Dark but gripping.
An average thriller, the story and plot is quite odd but the author tries to bring a few social issues into the story. The climax is worth the long read. But the story is confusing because the narrator and the time of narration changes often and I had to flip the pages behind to get along. Other than that its a good thriller! Give it a try of you are in a mood for some thrillers!
I would give it 4⭐ out of 5.
@IheartYA thanka for the Awesome box of fun. I am so excited to read all 3 books.
I feel like the box I sent boring compared to this.
@Avanders thanks for hosting.
Meanwhile as much as I say if I hadn‘t watched the film I probably wouldn‘t like the book.... I am on page 154 so motoring my way through it 👍🏻💪🏻💪🏻
About 1/4 of the way through so far.... honestly think it‘s exactly the same as the film. It‘s very jumpy, jumping from Rachel to Megan in between chapters. It‘s chaotic and messy and very fast paced (showing the characters lives) and I feel it was exactly like this in the film. So far not seeing a massive difference between the book and film 🤔 not sure if I‘d like it if I‘d not watched the film before. 🤔🤔🤔
Finally got around to reading this one, given many of the comments I‘d read recently I wasn‘t expecting much. It has its faults but I found it compulsive reading.
It‘s fairly easy to work out, but the author cleverly gives us three unreliable viewpoints: Rachel, Anna, and Megan. The male characters are no better, some even worse, and the police detectives are ineffectual - but for all that it was addictive stuff. Great ending too. 4 🌟
Jury is still out for me on whether I‘m enjoying this or not. Rachel is one of the most annoying main characters I have read about, yet I‘m strangely compelled to keep reading.
I loved the setting and that a simple train journey turned into a thriller. I worked out pretty early on what was going on but it didn't spoil things for me. The characters were negative and had no positive attributes so it was difficult to feel anything for them but overall I really enjoyed this book. Do not watch the film first it does not do the book justice at all...
When you get on the train looking forward to reading your book, only to find your Kindle died. #boringjourneyhome
A different genre for me but I am so glad that I took the gamble. Incredibly gripping with fantastic imagery and character development. I thought I knew every character but throughout the novel, I found out different things about them through others accounts. I didn't know where the end was going to head but I was impressed with its destination. The film is powerful too!
Hmmm... I enjoy an unreliable narrator and don't object to unsympathetic characters but, seriously, *all* of them?! There is a charming psycho. The three female narrators are all messed up and are portrayed in terms of their relationships with men and motherhood. The villain of the piece comes as no great surprise. It's all rather demoralising. It kept me turning the pages but I needed a good walk in a strong breeze afterwards to clear my head.
I've watched the movie before I've read the book. Even though I knew the ending it was still very interesting read. All along I was trying to catch the small details that would suggest point to the ending I was expecting.
I highly recommend this book.
One for sorrow, two for joy, three for a girl. Three for a girl.
This was a really good book. I wasn't expecting the person at the end at all. I'm not a fan of how it jumps from person to person.. It's hard to keep track of it but after the first few "chapters" it gets better
I enjoyed this one! I liked the characters, they were interesting and broken. It has more depth than what I usually see in this kind of a best seller. But it isn't a big mystery as to who did it. If it had been, the book would have been even better. Not a favorite, but a good read.
I saw this for $5 today, it was almost as good as the book for me and a lovely way to spend a morning with myself!
I wanted to see what all the fuss was about so I picked this up over the weekend and finished it in a few intensive sittings. Given there were only a handful of possibilities, the twists were fairly easy to spot, so I wouldn't recommend this as a mystery. It's a page turner though, and an exquisite train wreck, as far as character interactions go.
"I have lost control over everything, even the places in my head."
The Girl on the Train is surely a page-turner, and a good one. It has a very contemporary/modern feel to it which makes a reader comfortable relating to the story.
I really like the way the story has unfolded in each chapter. Paula Hawkins did a great job breaking-down the events of the story with a very original style. 5/5 work for the debut.
P.S: The best thing about this novel is that it's not a drag.
Such a great way to start the chilly autumn season. It's simply written, with all focus being on the thrilling and twisty (so wonderfully twisty) plot. I can't wait for the film!
This is good book. It kept me intrigued albeit a little annoyed in some parts. The characters are well developed and the plot takes some interesting turns.
Still can't believe the luck I had with buying this for just Q9. Let's get reading!
Tonight I'm reading The girl on the train. Could I be the last on Litsy with this one?
An unsympathetic protagonist, choppy narrative, and a somewhat predictable conclusion rendered this a largely unsatisfactory read for me. It does move, though, and that's always good when you just need a page-turner & nothing more. Gone Girl far superior in my opinion.
It doesn't blew my mind, but the story is good. The plot is too slow so you lost your curiosity in the few last chapter, cause you can guest what happens next. It needs more twist.
Got a lil confuse which one to read, then I decided to go with Hawkins first. Anyone has read it?
Completely addicting. Characters that you will love, hate and enjoy figuring out. A plot that keeps you engaged and an ending that will... Well I don't want to ruin it for you.
"I have never understood how people can blithely disregard the damage they do by following their hearts"
Not as up beat as you would expect a thriller to be, but an overall easy and enjoyable read 💗. Can't wait for the movie to come out.