Another graphic novel with good artwork. 🖍 The storyline about self discovery and friendship was alright, but it felt lacking somehow. Also there were a couple of things, towards the end, that didn‘t make a lick of sense. 🤨
Another graphic novel with good artwork. 🖍 The storyline about self discovery and friendship was alright, but it felt lacking somehow. Also there were a couple of things, towards the end, that didn‘t make a lick of sense. 🤨
A new graphic novel in my school library. I snuck away and read it during my free period today. Shhhhh! 😁
Donna Jo was one of my college professors (yet this is only the third book of hers I've read!). I enjoyed her debut graphic novel about a captive mermaid taking control of her own life.
Beautiful art, so-so story. Mostly I thought this had serious tone problems. The story reads very young, but goes super dark as well. Maybe I'm just naive about what kids are into though because a lot of middle schoolers like to read books about kidnapping...
5 ⭐ What a beautiful story! Wonderful illustrations and a captivating story about a mermaid in captivity who becomes friends with a human. It took all about 20 minutes to read, but it was a the best 20 minutes of reading a Graphic Novel I have had in a while!
An interesting graphic novel about a young mermaid trapped in an aquarium with her gaurdian octopus. The illustrations, especially of sea creatures, were gorgeous! I wasn't the biggest fan of the ending, but it wasn't horrible by any means. I wish it could have gone a little more in depth in regards to her origins.
This is an intense reimagining of Anderson's "Little Mermaid," so don't think this is for the very young.
Napoli and Weisner craft a story of exploitation where a young girl with no voice is imprisoned by "Neptune," a con artist profiting by selling tickets to see this Fish Girl.
This is an uncomfortable tale where information is shared only in return for compliant behavior, and a young girl must learn to stand alone and use her voice.
I have been a fan of David Wiesner ever since "Tuesday" came out about twenty years ago and I fell in love with flying frogs on lily pads. This is the back of the jacket of Fish Girl, octopus plays an important part in helping Fish Girl on her journey to independence. I ❤ ?
Awesome graphic novel about Fish Girl and her friends, living cooped up in a sir of aquarium. Beautiful illustrations by David Wiesner. #kidlitsy #kidlit #graphicnovels
A mermaid who lives in a sea world-like park meets a human girl and longs to experience life on land. The colors and art really call to me. The story does too.
I liked it! I wasn't sure what to expect, but it was a little bit friendship, a little bit suppression, a little bit freedom and a little bit "little mermaid." The artwork was beautiful:) #graphicnovel
I started reading this graphic novel with my daughter this morning. It's pretty cute so far. Neptune has a small museum/aquarium with ocean wonders, including the mysterious fish girl. 🐟 👩🏻 #ARC