This was a super cute book for younger girls that really inspires an interest in reading and friendship. I would definitely recommend this to a young audience. It‘s fun and relevant.
This was a super cute book for younger girls that really inspires an interest in reading and friendship. I would definitely recommend this to a young audience. It‘s fun and relevant.
2 ¾ ⭐
It's a So-so that's almost a pick. The characters are cardboard. It feels a bit like reading a Brady Bunch episode (not a complaint at all!) My biggest issue was a fair amount of body shaming, even by adults; sometimes blatant sometimes low key. Despite a Chinese American character, this book is far from diverse. However, none of this stopped me from borrowing the next book in the series 🙄
Happy Mother‘s Day! My family treated me with wonderful bookishness! I hope everyone is enjoying the day, no matter if you celebrate or not.
First audiobook of the year completed. I would have loved this as a kid. Bonus: their first book was Little Women.
I set a goal to listen to more audiobooks this year. I have to if I ever hope to put a dent on my tbr since it‘s always growing.
I really loved the idea behind this book- 4 6th grade girls are forced to join a book club with their mothers (the horror) and read Little Women together. Friendships are made and problems are solved.
Unfortunately, I wasn‘t in love with the actual book. Parts of it were too juvenile for me, while other parts were just wrapped up too neatly.
Not bad, just not for me.
Okay, can I start with how much this annoys me? "Cassidy and Emma and Megan and me." I keep wanting to change it to,"Cassidy, Emma, Megan, and I" I also absolutely hate how in the beginning they make fun of Ms. Chadwick (No matter how much I despise, hate, and want to crush her) about her weight. Other then that, I absolutely loved this book!
My friends suggested this book to me, so excited to almost be finished with it! Definitely will make a review sometime tomarrow! Maybe tonight if I'm fast enough.
The book club is about to get a makeover....
Even if Megan would rather be at the mall, Cassidy is late for hockey practice, Emma's already read every book in existence, and Jess is missing her mother too much to care, the new book club is scheduled to meet every month.
But what begins as a mom-imposed ritual of reading Little Women soon helps four unlikely friends navigate the drama of middle school.
#bookclub #fallintoreading
A nice Friday afternoon read. It was exactly what was needed: light and an easy read. Aimed at readers ages 9-12, it reminded me of reading The Babysitter‘s Club at that age. #preteen #fridayreads #littlewomen
Mum is updating her Goodreads catalogue and making reading plans for 2018, with some input from me 😜 I feel so proud!
When four moms decide to start a book club with their daughters, four very different junior high girls are brought together to read Little Women. As relationships are tested and enemies become friends, will the girls survive a year of Louisa May Alcott? I'm glad I finally got to this #ebook. Frederick is a master of character development. While some of the events seem a bit cliche, I'm sure middle grade readers will enjoy the story and characters.
I adored this book. My daughter and I read it to each other on our camping trip and loved it! We will definitely by reading the rest of the series. My teenage son was jealous. He wants a mother son book club.
I really enjoyed this book, so much so that before I finished I checked the entire series out from the library. I'm also inspired to reread Little Women!