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The Shadowy Horses
The Shadowy Horses: An enchanting, mysterious tale that bends time and place | Susanna Kearsley
27 posts | 54 read | 24 to read
A brooding and atmospheric Scottish tale from a RITA and RT Reviewers Choice Award-winning and New York Times and USA Today bestselling author The invincible ninth Roman Legion marches from York to fight the Northern tribes, and then vanishes from the pages of history. When Verity Grey goes looking for them, she may find more than she bargained for. Archaeologist Verity Grey has been drawn to the dark legends of the Scottish Borderlands in search of the truth buried in a rocky field by the sea. Her eccentric boss has spent his whole life searching for the resting place of the lost Ninth Roman Legion and is convinced he's finally found it-not because of any scientific evidence, but because a local boy has "seen" a Roman soldier walking in the fields, a ghostly sentinel who guards the bodies of his long-dead comrades. Here on the windswept shores, Verity may find the answer to one of the great unsolved mysteries of our time. Or she may uncover secrets someone buried for a reason. A modern gothic historical fiction with elements of mystery, ghosts, and romance from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Susanna Kearsley. Fans of Diana Gabaldon, Mary Stewart, Kate Morton, and Daphne Du Maurier will want to join Julia and Mariana on their journeys to love, past and present. Other great books by Susanna Kearsley: The Winter Sea Winner of an RT Reviewers Choice Award, RITA finalist, finalist for the UK's Romantic Novel of the Year Award The Firebird RITA Winner, Paranormal Romance The Rose Garden Winner of an RT Reviewers Choice Award, RITA finalist Mariana Winner of the Catherine Cookson Fiction Prize Suzanna has had books selected for the Mystery Guild, was a finalist for the UK's Romantic Novel of the Year Award, and won a National Readers' Choice Award and a RITA. What readers are saying about The Shadowy Horses: "A little bit ghost story and a little bit mystery with a cozy romantic element" "This is a tale of mysteries, of history and culture and beautiful, beautiful words." "Kearsley brings the best of authors like Phyllis Whitney and Victoria Holt with excellent character development and setting." "Utterly DELIGHTFUL, ENGAGING AND WHIMSICAL, I couldn't put it down." "a captivating blend of GHOST STORY, MYSTERY and ROMANCE." What reviewers are saying about The Shadowy Horses: "Kearsley's tale is lush with romantic and ghostly threads." - Kirkus "Brooding and atmospheric... lovers of all things Scottish are going to adore this work. This poetic novel will seduce readers with its beautiful prose and lush, vivid descriptions of the Scotland shore." - RT Book Reviews "intense, heartbreaking, and wonderfully satisfying" - Luxury Reading What everyone is saying about Susanna Kearsley: "Kearsley blends history, romance and a bit of the supernatural into a glittering, BEWITCHING tale."-Kirkus "A MAGICAL, not to be missed read." -RT Book Reviews Top Pick, 4 1?2stars "A CREATIVE TOUR DE FORCE. Sometimes an author catches lightning in a bottle, and Susanna Kearsley has done just that." - New York Journal of Books
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Just finished this enjoyable story of an archaeological dig in Scotland, with a hint of the paranormal.

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Thank you so much for my #BookSpin surprise, @TheAromaofBooks ! I‘m looking forward to reading it!

Crazeedi I've read several of hers, but not this one 6mo
Librarybelle @Crazeedi Definitely looking forward to it! 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! This one is on my shelf, too. Once of these days 😂 6mo
CaramelLunacy I loved this one! Hope you enjoy 6mo
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I have been somewhat MIA around here the last few days so I am very late posting my #FallingForFallSwap - and it was AMAZING!! @quietjenn you completely spoiled me - thank you SO MUCH. I'm excited about literally everything here. Also please ignore the fact that the Reese's are already opened because obviously I have no self-control 😂


Avanders 🍁🍂♥️🫶🏽 2y
quietjenn I'm so pleased that you like it! And Reese's pumpkins are ever so hard to resist 😉 2y
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It seems with each passing month I get more and more excited to see what fate and @TheAromaofBooks “chooses” for me to read. It‘s great my #doublespin is a good choice for Independence Day. My #bookspin is an ebook I‘ve had for years, so it‘s beyond time for it to move to the Have Read pile. Yay!

