777giveaway. My last five star rating was Lexicon. I just couldn‘t put it down.
This was a surprise. I didn‘t even read the description of this book. I just picked it because it was about words. I was blown away by the theme of the story and how it was put together. Big gold star ⭐️. #wordshavepower #2017christyread #audio
Great send-off in the Acknowledgements. And yes, that bit about the librarian is creepy as hell. #thumb
Answer these 5 question and a member of the secret society of Poets can isolate your psychographic segment* and speak a collection of words to unlock your brain's defenses and make you open to any suggestion, from "Relax" to "Kill".
This book was quick and brutal with plenty of twists along the way. If you dig thrillers that walk on the weird side, check this out.
*a totally real thing real advertisers use I horrifyingly learned from Google
My #firstlineofcurrentread is unspectacular, simply "He's coming around."
This line comes further down on the first page and packs a bit more of a punch. #anditsaugust
It's always a #challenge keeping my #TBR down, especially since I just found out that I shelved 5 books as read when I hadn't actually read them. #anditsaugust
A fun, quick read. Lexicon was verging on to the boundaries of being a thriller, and definitely had some dark moments. I absolutely love the premise and how words are used. The ending seems a bit rushed, but I still enjoyed it.
I loved the new twist on magic words/words of power mashed up with Big Brother style paranoia in a modern setting. Dark, but compelling!
Time for some lunchtime reading outside in this gorgeous weather!
Late Day 3 for #riotgrams! #whereiread! I read lots of places, but my most frequent/ favorite is actually my dining room table! I like how my chairs keep you super upright so you can't fall asleep like in bed or on the couch...
So I cheated a bit and used yellow spines instead of strictly #yellowcovers because I don't have that many with yellow covers. What I do have is a cat who doesn't like it when I make piles of books - he's just yawning but doesn't he look ferocious?? #RiotGrams The tagged book got cut off by the cropping :(
Well, I got totally blindsided and fired from my job last week. The business found my position no longer necessary. I used to have an hour commute and used that to devour audiobooks. Anyway I have a shelf of friends here to support me. ❤️
Fast paced and cerebral. I flew through this book. I love the idea of language as a weapon and the study of neurolinguistics. The ending was a bit weak imo but, not so much that I didn't enjoy it.