Soooooo glad to have this fantastic book to distract me from reality. GREAT new detective series.
Absolutely devouring this. Wonderful.
Gotta stay off the internet so I am reading ALL THE BOOKS.
Nicola 👏🏽 Yoon 👏🏽
Loving this book. Simply gorgeous.
This was fun! The new bookish friends I made in London recommended.
I don't know about this one, guys. Are nonfiction books allowed to have unreliable narrators? I NEED MORE OPINIONS. 💀
A great audiobook! It's Girl on the Train set on a small luxury cruise ship, and I'm on board (!) for that. Liked this one much more than her first.
This book has *slain* me. If you love contemp YA and haven't read Una's books, you are missing out.
Read this because of Lin's blurb on the cover & it didn't disappoint. The elephant tusk smuggling story is pure comic gold.
My sales rep said this is the best book she's ever read. Excited to dive in. (Ps this ARC is 964 pages so it may take me awhile...)
We got a damaged copy of this in at the store this week, so I took it home on a whim. Quite beautiful – I've never read her before.
This book is gorgeous.
Even better than I expected.
I visited Jeff Kinney's bookstore (& office!) today. True story: I've read every Wimpy Kid book.
Finished this one tonight - quite enjoyed. A subject I haven't seen touched much in YA yet. Well narrated, too.
Accidentally went to the city without a book today, so obvs had to buy one. Tennessee Williams' favorite book! 🙌🏼
A perfect audio companion on my trip last week!
One North Korea book has led me to another. Thanks for the rec, Sarah!
This book is bonkers and I'm absolutely loving it. Thanks for the rec, Stacie!
Oh, TW, you are the master.
Great read as long as you don't mind getting super-angry.
Look what popped up on Edelweiss yesterday! Half way through and it's as gorgeous as if hoped. 😍
Finishing this audiobook on my drive today. Excellent narration.
I'm selling books at a gardening conference today, but I have this excellent read as my companion.
Excited to dive into this one!
Visited the gorgeous new Rizzoli Bookstore today. You can't quite see it in this pic, but they had a big stack of my favorite Supreme Court Justice bio, NOTORIOUS RBG. ⚖
Excited to sink my teeth into this novel coming from Grove this spring. Just got back from a retreat for book buyers and of all the features titles this one looked like one for me.
Currently reading this excellent book which will be reviewed on the cover of the NYTBR this weekend.