Great sci-fi novel! Definitely Dark Matter vibes here.
Finished this one last night. It is both a fast paced sci-fi thriller and a philosophical look at what it would really mean to be able to teleport using what we know about physics today.
#sciencefiction #scifi
After hearing that this is a great book for readers who liked Ready Player One I jumped. But sadly it didn't live up to the hype. I pushed to the end but I should have probably bailed earlier on
#kindleebookdeal - This book has mixed reviews but sounds interesting.
Dove into this one today and loving the fast paced action! And the musical references. The narrator on the audio is fantastic.
At first I was really digging this book. The world is cool, there are tons of interesting science details, and the narrator's voice was entertaining. As the novel gets further into the plot, however, the story seemed like it couldn't make up its mind on where to go and so it zigzagged all over the place and was just generally confusing. I was sort of disappointed by the action of the plot overall.
Heads up to anyone who picked this up in the Audible Daily Deal a few days ago...
I was enjoying the narrator but was feeling a little lost so I pulled it up on Google Books to read the first few pages only to find that THE NARRATOR WASN‘T READING THE FOOTNOTES. This is probably not a deal-breaker to some but it bugged me.
I will definitely be reading this book about a teleporter accident gone wrong in the near future though.
And the question of the weekend - and potentially ready to be furloughed for some days - what (physical) book should I read next? 💁♀️
Morrigan‘s vote is for Kafka, since the cat could be her cousin. 😸
There‘s so much about this to love, and when it focused on those things, I really enjoyed it. But I feel like the “religious nut job cult leader” bad guy thing kind of holds it back. The not so subtle jabs at religion really irked me.
Always kind of weird but cool when an author comments or likes a review I did. I think it's really cool that they take the time to respond to their readers. Very down to earth and appreciated😁
How I currently look after staying up late to finish "The Punch Escrow". Man that was a good book! You should definitely check out this book.
Can tell the book will be good when this is the dedication!
The last two books from today's deliveries. That's enough for a while I think. #SeptemberBookHaul #bookhaul #scifi #sciencefiction
Solid hard sci-fi thriller, a little heavier on the science than I usually prefer, but I enjoyed. Pacing and plotting were good and the elements of snark and sarcasm were fun. Think Dark Matter with nods to '80's music thrown in.
As a rule, I like ANY book that quotes 'Betty Davis Eyes'.
Kindly sent to me by publishers.
A short story collection "Madame Zero" by Sarah Hall (magical realism) and "The Punch Escrow" by Tal Klein (sci-fi thriller)
Thank you. Can't wait to read these ones.
#arc #beautifulcovers #harpercollins #inkshares #geekandsundry #customhouse #shortstories
The Punch Escrow is a fun exercise in the possibilities and dangers of future tech. With a virtual army of spies, mad scientists, and religious fanatics, the story is fast-paced and exciting. There's nothing heavy here, not even philosophical questions. Narrated by a smartass hero, the story never indulges in too much moralizing about the inherent dangers of unfettered technological development