Hope you two have the bestest birthday day ever!! ♥️🎁❤️🍰💕🎂🎊🥂🛍😍🥳💚🧡💙💛💜
Hope you two have the bestest birthday day ever!! ♥️🎁❤️🍰💕🎂🎊🥂🛍😍🥳💚🧡💙💛💜
I hope your special day is perfect! 🎂🎁💝🍰😉♥️
My brother surprised me with a $25 Amazon gift card for my birthday! Obviously I‘m using it for a couple books - but I can‘t decide what...
Anybody have a recommendation for a good YA or fantasy you‘ve read recently?
Well Abigail 1st birthday was a success! I couldn't done it without my family. I still can't believe my daughter 1 years old. Where did the time go? #growingupsofast
Day4 #seasonsreadings2016 #notinenglish My only non-English book is this tiny, well-worn datebook that belonged to my grandmother. Translated from Danish, "fødselsdags-bog" is 'birthdays book' & it has space for writing in names & proverbs/verses for each day. Best I can tell, the one for my dad's birthday on July 17 was about an impossible fall making one bolder but the tiny complicated lettering makes it tough to translate online. Cont. below...