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After love: AFTER 3 - Roman | Anna Todd
Gerade als Tessa die wichtigste Entscheidung ihres Lebens getroffen hat, ndert sich alles. Die Geheimnisse in ihrer Familie und der Streit darber, wie ihre Zukunft mit Hardin aussehen soll, bringen alles ins Wanken. Zudem schlgt Hardin immer noch um sich, anstatt Tessa zu vertrauen, und der Kreislauf aus Eifersucht, Zorn und Verschmelzung wird immer zerstrerischer. Noch nie hatte Tessa so intensive Gefhle, war so berauscht von einem Menschen. Aber reicht die Liebe allein?
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After We Fell | Anna Todd
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This was my favorite book in the series so far. The writing was slightly better and there was more of a plot going on throughout instead of constant Hessa toxicity, though there was that as well! What annoyed me the most was Hardin‘s constant need to fight moving to Seattle, without giving anyone a clear reason. (And I‘m sorry.. but “because she‘ll thrive there” is bullshit!) Also to note, the world NEEDS the Lillian and Riley story! 💕

BooksNBowls I‘m sure I‘ll be back tomorrow with the Book #4‘s review 🥴 3y
slategreyskies I‘m just starting the first book in this series. I‘ve never read them before. :) 3y
BooksNBowls @slategreyskies it‘s really grown on me! You‘ll fly through them. The movies are good too, a little different and toned down for obvious reasons, but I can‘t say I haven‘t enjoyed reading them! 3y
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I‘m not sure why I‘m still reading this series, but I can‘t seem to stop. There are moments when I‘m physically cringing but also times I can‘t put it down. I think it‘s the constant tension between the characters. I actually didn‘t enjoy this one as much as the previous one. The closer either of them get to “normal” just highlights how messed up their idea of healthy is.





After We Fell | Anna Todd
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Why do I continue to read this series? I think its because of the satisfaction of observing character development. Although I find myself patiently waiting and waiting for a healthier relationship between the 2, I found myself noticing that in many cases, emotions and the mind works differently. To problem solve, do you shut one down and listen to the other or should we instead find balance by creating a bridge that links the emotion and the mind?

Nute I don‘t believe that I am familiar with this series, but no doubt that we hope the same things for book characters as we do for the ‘real‘ people in our lives. Emotional growth and maturity, increasing depth of mind, and then an ever smooth trajectory into confidential ability to balance the two. We wait patiently...a much longer duration of time for some folks than others. 4y
Anchobi413 @Nute Yes I completely agree with you! The human mind works in such mysterious ways but sometimes, the wait is completely worth it. 4y
Nute Definitely! 4y
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After We Fell | Anna Todd
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Another major cliff hanger ending! This is book 3/5 in the After series. I love the story arc in this novel more then the others and I feel like I finally started to like the main characters Tessa and Hardin. ❤❤

I've never been big on reading series but this one has me hooooooooooked. I'm already loving book 4, After Ever Happy.

In other good news, movie #2 After we Collided is released in the US on Oct 23rd!! I'm stoked.

After We Fell | Anna Todd
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Every single character needs to go to therapy. Period!!!

LoverOfLearning YESSSS I agree 4y
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After We Fell | Anna Todd

V good addictive plot.

After We Fell | Anna Todd
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The only reason I am continuing to read this series is because I want and need to see how it ends. It‘s obviously fan fiction and the writing isn‘t great, but I am attached to the story. It has taken me awhile to get through it because the characters are melodramatic and annoying at times, so I put the book down. I will finish the series once I receive the library ebook.

After We Fell | Anna Todd
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Quarantine read #8 in process

BGam I love that cover wow! 4y
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After We Fell | Anna Todd
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Here I go.....

After We Fell | Anna Todd
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BGam I love every moment in this series... every single moment.. 5y
BGam This is by far the best in the series... just couldn‘t put it down.. gets better and better and better.. 🥰 5y
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After We Fell | Anna Todd
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This was trash that I have decided to read. With that being said I enjoyed the first book I understood why the the second book was written but this one annoyed me to the core. Tessa is so whiny and indecisive. Her I cant take this I cant do this anymore and then the next moment she is back with Hardin. They were NEVER apart long enough to see how it is to be without each other.