TheAromaofBooks I've enjoyed the Kearsley books I've read so far, but I haven't gotten to this one yet!! 2y
jimfields3 @TheAromaofBooks this will be my first of hers. The plot sounds intriguing 2y
TheAromaofBooks She actually combines several things that I don't usually enjoy, like dual timelines and a bit of ghostiness, but I really liked Mariana and Bellewether was one of my favorite books of 2020. 2y
jimfields3 That‘s neat to hear. If I like this one I‘ll have to add those to my TBR list. (What‘s two more?!) 😆 2y
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@Chrissyreadit Thabk you so much for my trip to Scotland! The booksleeve and tote are beautiful, I love the image of the historical map, the books wonderful, the picture on the mug is gorgeous and I absolutely love shortbread, it won't last long. I love this swap and always look forward to it. Thank you and @DinoMom for hosting!

Chrissyreadit 😘❤️😘 2y
DinoMom Amazing package 2y
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Susanna Kearsley is a mood for me and I can just sink into her books like a bubble bath. Verity gets a job archeological dig that the ghost of a Roman soldier keeps watch over. Is the dig the whim of a madman or should Verity trust in the supernatural leanings of those around her? A dash of romance, some intrigue, and a Scottish setting made this a perfect escape read.

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An archaeological dig searching for the lost Ninth Legion, Scotland (and a bonny man in a kilt) and a mysterious ghostly sentinel. Plus a love story and some Gothic family drama. Behold, so much catnip! I absolutely loved this.

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So happy I discovered Kearsley. ❤️ This one centers around an archaeological dig in a small Scottish town. The assembled dig team is searching for the Ninth Roman Legion‘s marching camp or resting place to explain their mysterious disappearance in history. Their only guidance is from an 8 yo boy with “the gift” who sees the restless ghost of the legion‘s sentinel guarding the area. Suspenseful and romantic, I loved the characters and the story. 🔻

robinb 4.5/5⭐️ This was my July #BookSpin. 3y
kspenmoll Sounds like a good one! 3y
robinb @kspenmoll I really enjoyed it. My only complaint was some loose ends not completely tied up (historical wise)…but I actually liked being able to imagine my own endings for those. 😊 3y
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PurpleyPumpkin This is a favourite of mine. Glad you enjoyed!👍🏽 3y
rubyslippersreads I‘ve never read any Kearsley but just got her new ARC from NetGalley. I‘ll have to try this one too. 3y
inthegreensandblues My favorite of this author's I've read so far! 3y
robinb @PurpleyPumpkin Loved it! Have you read a lot of her books? I think this was my third. 3y
robinb @rubyslippersreads I have that ARC too! I‘m really excited about it! 3y
robinb @inthegreensandblues 👍 Sooo good! 3y
LeeRHarry Ooh I have this on my shelf - great that you enjoyed it 😊 3y
TheAromaofBooks I'm sooo glad you introduced me to Kearsley via #LMPBC a few rounds ago!! I haven't read this one yet, but the other two I've read I've LOVED. Both times they sound like books I shouldn't enjoy (I'm not usually a fan of the paranormal) but then I get completely sucked in and love everyone!!! I definitely need to get to this one. 3y
robinb @LeeRHarry Enjoy and would love to hear what you think! 😊 3y
robinb @TheAromaofBooks I‘m so happy to have found her as well. There‘s a real magical feeling (not just the paranormal) to her writing. She does locations and relationships so well. 😊❤️ 3y
PurpleyPumpkin I also read The Winter‘s Sea. I remember really liking that one as well. I‘ll have to read more of her books!👍🏽 3y
robinb @PurpleyPumpkin I‘ve read Bellewether, Mariana and The Deadly Hours (which is an anthology she contributed to). All good! 3y
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Anna from Gustine
Shadowy Horses | Susanna Kearsley
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One of the more boring books I‘ve read in recent memory. A ghost from the lost Ninth Roman Legion appears during an archaeological dig in Scotland, but he gets amazingly little page time. The love story between the archaeologists is as slight as the mystery. Little tension and undeveloped characters The author spent so much time describing the life of the town in her setting that I wondered if she had been hired by its Chamber of Commerce. :/

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I feel like I would have enjoyed this more if I had read the book instead of listening on Audible. I really didn‘t like the narrator‘s voice. That being said, it was a good story with a (mostly) strong female lead. She had her more wimpish moments. I had expected a bit more of a spook factor and it mostly came across as a love story but archaeological themes get me every time and I was able to indulge my inner archaeologist with it.

Shadowy Horses | Susanna Kearsley

My least favorite kearsley- nothing happened

Shadowy Horses | Susanna Kearsley
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I really enjoyed this book! I wouldn't necessarily classify it as a romance novel though there is a couple love connections throughout the story. I enjoyed the lack of steamy sex scenes. I feel as though most adults know what happens and we can imagine it well for ourselves.

Susanna Kearlsey is an engaging author with likable characters, a believable story line, and enticing twists. Great book!

