This version of Little Women, geared towards ages 3-5, is a huge hit at our house!
This version of Little Women, geared towards ages 3-5, is a huge hit at our house!
Happy International Women's Day everybody!!!
Picked up this pretty edition today.
I confess, I haven‘t ever read Little Women. 😳 I‘m going to rectify this because I‘m going to need a reprieve at night from the “ancient world” lit I‘ll be assigned starting in Oct. Will be a comfort read.
I did see and enjoy the Serandon adaption though.
I‘m so sorry you didn‘t like it, but I would love that edition! It‘s so pretty. @britt_brooke #littlewomengoveaway
Yay! Another #bookishquiz Little Women edition. Which March Sister Are You? I got Jo which is no surprise to me. #jomarch Take the quiz here: https://bookriot.com/2018/04/16/quiz-what-march-sister-from-little-women-are-you...
#tistheseason #ReindeerReads #rereads
Today's prompt made me think of two things. 1. Little Women - the only Christmassy book I have and one of the few I reread. 2. My grandmother, who introduced me to many classics and whose books I now have. She died more than six years ago before my second baby arrived. But she did meet my first and the reading genes are strong in this one too.
Best Christmas gift ever! A grand-daughter! I can't post anything on Instagram or Facebook yet... so you guys get to hear it first!!!