I couldn‘t think of a #fixingahole book but this is a charming little book about a shape getting stuck in the wrong shape hole! 😆 #beatlemaynia
I couldn‘t think of a #fixingahole book but this is a charming little book about a shape getting stuck in the wrong shape hole! 😆 #beatlemaynia
“Still thinking of his sneaky trick, he walked past big squares and medium squares and small squares”
This is a story about a triangle visiting his friend the Square. He went through caves with all different kinds of shapes I didn‘t have games and ended up near squares house with the door was Square. He tried to make his friend afraid by hissing like a snake but eventually square made him afraid by blocking all the light in his house because he could not fit through the door
Kept the BB's attention and I thought it was pretty cute. The art is neat and the story was silly.
With the help of my mom we created Triangle & Square to go along with the story Triangle. Hands down one of my favorite picture books by @macbarnett and Jon Klassen
Can‘t wait to read Square in May and Circle in the near future!
Some people have crushes on singer, actors. Some people have crushes on children's book author/illustrators. 😊 This is when I used my daughter to get a picture of Mac Barnett and Jon Klassen who are both super cute. 😍 (They also create wonderful picture books!) Their latest is called Triangle.
#ashapeinthetitle #junebookbugs @RealLifeReading
😍😍😍 Reading with daddy before bed: Triangle followed by Hot Dog, Cold Dog. Both such cute books! #raisingreaders
Also, I found the above review on GR by "paula" (not a friend but I'm following her now!) who used this book with young men in a juvenile detention center who will be tried as adults. Her discussion with them about some of the subtleties and underlying complexities of the simple story really touched me and made me think about this book and picture books in a new way.
I feel like I should add emojis or something to this text-heavy post. ? ❤️
Honestly, I wasn't sure what to make of this odd duck book. I loved the muted art but Triangle isn't very nice and there isn't really a conclusion but both of my kids liked it and my 5yo asked for it at bedtime again and again so a pick.
Also...(see next post).
I kept seeing this come across the desk at work when it goes out, but today I finally caught it coming back and had to take a look. It's such a cute, silly little book with just the right amount of weird. I think I'm going to get it for my impending niece. If I'm gonna be her storyteller, then I'm gonna get her stories that I like.
As soon as we got home from Nashville, my 4 year was dying to draw the square character from his new book. 💛💛💛 #raisingreaders