Look what I found in the free section of my job!!!!!!!!! I started to tear up omg
Since I love The Leftovers (tv show), I decided to finally read one of his books. It was pretty great, but the ending was a bit ehh.
Wow!!! What a great book! My main complaint is that it should have ended a lot sooner than it did. The last 5 chapters were a bit unnecessary.
A fantastic novel!! My main complaint was that there is no quotation marks. Some sections were confusing because of this.
It was okay. I honestly expected more. It was a bit confusing with all of the characters. There were times I zoned out due to lack of interest....
Re-reading all of Jesmyn Ward's books before the release of her newest book in September!! I'm reading one a month in the order they were released.
Great read! The thing I disliked about the book was the Dunbar guessed a lot about different parts of Judge's life.
Great collection of short stories! My favorites: Glory, Light, Wild, and Redemption.
I thought it was ok. I'm in a bit of a reading slump so that may play a role. I have to reread it soon.
So disappointing. Febos digress way too much in each essay. Like she'll talk about love and then talk about something in history that is completely unrelated to the essay. She'll go back to talking about love and then goes into different topic also completely unrelated to the essay.
I really wanted to like this, but the digression was too much.
I would have liked it more if half of the book was cut out. It just seems like a lot of it was just filler; it really took me out of the story
Year of Morrison: Month 3. Even though I read half of her novels so far, this is my favorite by her.
What a great book. The main complaint is that she tries to cover a lot in the book. She does cover some parts well, but others, not so much.
I wanted to read this for the past couple of months. It was soooo worth the wait! I really loved reading this book.
What a great book! It started off slow, but it really picked up towards the end
Finally starting it! I wanted to start in October, but I read other books.
It was beautiful. That's all I can really say.
It has been a while since i posted on here. Currently reading.
I thought I would liked this more. I just don't think her writing style is for me.
Wow. What a great collection of short stories! I mean, there were some stories that were ehh, but this collection is great.
Wow. A great collection of poems!
I really loved this book. The main thing I didn't like was that McBride tended to repeat himself. For a lot of stories, McBride mentioned them at least two to three different times. Overall, it was a great book. #nonfictionnovember
I thought it was okay. It was all over the place, which was annoying. I also wish we learned more about the women themselves, not just about their murder. Brown just gave the bare minimum about them. I mostly wanted to read this book, because I wanted to hear more of the women.
I probably had too high of an expectation for this book, but I had to bail. I only read 50 pages, and the majority of the poems were pretty mediocre/average.
Just finished. I just thought it was okay. I've been in a reading slump recently so I'm not sure how much that played a role. I'll keep reading this series, though
I just started to listen to this today. It is very good so far. I also like listening to Julian's, I mean Dominic Hoffman's narration. #nonfictionnovember
Honestly one my favorite books of the year.
Just started reading it and I'm enjoying it so far. I should have started yesterday, though. 😅
I decided to read this book as my Halloween pick for this month.
Oyeyemi's books are usually a hit or miss with me, but I thought this novel was just okay. I was confused most of the time, and had to reread some bits. I love her writing, but the story didn't do much for me.
I really liked this book! My main complaint is that so much of this book was filler. Like, if Jackson made this book 200 pages instead of 343 pages it would have been so much stronger. It is was a really good book, but I just didn't think a lot of parts were relevant to the story.
I'm finally able to start this book! I wanted to read it for a while. I've read his essay in The Fire This Time, and I really loved it. I jusy had to read more of his work.
I thought it was just okay. I wish Santiago just focused on Ana, not on everyone in her life. The little side stories did not add much to the novel at all. That being said, I did not like Santiago's narration in the beginning, but it grew on me. Even though I thought this novel was okay, I'll still read more of Santiago's books. I just expected so much more, so I'm a bit disappointed with it.
I haven't gotten so emotional from a book in a long time. Just wow. My only complaint is how out of place the "mothers" felt most of the times. There were times were their commentary was needed, but it would have been a much stronger story without them.
My Book of the Month order came! I decided to treat myself this month and ordered 3 books. I've already read Veins of the Ocean, and it was one of my favorite reads this year. I'm excited to read The Mothers and The Wangs vs. the World. The mints were a pleasant surprise, though 😂 #botm
For Latinx Hertiage Month, I wanted to read about a Latina detective. I made the right choice with this book Lupe is a great character, and even a better detective. That being said, what a great book. I liked the fact that the case was not about a murder. A lot of detective novels I've read are about murders so this was refreshing. I can't wait to read more from Garcia-Aguilera! #latinxheritagemonth #diversedetectives