Watched this one yesterday!😄🎄 #mistletoemaniacs #wintergames2021 @Clwojick
Watched this one yesterday!😄🎄 #mistletoemaniacs #wintergames2021 @Clwojick
Watched this one last night too! I love this one and it‘s got some great songs too.😊🎄🎅🏼 #merryreaders #wintergames @Clwojick
Ornament from a friend! One of several from @aroc. This is probably my favorite, though. She knows me too well. 😊 #ornamenthunt #wintergames2020 #ReadNosedReindeer
First Christmas movie for #wintergames 😁🎄🎥
@Crimson613 @StayCurious @Clwojick
#beautyandthebeast #enchantedchristmas #christmasmovies
Got these wrapped and taking to the post tomorrow, Friday!
Dear My Swap Person,
You can open the shipping box, but don‘t open the items till December 24th!
FINALLY caught up on all my posts and can do these fun challenges, even though they're late. Thanks to @craftylikefox for tagging me ❤❤
1) Yes
2) Baking cookies, wrapping presents, Charlie Brown Christmas
3) See above 😊
4) Only if it's enough to shut everything down so I can enjoy it
5) Charlie Brown, Christmas Story, Love Actually, Beauty and the Beast Enchanted Christmas, Nightmare Before Christmas, and several more 😊😊😊
I could be reading buuuuut... Watching Beauty and the Beast Enchanted Christmas with this snuggle bunny instead. ❤🎄❄ I wish I could find the book... I'll have to look online.