BookNightOwl This story line was so repetitive it could have been and 800 page book maybe into 300 pages. I could keep going on and on why I didnt like this book but I'm done.

There is another book after this and I just want to pick it up because I have invested 3 books into this 4 book series. 🤷‍♀️ maybe I will...maybe I wont.
Texreader Ugh! Sounds downright awful and way too long to be that awful! 5y
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After We Fell | Anna Todd
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These books just keep pulling me in!! I just cannot put them down for long. I feel so attached to and invested in these characters. I feel all the emotions they feel....and I can‘t get enough. #hardin #tessa #annatodd #after

After We Fell | Anna Todd
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There‘s just something so addictive about these books and these characters, I can‘t stop reading 😫

3.5 🌟

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After We Fell | Anna Todd
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After suffering from a migraine for the last 3-4 days, I‘m finally feeling better! Sitting in the sun with Riley and catching up on the pages missed over the weekend 📖 #dogsoflitsy

ferskner I love that dog! I know I haven't met him but I love him with my whole heart. 5y
Reecaspieces Awe....so sweet 5y
underthebelljar Aw sweet baby 😊 how old is he? 5y
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Erofan 🐶❤ 5y
Hooked_on_books Riley! 🐶💚 5y
KirstieE @ferskner he‘s got a pretty cute face huh ? 😉 @BookishJess he‘s 11 🥰 5y
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After We Fell | Anna Todd
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I'm hooked. This book has some issues. A lot happens to Tessa that's too convenient. I also have the opinion that Landon & Tessa are good for each other. It's so obvious they don't end up together since the back of every book promotes #hessa so I guess I'll try Landon and Tessa fanfic. However I am obsessed with Tessa's journey with Hardin, even if I have no opinion if they end up together. Great story overall. I'm obsessed & ready to start book 4

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After We Fell | Anna Todd
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I don‘t know how Anna does it, but she really knows how to keep you hooked to find out more. I feel like this book is the most drama packed in the series and I definitely had some emotions as I was reading. You get a lot of twists and turns with this one!

After We Fell | Anna Todd
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Try not to judge me...at this point (book 3) there is no turning back. I'm not proud of myself. I have much deeper & meaningful works I could be reading right now. I liken this series to a soap opera of the days of old. (Yes, I was hooked on Days of Our Lives) for whatever reason I can't look away from this toxic love 👀 & the steamy chemistry that is Hessa.

GypsyKat The great thing about Litsy is I honestly don‘t think anyone judges each other about what they read. So read whatever makes you happy! 😊 6y
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After We Fell | Anna Todd
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Tackling this beast today! I‘m off work, my kiddo is off school, it‘s a beautiful snowy day in PA today! This book always takes me forever to get through, but I‘m so thankful for reading it after it‘s gone. I love me some Hardin and Tessa!

After We Fell | Anna Todd

A must read !

After We Fell | Anna Todd
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I love seeing my progress, but seeing the amount left is still terrifying 😂 #afterwefell #annatodd #romance #newadult

After We Fell | Anna Todd
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After We Fell | Anna Todd
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After We Fell | Anna Todd
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Oh my gosh! The weirdest thing happened in the last few chapters of this, the third book in a series of ridiculously, pointlessly long poorly written books: an actual plot line emerged! 😲

I mean, other than the usual plot points of juvenile behavior, sex, whining, sex, stupid arguments, sex (and repeat).

I'm so impressed I'm giving this one 2 1/2 stars. Downloading the last one on audio now.

Shane East's narration continues to be 👌😍

Daisey Your reviews for these books crack me up! 7y
Megabooks Don't you hate it when you have to finish! I'm glad the narrator is good! 7y
sprainedbrain @Daisey every now and again, I enjoy a nice hate read. 😂 7y
sprainedbrain @Booksandcooks Yes!! I'm so glad I'm almost finished. This is exhausting. 😂 7y
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After We Fell | Anna Todd
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I'm a few hours in to the audio of book 3. You know that thing that characters sometimes do where they develop and grow over time?

Yeah. That doesn't happen with these books. 🙄😒

julesG 😂😂 7y
RealBooks4ever Oh no! 😆 7y
OSChamberlain A true waste of time. Lol 7y
sprainedbrain @OSChamberlain nope. Audiobooks allow for multitasking. 7y
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After We Fell | Anna Todd
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This serie is really amazing!