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Biggest bookhaul in a while--this is what happens when my sister and I catch a used booksale right before closing and it's fill a box for 10$! We'll swap most of these back and forth over time. She took the stack on the right for now. Now I get to rearrange my shelves to fit the rest 🤓

MrBook 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Wow! 👌 6y
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For me- this book focused way more on the very juvenile-like romantic relationships than on “mystery.” These were supposedly professional adults - who constantly commented on each other crushes, and who like who, and who has nice legs -instead of the supposedly career-changing project they were working on. The subject matter had potential, and anytime the author did focus on the actual mystery I was I intrigued, but it just wasn‘t enough.

RaimeyGallant I wouldn't like this one either I don't think. 6y
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Shadowy Horses | Susanna Kearsley
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I‘ve read and enjoyed several of Kearsley‘s books, which were wonderful blends of history, mystery, and romance, on par with Kate Mosse‘s work. This one was just okay. The balance of the story tipped towards romance more than history or suspense, which is not my favorite genre. What saved this for me was Kearsley‘s lovely & lush description of Eyemouth. The image here commemorates a disaster that is described in the book.

Arcana I enjoy romance mixed in with history and suspense. I‘m gonna give this a try. Thanks! 6y
Andrew65 I love Eyemouth, so will have to read this! 6y
avalinah Haven't read this one, but agreed - Kearsley can be amazing, but also very mediocre too. I loved ummm what's the name of that book... something about Eden, I think. Can not remember for the life of me, lol 6y
PatriciaU @avalinah I don‘t know the book you means offhand but I will say that I enjoyed Kearsley‘s “Slains” novels.Her writing reminds me very much of Barbara Michaels/Elizabeth Peters. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage This wasn‘t my favorite Kearsley either. 6y
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Enabler alert: I really love Susanna Kearsley's books. This one was great so if you have an e-reader, this is a great deal!

Myhusbandhatesreading I loved this one too!! ❤️❤️ 7y
BellaBookNook @Myhusbandhatesreading I remember loving the story and the slow burn romance. 7y
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The covers of Slains series by Susanna Kearsley are all about hair. The book I tagged isn't part of the series, but since it has one of the same characters in it, I think of it as kind of a prequel. #hairthereandeverywhere #anditsaugust.

Booknerd2 Love this author 7y
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Some of my favorite books featuring #thebacksofwomen for #marchintoreading. The Shadowy Horses is my favorite Susanna Kearsley novel and I was so happy to get it signed by her a couple of years ago. The book centers around the mystery of the lost 9th Roman legion. The piece of paper is a list she wrote of suggestions to me for movies about the 9th.

Alytrue Love Susannah Kearsley! Shadowy Horses is on my TBR. Favorite so far is The Winter Sea, but they are all good! 7y
booksandsympathy @Alytrue The Shadowy Horses also has a secondary character in it who is a main character in The Firebird(the book after The Winter Sea). If you haven't read The Firebird yet, I suggest you read The Shadowy Horses first to get background info on that character. If you have read it, this book will give you more insight into his character. 7y
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Shadowy Horses | Susanna Kearsley
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My first trip to The Strand in NYC. Hard to believe it was four years ago!

MrBook Love #TheStrand!!! 8y
angrylilasian One of my favorite bookstores! Right up there with @Powells in Portland! 8y
BookishTrish @angrylilasian I HAVE to get to @Powells sometime. 8y
angrylilasian @BookishTrish Make sure you plan to stay a few days. I was in Portland for 4 days and went everyday. Still didn't get enough time there. 😄 8y
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Shadowy Horses | Susanna Kearsley

My first trip to The Strand in NYC. Hard to believe it was four years ago!

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I read this slowly so I could savor Kearsley's words! Her scenes are vivid + atmospheric, and I liked the characters. I wish there was just a teensy bit more of the Roman soldiers' story in here, but ultimately I loved this book.
I abandoned the audio at about the halfway point: the formatting was inefficient and took too long to alternate between print + audio. I think that there should be breaks WITH each chapter but there is not, so 👎🏻

CarrieKitz I love her writing! 8y
Nebklvr Sigh....love her books 8y
Zelma I loved this one too. Everything she writes is so satisfying. 8y
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Nighttime reads!

Nebklvr Love, love, love Kearsley!! 8y
intothehallofbooks @Nebklvr I really like this one so far, although I'm still pretty early in the book. This is my second by Kearsley-I've read The Winter Sea and loved that one too 😊 I want to read all of her books! 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage This was a good one. I really enjoy her work. My favorite so far has been 8y
Zelma Susanna Kearsley is one of my favorite authors. I've paced myself so I always have something o cheers to read. The Rose Garden was my favorite but I love all of her books. 8y
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