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Legend | David Gemmell
20 posts | 33 read | 25 to read
The Legend Druss, Captain of the Axe: the stories of his life were told everywhere. Instead of the wealth and fame he could have claimed, he had chosen a mountain lair, high in the lonely country bordering on the clouds. There the grizzled old warrior kept company with snow leopards and awaited his old enemy death. The Fortress Mighty Dros Delnoch, protected by six outer walls, the only route by which an army could pass through the mountains. It was the stronghold of the Drenai empire. And now it was the last battleground, for all else had fallen before the Nadir hordes. And hope rested on the skills of that one old man...
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Legend | David Gemmell
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#tuesdaytunes I asked AI generator to do me the following. Jimi Hendrix reading Wizard of Oz. Nina Simone reading Dune. Cal Tjader reading Foundation. Roy Ayers reading Marx. Rick Wakeman reading Legend and Donna Summer reading The Hobbit. ☺️ More shenanigans next week!

IuliaC Nice! 2mo
TieDyeDude 🤩 Excellent! 2mo
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Legend | David Gemmell
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I enjoyed this for what it was a quick fantasy read based on the siege of a fortress. The blurb talks mostly about Druss the Legend an ageing warrior that defies the odds but in truth it's more a parallel story about Druss on the one hand and the rise of a man named Rek. This works perfectly as a standalone but there are other books written in the same world that are more series like.

HeyT This was my #BookSpin for August @TheAromaofBooks 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
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Legend | David Gemmell
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Doing some driveway reading because the porch is too sunny. I‘m six chapters in and still getting a feel for this world. There‘s a bit of instalove that kind of jarred me out of the story but I‘m slowly becoming okay with it.

Legend | David Gemmell
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Welp I'm sort of in a mini slump as I've only managed to read 15% of the tagged this week. BUT I have also been reading a lot of cheesy harlequins which I don't track here or anywhere. So I have been reading, just nothing that counts lol.
My goal if I can get out of the slump is to finish Legend and then get at least through Clay's Ark in the Patternmaster Omnibus edition. That would have me caught up on BookSpin pick

Legend | David Gemmell
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Got my #BookSpin book ready to start as well as a reading buddy so my evening plans are set.

wanderinglynn What a beautiful cat! ❤️🐱 3y
WJCintron 😍 LOVE the cat!! 3y
sharread What a cute kitty. 3y
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Legend | David Gemmell
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Feeling like a winner this week because I finally conquered Pandora‘s Star. All 988 pages.

My plans this week are to catch up on my BookSpin with Legend and then hit the DoubleSpin list with the back half of Seed to Harvest.

Legend | David Gemmell

Not for me. Still not feeling epic fantasy

#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks
Square 22

TheAromaofBooks You are knocking them off the list! 😂 3y
AllisonM89 @TheAromaofBooks that's the plan. I'm tired of looking at books I'm not excited for 3y
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Legend | David Gemmell
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I‘ll be honest: I was ready to hate this. It started off mentioning (often) how the Nadir barbarians have slanted eyes and I thought, “oh no...” But YA‘LL. This book is so good. This is high fantasy at👏🏻its👏🏻finest👏🏻 Gemmell even makes you like Ulric, the Nadir leader, which shows how, even in battles like this: each side believes they‘re right. DRUSS THE LEGEND!! Excellent find. Thanks, #1001Books 😄 182/1,001

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Legend | David Gemmell

Love this book and I'm really enjoying re-reading it.

Legend | David Gemmell

Like how David Gemmell has created a beautiful picture without being overly descriptive.

Legend | David Gemmell
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I truly enjoyed this book more than I expected--I am not a fantasy reader, and I generally do not like war books. Now, 100 pages (1/3 of the book) of battle scenes, lost limbs, disemboweling, etc, is always too much for me. But there was a good story in here. I will not be moving on to the other two novels in this omnibus edition, though I am curious about what happens next! #1001books #192019 #1984

BarbaraBB I didn‘t even know it was on the list! Well, someday I‘ll get to that one. No hurry though! 7y
JenP Apparently the other books tell Druss‘ story so it moves back in time. I think @Leniverse might have mentioned this in the discussion thread but I can‘t remember 7y
Leniverse @JenP Yes. Or rather, the tagged book comprises book 1 (the one we read), and two other books about the same fortress at a later date. I think Rek is in both of them. Then there's at least one book set a millennium later, and set in the past there's a couple of books about Druss, and then there's the Waylander. I think maybe he's involved with the original Earl of Bronze, but I might be way off there. 7y
JazzFeathers The first and still one of my very favourite Gemmell books, thought he evolved tremendously as a writer in later novels. There is something rough about Legend that l like 7y
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Legend | David Gemmell
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When you request a book from the library and get a signed copy! My next #1001books read--I'm only reading Legend, but my library only has this big heavy hardback 3-in-1!

JazzFeathers So nice to find a fellow Gemmell fan 😁 lt's been such a long time since l read Legend. Should really read it agan 7y
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Legend | David Gemmell
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Druss knows that his #fame has won him battles because his soldiers and his enemies alike perceive him as invincible. But he also knows that to perpetuate the legend he can never appear as anything but invincible, no matter how old, tired, or wounded he gets.

Marchpane Oh this sounds good, stacking it! 7y
Leniverse @Marchpane It's sort of an aging Conan the Barbarian and a bunch of farmers, outlaws, and warrior monks holding a desperate last stand against the invading hordes in a Minas Tirith like fortress. 😉 7y
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Legend | David Gemmell
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#AndItsAugust #SeniorCitizens

It's not very day that you read an elder warrior in a fantasy story, but that's exactly Druss the Legend.
I liked the way Druss's past and present merge in a way, and in another way are so different. Druss became a hero as a young man. But many years have passed and if he's wiser and more experience he's also definitely older.

(And that's my senior kitty 😆)
#CatsofLitsy #KittenLitten

CoffeeCatsBooks 😻😻😻 7y
diovival Love this! Kitty is striking a fierce pose. 7y
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Legend | David Gemmell
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#JuneTanz #Resustance

This is the first book l read by David Gemmell, the one l fell in love with him with. It's a hard fantasy story where a small band of soldiers fight against all hopes on the gate to their homeland against an overwhelming enemy. It was inspired by the Thermopylae historical event.

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