More consolidation in Publishing is not good news for writers, readers, booksellers, and those who work in the industry. In my humble opinion. https://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/industry-news/publisher-news/articl...
More consolidation in Publishing is not good news for writers, readers, booksellers, and those who work in the industry. In my humble opinion. https://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/industry-news/publisher-news/articl...
The line to check out at the Changing Hands sale. This is about mid point from the end.
This I can definitely do! I‘ll post my stack later, but I‘m in! 👍🏻😄
I️ can‘t recommend this book highly enough. It‘s exciting, informative, funny, honest, and forthright, and I️ can‘t wait to shove it into the hands of bookseller friends. Even having been updated 7 years ago, there‘s so much still so very relevant to bookselling today. I️ found myself feeling very validated, better informed, and empowered, and I️ heartily urge all bookstore owners, managers, and anyone interested in the profession to get a copy!
1) fantasy
2) word processing at CPA firm
3) Chief Operating Officer for Girls Inc. Of Santa Fe
4) Bookstore owner
5) Coffee unless it‘s really hot outside in which case, iced chai.
@JoScho #manicmonday
Any other #booksellers heading to Memphis for #wi13?
Please forgive my very messy bedroom! I'm both busy and full of shame.
Bookseller Saturday night...we are loading up for a school book fair tonight. Always interesting!
In the middle of moving, my poor empty shelves 😢 but I'm excited to put them in their lovely new home and refill them 💕
This is a poster at my new favorite #indie bookstore. So completely hysterical. Then I succumbed and bought a whole bunch of great books. But you knew I would say that! 😜