“Loudness is measured in decibels (named after Alexander Graham Bell and abbreviated dB)”
“Loudness is measured in decibels (named after Alexander Graham Bell and abbreviated dB)”
Occasionally a challenge, although I found the music bits harder going than the neuroscience (I‘ve read more neuroscience books). Best read with music in the background. My choice was Talking Heads.
Amused that David Byrne showed up in this book because I was listening to Talking Heads while I was reading this part. Also planning to read his How Music Works next!
My #2018 in books on Goodreads.
🍄This Is Your Brain on Music
🍄 Hidden Figures
🍄 I Think I‘m Going Out of My Head-the Lettermen‘s version, not Little Anthony and the Imperials😄
Up next, I think. 🎵🎶
I found something my bail pile is good at. Holding down the loose side of my rickety fan. That's something because they weren't any good at teaching or entertaining me.
1. Tagged book
2. Currently “I‘m With Her”
3. They Might Be Giants
4. Night swimming REM
#manicmonday @JoScho
"There are two types of beings in the universe. Those who dance, and those who do not."
"I get it, yes. I'm a dancer, Gamora is not."
"You just need to find a woman who is pathetic, like you."
"Thanks, buddy."
Drax and Starlord stand by their favorite books for #riotgrams #music theme. Personally, I'm with Drax on this one...
I've often had a song stuck in my head and wondered why, today's book description from the book lover's calendar looks interesting. 📚🎤🎼🎹
Don't even get me started on #5bands cause if I'm not reading books I'm listening to music. And never at the same time. I love seeing what you're all into! 1) Neurosis 2) Alice In Chains 3) Enslaved 4) Primordial 5)Devin Townsend
Felicitations to @DebinHawaii on your #Litsyversary! It's hard to pick my favorite thing to post for the #Debsstack giveaway, which is such a generous thing to do. I figured you're tired of my grandkid pictures, so I've picked my (messy) music corner. As you can tell, I love to sing.
I don't know enough about music and/or neuroscience to appreciate this. I only know very few of the songs the author referred to to illustrate his points, and a lot of the material went over my head. It's probably better as audiobook.
I don't have a specific favorite nonfiction book but I enjoy reading about World War II specifically the holocaust and musical psychology. These are two of my favorites in those categories. #5555giveaway @Booksandcooks
Listening while doing some data entry for school...interesting book so far!!
This was a really good and interesting audiobook, and listening to it added to the experience due to the number of audio examples included. Much of this book hit home with me as I am taking guitar lessons and learning the basics of music after not knowing anything about the science of music or music theory for my first 50 years. The parts about how music affects the brain and how it can bring back memories was fascinating.
"If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to hear it, does it make a sound? Simply, no. Sound is a mental image created by the brain in response to vibrating molecules."
On Fridays, this is MY brain on music 🍷😎
#day21 #augustphotochallenge #augustofpages I figured since the theme is book+music why not post a book about the human obsession with music? Boom!!!! I got this pup for Christmas and can't wait to finally get to it!!!