A paper angel seemed appropriate for this one. I‘m fascinated by the things clever people like Robert Sabuda can get paper to do.
Day 13
A paper angel seemed appropriate for this one. I‘m fascinated by the things clever people like Robert Sabuda can get paper to do.
Day 13
I'm planning my #bookgogo designs for the second half of the year and wondering if people are interested in seasonal books sleeves for the holidays. Let me know what you think and one lucky person who comments will get 20% off code #booksleeve
Merry Christmas... last cookies out of the oven, pies going in next, and hopeful that later today there will be time to read!
5/5 ⭐️ This pop up book is absolutely exquisite. Such detail and so delicate-looking, yet sturdy. I can tell this will be a Christmas treasure in our home for years to come. (Running a giveaway for this book with FIVE winners on my IG today)
Trans-Siberian Orchestra / Ghosts of Christmas Eve with my hubby, kids and a couple nieces! I loved the start of the show, in a library with 3D books!