I‘m going in with low expectations.
I‘m going in with low expectations.
NOPE!!! 👎😝👎
Has absolutely nothing to do with Lovecraft's mythos and more to do with bashing him and his fans.
Here are a few ideas for our next round of #HGPBC #TeamCthulhu. Do any of these appeal to you guys? @TheReadingMermaid @BookwormAHN @jillannjohn
I loved this book! The ways it talked about how much there is to love in Lovecraft, at the same time as acknowledging he‘s a really terrible person, and the dynamics of the people in the fandom was all so well done. None of it got in the way of it being a really exciting story with a great protagonist. Really recommend!
I thought this looked really individual and interesting so I thought I‘d give it a try. Suitably spooky for just before Halloween ☺️
Another item off the bucket list. The Providence Athenæum is a must if you find yourself in RI.
A murder mystery set at a Lovecraft convention. Loved the look at convention life among the fanatics.
New #bookreview at www.theirregularreaderblog.wordpress.com! I Am Providence is a Lovecraftian mystery about the Lovecraft fandom!
LOVED. THIS. I feel like the ending was a nod to horror short stories that leave you going WAITWAIT THERE AREN'T ENOUGH PAGES...NOOOOOO! Fantastic, couldn't put it down. It gets a little muddy in the middle as nearly the entire cast gets pulled into one confusing scene, but once the web untangles you're caught in it.
Shit-talking Lovecraft: "he would be just another college freshman looking up at the sky and realizing, finally, that nobody will ever love him as much as his mother did, before he could express himself." - also, artwork of this book makes me incredibly happy.
About to delve into this. Picked it up from the shelf, read the back cover and put it back down, but couldn't stop thinking about it while browsing. Ended up leaving with this, and not the book I went in for 😂
Lovecraft's outsider says, "I almost welcome the bitterness of alienage," but he, and Lovecraft, were fucking fools. That's the problem with literature, you have to be alive in order to write it.
A very funny mystery that includes Lovecraft, fandom, con culture, writers, social media, ASMR, Men's Rights Activists, people who remember photocopied 'zines, and a dead guy talking to himself. Loved it.
A murder mystery set at a Lovecraft convention, complete with small-time writers, fandom, and ASMR references. Sign me up.