After We Fell | Anna Todd
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Loving the start of this book! Third in the After series. Picked up book one on a whim and have been hooked!! #AnnaTodd #NewAge

After We Fell | Anna Todd
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So, I went to B&N today to spend my Christmas gift card, I happened upon this display... I thought it might be right up your alley @steverogers & @BookishFeminist It has the whole series!! 😂😂😂

Maike 😂😂😂😂 my library keeps recommending them and I have to giggle every time I see them displayed 8y
NovelGirl82 I was cracking up in the middle of the store @Maike ?? I'm sure everyone thought I was insane. The display said "if you loved 50 Shades". I was just thinking that I'm sure Sylvia Day would appreciate having her books compared to these! ?? 8y
BookishFeminist 😩😩 make it stop!! 😂 8y
maximoffs Will this be my Litsy legacy 😂 8y
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After We Fell | Anna Todd
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It may just be a few hours that Christmas has pasted, but Christmas will always be with me. Happy Post #Christmas!

It's that time of day to reorganize the #bookshelves, since I've gotten mostly #books.

After We Fell | Anna Todd
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So I went to Ollie's Bargain Barn to exchange a coloring book from my parents, and they have an extensive book collection, most of it good and hardback. Seriously, check it out if there's one in your area!

And then they had this book...which is a really under appreciated piece of literature, right @BookishFeminist and @steverogers ?!? 😉😉 I mean, the Library of Congress has it.

Melkyl We have Ollie's, and their book department is awesome! 8y
LauraBeth 😂😂 8y
Ashley_Nicoletto I want to read this more due to the terrible reviews. 😂😂😂 8y
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maximoffs UGHHHHHHHHHH bad memories! Bad memories!!! 8y
Megabooks @Melwilk Yes! The one where I live in SC is about 20 minutes away, but at my parents' house, it is practically down the street. 8y
Megabooks @Ashley_Nicoletto Earlier this year, @steverogers did us all a favor and did a read and post about it! We all died!! It was awful!! And then @BookishFeminist joined in too. (edited) 8y
Megabooks @steverogers You are the bravest literary fighter I know! Godspeed!!! 8y
maximoffs @Ebooksandcooks it was a RIOT 8y
NovelGirl82 OMG I'm dying at the memories!!! 😂😂😂 8y
Megabooks @NovelGirl82 I know! It was sooo funny!! 8y
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After We Fell | Anna Todd
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Everytime this Series keeps getting hard to read...something happens and sucks me back in. Its good but in each book the same thing happens...

After We Fell | Anna Todd
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Finished the first book, couldn't even force myself to continue in the series. Returning all I had requested from the library with no regrets. I have a tbr pile that will never end and I'd rather spend time reading things that bring me joy. Anna Todd gets props in my book for writing all this fairly original content, but it's just too melodramatic for my taste.

BooksBeyondtheNest I've definitely adapted that motto recently. Life is too short to read books you don't enjoy. 👊🏾 8y
Pinkmeghan @PursuingBraveryReads totally! I think of how many more books I can read instead! 😍 8y
BookishFeminist LOL I couldn't make it past the first and only then because I was feeling punchy and power read it quickly 8y
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Pinkmeghan @BookishFeminist I will admit I power read through the first 2/3 of the book and I was flying high on the ridiculousness of it all. Unfortunately, work interrupted and I had to force myself through the last third because I knew the batshit crazy ending and wanted to see it for myself 😂 8y
BookishFeminist @Pinkmeghan RIGHT like you can't even make this stuff up! Except for maybe if you're this author 8y
Tav I respect the bail. 8y
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After We Fell | Anna Todd
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On to the next! Easy summer read.

SarahK Oh Target. I'm always finding some book to pick up while I'm in there 8y
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After We Fell | Anna Todd
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'There's a big difference between not being able to live without someone and loving them'

After We Fell | Anna Todd
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Settling in to read After We Fell in my favorite spot with the best reading buddy there is. @Books,Tea,AndBookishThings #horror

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After We Fell | Anna Todd
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So excited to #BingeRead the rest of this series! 👏🏼