Funny, informative and a bit sad. This short account of her time in North Korea was a good read! I lived in S.Korea for 2 years so it‘s interesting to hear about the other side of the DMZ!
Funny, informative and a bit sad. This short account of her time in North Korea was a good read! I lived in S.Korea for 2 years so it‘s interesting to hear about the other side of the DMZ!
This is between a pick and so-so for me. While this is a fun, enjoyable travelogue, it's a fun, enjoyable travelogue about a place where people are oppressed and starving. Not that Simmons isn't cognizant of the conditions of, as she calls it, NoKo, but it's unmistakably a light read.
Additionally, I think Simmons' observations should be taken with a grain of salt as there doesn't seem to be a lot of research or verification. 👇
#ReadingResolutions #north
Here are five books that I've read and enjoyed with 'north' in their title. North from Alaska to the Adirondacks, to North Korea, to a crumbling Northanger Abbey in Regency times with Jane and in modern day with Val. 📚👍
Fascinating look inside North Korea. I loved the Lewis Carroll quotes in every chapter. It really sounded like the author fell down the rabbit hole.
Waiting for a kid. That‘s how I spend a large portion of my life. Good thing I bought all those new ebooks today. 😁This one sounds like a good place to start.
There are no words if you want to know what a visit to the worst place on earth is. It is all here. I love this author I did a search on her after reading I wanted more.
If you're looking for an academic take on life in North Korea, this is not it. Instead, it is one woman's experience on a solo "vacation" in North Korea. It's irreverent in places, but gives a good glimpse of how the country tries to control its image with those who visit. Since there's less than a 3% chance I'll ever see these places in real life, I appreciated the vicarious experience. (Loved the story behind the cover photo)
I loved this book. Everyone should read it.
This book has been difficult to read. I feel bad laughing because there are real people at stake. There are truly some odd times. I feel the author's exasperation and also her sympathy.
Book #4 for #24in48 #readathon Fascinating and funny travel memoir of the author's 10-day trip to North Korea, filled with amazing color photos of a place we don't usually see much of--and yes it is as crazy as you probably think it is. Each chapter starts with a Lewis Carroll quote--apropos since it seems like the trip was a bit like falling down a rabbit hole. Full review (paired w/ kimchi maybe?) will be coming soon to my blog.
My reading companion: this is Max, he's 12 and diabetic so he gets two insulin shots a day but he puts up with it well and I love him dearly. He has spent most of #24in48 #readthon alternating between sitting by me on the couch, stealing my place whenever I get up, 'complaining' (he's a vocal boy) until I put down the book & snuggle him on my chest, or ignoring me and sleeping in the bedroom. Helpful to productive reading, he is not... 😉💕🐱
My tentative stack for the @24in48 Readathon-will likely switch some out based on this week's mail & a couple Kindle books may get in the mix. Most of these are my *guilties*-prize or review books I have not made time for--hoping (My first!) Readathon will push me to get some off the TBR pile. 📚⏰📖
I found it extremely appropriate that the author separates the chapters using lines from Alice in Wonderland. She was only there 10 days, but I can't believe that she was able to get out without going crazy. It's like the Mirror-verse. Wow.
The side eye game is strong in NoKo.. 👀
I may or may not have visited a wall that may or may not exist. Fresh Handler may or may not have known it exists, and may or may not have been trying to let me know this.
It's hard to describe what it's like listening to this book. It's funny, but I find myself wondering if it's ok to laugh about traveling to North Korea, considering the hardships of the people living there. In this way, I guess I find it funny yet disturbing at the same time.
Read in one sitting. A beautiful book full of pictures and artful storytelling, Simmons recounts her journey with lots of humor and a good deal of frustration and empathy. Delightful.
This book is bonkers and I'm absolutely loving it. Thanks for the rec, Stacie!