Interesting and makes me want to dive more into the story of what happened. The audio had a bit of a creepy vibe to it, which I was here for.
Interesting and makes me want to dive more into the story of what happened. The audio had a bit of a creepy vibe to it, which I was here for.
The female lead had more depth in my imagination than she did in the pages of this novella. The Wikipedia pages I pulled up when I Googled "Chappaquiddick incident" were more riveting than the book. However, it did spark my interest in the real case and I think it was brave of the author to write this obviously fictionalized story while Ted Kennedy was still alive.
Unfortunately, I didn‘t like this book anymore than @Cinfhen did. Two stars feels generous. I loathe stream of consciousness, and the repetitiveness of this one was a bore. The only bonus is that it was short.
Thank God this book was only 150 pages because it was still a slough to get through. A stream of conciseness taking place at the moment of impact - a car plummeting into black murky water. Based loosely on Mary Jo Kopechne, who died while in the care of a drunk Senator Ted Kennedy. Here Kelly Kelleher, an idealistic young woman meets her fate at a July 4th party. We know how it‘s going to end and we really don‘t learn the why. Not for me 👇🏽
“The rented Toyota, driven with such impatient exuberance by The Senator, was speeding along the unpaved unnamed road, taking the turns in giddy skidding slides, and then with no warning, somehow the car had gone off road and had overturned in black rushing water...” #GreatOpeningLine #pop20
When your bath bomb matches your book! Totally unintentional.
I‘m starting this one for a buddy read with @Cinfhen . It‘s the fictional account of Senator Ted Kennedy‘s horrific plunge into Poucha Pond in Chappaquiddick. JCO really does it for me when she bases her books on real people/events, so I have super high hopes. #bathandbook
#RedRoseSeptember So, continuing with my #TBR highlights I‘ve chosen two titles that if I mash them together it‘s something close to #blackpoolrock 😜I‘ve conveniently left out #WithMyLittleStick
This was a tough one @arlenefinnigan 😂😂😂
Story is concentrated on one, single moment - drowning in the black water. Kelly is the young, insecure girl in the car with the charismatic, drunk senator. In flashbacks we learn her backstory and events that led up to the accident. Strong, powerful prose in the combination with sad, tragic story. One of those books which are slowly sneaking up on you. Between 3 and 4 ⭐️
Based on true events https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chappaquiddick_incident
This weekend I was at Bled, drinking mulled wine, chatting with friends, enjoying in view ... and I also did a little readathoning. I managed to finish book in the tag. Not successful #24in48 #readathon for me, but it was nice, relaxed weekend.
After finishing the podcast Coverup, exploring the death of Mary Jo Kopechne in Chappaquiddick, I wanted even more, so I picked up this novella inspired by its events. (Related, I highly recommend the film Chappaquiddick, a fictionalization of that fateful weekend.)
It‘s #Aharddaysnight for Kelly. She has only her memories and regrets to keep her company as the black water rises... #heyjune
#thewallsareclosingin #24in48
@Liberty I found my favorite read of 2018 so far during the readathon.
This slim 26-year-old novel, based on the Chappaquidick incident, feels relevant during today‘s #timesup movement. And Oates does an AMAZING job of putting the reader in Kelly‘s place during this most crucial moment of her life.
Best read in one setting.
Explosion vs car crash...
Auster vs Oates...
Who could choose between these two #fantasticfirstlines ???
Wow- absolute tour de force in 154 pages from Oates. Laser focus on the seduction of power and the dream/death state of a young girl at the moment the black water takes her. Novel about “the Senator” and Kelly Kelleher - thinly veiled Kennedy/ Kopechne Chappaquidick retelling. Oates is a master. 4⭐️👏👏👏👏
This has been a two lunch read, short novel fictionalizing Ted Kennedy and the Chappaquiddick death of Mary Jo Kopechne. I like the way Oates has written this and recommend it so far. Probably cannot count for #NonFictionNovember but perhaps nonfiction adjacent??
#30daysofreadathon #shortbook @DeweysReadathon
At 154 pg, they don't get much shorter. This fictionalization of the events at Chappaquidick will be a perfect readathon book 📚❤️
It is true, while reading this book you hope against hope that it will not end as you know it must end.
She can definitely write, Joyce Carol Oates. It's just that Kelly and the Senator are too one dimensional to me. Yet, poor Kelly. It is as if Oates was sitting right beside her all the way. Certainly a book worth reading. #1001books
This book is suffocating and infuriating and so good! It's that book where you know how it's going to end, but you keep hoping it will be different. The fact that this was inspired by true events gives that extra twist to your gut. 33/1,001 #1001Books
For anyone doing #24in48 (or anyone just looking for good short novels), LitHub made a list of "20 Short Novels to Stay up all Night Reading" that might be useful: http://lithub.com/20-short-novels-to-stay-up-all-night-reading/
It makes me angry sometimes, it's a visceral thing--how you come to despise your own words in your ears not because they aren't genuine, but because they are; because you've said them so many times, your 'principles,' your 'ideals'--and so damned little in the world has changed because of them.
Set not so much by the sea as under it. It's the fictionalized account of Chappaquiddick incident as told by the young woman in the car. #setbythesea #somethingforsept