I finished my book and my Lego set today. Now to find a spot to keep my Bookshop. What a lot of story is packed into The Wars. It‘s beautiful and awful. Mr Findley was so talented
I finished my book and my Lego set today. Now to find a spot to keep my Bookshop. What a lot of story is packed into The Wars. It‘s beautiful and awful. Mr Findley was so talented
It‘s International Freedom to Read Week so I‘m ( finally) reading The Wars which has been a banned book. I‘m saddened to see Tennessee is in the news for trying to pass bills to implement a board to watch what their public libraries do beginning a whole new chapter of censorship 😢
An interesting article about assigned reading around the world: https://ideas.ted.com/required-reading-the-books-that-students-read-in-28-countr...
(Although I should state for the record that I have never read or been assigned The Wars)
@Tiffy_Reads @JoeStalksBeck
Cool list. Oddly, I've never read the Canadian choice and I've read so much Findley! Littens around the world, which ones have you read? And if it's on there, what do you think of the choice for your country? And if not, what did they miss? 📚🗺❤️
I was assigned this book as part of my lit class. I have loved that so much of my class has featured Canadian authors. The Wars is a beautiful account of one Canadian soldiers experience through WWI. It is unique in the way it is largely told from the perspective of a historian who is trying to piece together the main characters life. The story deals with love, death, violence and sexuality in a rough time in history. Definitely recommend.
Two well-loved reads for day 7 of #riotgrams challenge. Neither of these are mine, but they've clearly been loved by someone.
One of the best books I have ever read. Best use of post modernism and symbolism, great use of words. And strong catharsis. The emotions of the book was painted all over the writing. Absolutely amazing, loved every sentence! It's a must read.
Do we have any Timothy Findley fans here on Litsy? #SignedSundays #SignedSunday
Day 6 of #photoadaynov16 : #readinschool I personally believe the Canadian syllabus for English far more interesting. We read The Outsiders in little groups, and midway through me reading it I broke down crying and someone else had to continue (if you've read it, you know the scene). The Wars is about a man in WWI and is mildly horrifying, but really good.
had to read it for english class (gr 11) but really liked it!!! sad at times and pretty harsh. as i was reading i predicted that robert was gay, but you can read it and find out for yourself :) rate: 4.5/5
For the #funfridaychallenge some of my tbr books. Maybe not true #coffeetablebooks but they are sitting on my coffee table, so technically...