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Tornado | Betsy Byars
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A family makes room in their hearts and home for a very special pet after a tornado lands a doghouse, with a dog inside, in their backyard.
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Tornado | Betsy Byars
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Sweet Betsy Byars story of a dog who appeared at Pete‘s farm during a tornado, so that‘s what they named him. Beautiful illustrations.🐶 ❤️🌪️

#Pantone2023 @Clwojick
#NovelNovember Readathon Day 8
#RushAThon Day 25 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 7mo
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 7mo
Eggs @DieAReader ☺️😍🤩 7mo
Eggs @Andrew65 😊🥳🤗 7mo
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Tornado | Betsy Byars
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Hosting a mother-daughter book club and this was their choice. It was wonderful.

Tornado | Betsy Byars
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💙📚💙 2y
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Tornado | Betsy Byars
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#Tornado 🌪 #BetsyByars 🐕 #WeRemember 💔🌹

#BookNerd 🤓💙📚

Eggs Such a beautiful cover 2y
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Tornado | Betsy Byars
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Butterfinger An icon from my childhood and I never realized she was a native Tarheel. 2y
Eggs Well done! 2y
SusanLee @Butterfinger thanks to this prompt so now we know 😘 2y
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Tornado | Betsy Byars
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Yesterday I forgot to include one big fear of mine. Is it considered a phobia to fear tornados? Today the weather is stormy and just now I watched the wind rip through the neighborhood, damaging loose things and breaking branches. My heart is still racing. Hands still shaking. Just a little wind and all I can think is there is a tornado coming.

AthenaWins I looked it up and it fits me perfectly. "Lilapsophobia is an abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes. Lilapsophobia is considered the more severe type of astraphobia, which is a fear of thunder and lightning." 5y
LiteraryinLawrence I can relate to that. Hope the wind goes back to normal so you can relax! 5y
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Tornado | Betsy Byars
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Lovely weather we‘re having in Florida right now 😳🤷🏻‍♀️

Lindy 😳 6y
jfalkens Stay safe! 6y
VivaciousVal Yeah its raining pretty bad up here in hernando 6y
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LiteraryinLawrence Thinking of you! 6y
Jenken1998 Its miserable.. my creek is flooding behind the house 6y
Kappadeemom It‘s crappy here in Georgia too. Everything is flooded 6y
julesG Stay safe! 6y
InLibrisVeritas Stay safe! 6y
BookishMarginalia Thanks for the support, @lindy @jfalkens @VivaciousVal @LiteraryinLititz @julesG @InLibrisVeritas ??? Stay safe too, @JenniferDuffKennedy @Kappadeemom — after María I have storm PTSD. To calm myself down I organized the 2019 #CupidGoesPostal and #LitsyAtoZ ? 6y
julesG Storm PTSD is quite understandable! Looking forward to #CupidGoesPostal. 6y
jfalkens @BookishMarginalia we never got tornados were I grew up and when we moved 8 hours south(7.5 years ago) we get them here. I got super scared and used to go to the basement during thunderstorms but now I'm a bit better and listen for the sirens/check weather for tornado alerts,etc. constantly during thunderstorms. Looking forward to #LitsyAtoZ 😊 6y
BookishMarginalia @jfalkens We don‘t have 🌪in Puerto Rico, so this is new —and scary— for me. 6y
jfalkens @BookishMarginalia the scariest weather we got where I grew up was lots and lots and lots of snow. So tornados were new and very scary. I still text my husband if he's at work asking if I should go to the basement, stand by a window watching for anything odd in the sky, refresh my weather constantly, check for severe weather alerts constantly and make little noise so I can listen extra close for the sirens. 6y
melbeautyandbooks Tornadoes are no fun. I‘m in TX so I‘m very familiar with them. Hope y‘all are safe and sound. 6y
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Tornado | Betsy Byars
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8 year-old grandson loves reading too!😘❤️📚

Suzze Do you just have one grandchild? My oldest ones aren't much for reading. 8y
MrBook 😎👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👌🏻 8y
Alfoster @Suzze Actually I have 9 all under the age of 8! This one is the oldest. So far they all love books (but I force-feed them sometimes:) 8y
Suzze @Alfoster wow! I have 7 but they range from 4 to 16. One of my sons is an avid reader, the other not so much. Guess whose kids like to read? 8y
Alfoster @Suzze Hmmm...shocker😜! 8y
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