second book of her series i listened to. not in order. lots of recipes.
second book of her series i listened to. not in order. lots of recipes.
When you‘re in the Teeter, book in your purse, and see this! Perfect! I‘m avoiding carbs though so I didn‘t buy it lol
These books border on the ridiculous. It's mostly recipes and dialogue built around making the recipes relevant. If she doesn't resolve the whole love triangle / now square?!?, I'll...probably continue to read them because I'm apparently incapable of stopping no matter how absurd they get. 😒
Well, it was an improvement on the last one. The clues to find Ross are interesting, and those created a real mystery to follow. However the actual murder mystery in this one made very little sense. The "detective work" to track down why the victim was killed and by whom was both pointless and contrived. It was really just a sad sideline to the continuing mystery of what happened to Ross. I buddy read these with my sister ⬇️
I just don't know what to do with this series anymore. I've always enjoyed it as a nice light cozy mystery to break up some of the darker mysteries I read but the love triangle went on forever and then the new guy came out of left field and now he's part of on ongoing mystery and the books seem to be written around the recipes versus an addition to the story. I'm too far in to quit so I guess I'll just follow wherever Hannah decides to go.
This series is so cute. And I can't even count the number of recipes I've gotten from the books.
I‘ve read this series from the beginning but I kinda wish I had never started. It jumped the shark when Hannah married Ross.
The newest out in Joanne fluke Hannah Swensen mystery series. I thought the last book ended with a bit more of a cliffhanger than usual but this one tops that! Now we have to wait for the next in the series to come out 😂
In case readers were unsure what the blinking light on the answerphone meant. 🤣
This latest installment of the Hannah Swensen mystery series finds Hannah struggling with something that happened in the prior book - I won‘t spoil it. I gave this a pick, despite the rushed mystery and my disappointment in Hannah‘s loss of self-esteem. I think this one is less of a mystery and more of Hannah trying to find herself again, though there is a surprise ending. Filled with recipes, this is a nice edition to the long-running series.
This is number 22 in the series and as always there are some wonderful recipes included throughout the mystery. Even if you haven‘t read the other books don‘t worry. The author gives enough information that you will not be lost.
I‘m convinced that no one proofreads these books anymore. I also don‘t care why the characters ordered two sides of dressing. I also really need Hannah to stop fat-shaming people and mentally cataloguing their every physical flaw while also constantly talking about how stuffed she is every time she eats. Only 100ish pages left and I‘m so glad. #raspberrydanishmurder #joannefluke #hannahswensen
Actually, a report needs to be filed for ANY currency transaction over $10k. Deposit, withdrawal, cumulative of either or both in a 24-hour-period. (#formerfinancialprofessional) But seriously, this is just...what happened, Jo Fluke? The characters are all so juvenile and DUMB now, and Hannah‘s judgmental af about everyone and everything. Thank God I‘m halfway done and have other, better, things waiting. #raspberrydanishmurder #joannefluke
...Jo Fluke strikes again. Saw it, grabbed it, even though I know it‘ll drive me crazy. 🙄 #raspberrydanishmurder #joannefluke #hannahswensen #guiltypleasure #cantquit
Yay, another Litsy swap! This one hosted by @MinDea & @TricksyTails #feedareader
Thanks for distracting me from that #ssgp parcel sitting under my tree!
Need to sign up for this as well 💙 #alltheswaps