So true…
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was such an inspiration. Let‘s remember him today and everything he stood for. ❤️❤️❤️
This is in no way a comprehensive text, but that doesn‘t make it any less powerful. It included five interviews/contributions of MLK, including an interview with a rabbi that took place two weeks before MLK‘s death. So much of it is still relevant today.
Fun fact: MLK answered letters in his own advice column in Ebony in the 50s. I had no idea. A selection of those are included.
#bookhaul | Today, I took my boys down into the city to one of our favorite spots: Parnassus Books! I picked up these two for myself; the boys‘ haul will be in a separate post.
While petting a shop dog we hadn‘t met before, we glanced over and saw Ann Patchett, realizing it was her dog, Sparky. She was working so we didn‘t want to disturb her, but I was pretty starstruck. 🤩
This book contains five interviews of Martin Luther King, one never published before. It's an interesting read, but I would have liked perhaps more interviews, and also more context for each interview.
💕 Happy Martin Luther King Jr Day.
1) Jesus (the son), Martin Luther King Jr., Michael Jackson, C. G. Jung, and Maya Angelou 🙏😋
2) Jesus (the son), Johanna Lindsey, Nora Roberts, C. G. Jung, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi 📖😋
3) if I tag you please play along have some fun
#tuesdaytidbits @JenlovesJT47 (sorry I‘m late 😖)