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Airframe: A Novel | Michael Crichton
From the author of "Jurassic Park, Timeline, "and" Sphere" comes this extraordinary thriller about airline safety, business intrigue, and a deadly cover-up. #1 "NEW YORK TIMES" BESTSELLER "The pacing is fast, the suspense nonstop."--"People" At a moment when the issue of safety and death in the skies is paramount in the public mind, a lethal midair disaster aboard a commercial twin-jet airliner flying from Hong Kong to Denver triggers a pressured and frantic investigation in which the greatest casualty may be the truth. "A one-sitting read that will cause a lifetime of white-knuckled nightmares."--"The Philaelphia Inquirer" "The ultimate thriller . . . [Crichton's] stories are always page-turners of the highest order. . . . ["Airframe"] moves like a firehouse dog chasing a red truck."--"The Denver Post"" ""Dramatically vivid."--"The New York Times"
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Airframe: A Novel | Michael Crichton
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Eggs Sounds good! 5mo
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Airframe: A Novel | Michael Crichton
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Had some difficulty finding a book for the #Investigate prompt of #ScaryFebruary until the Mr. said "Airframe. The whole book was about an investigation." Yeah, I would've never remembered that; but than again when you've only read 2 books out the thousands on my shelves I guess it's easy to remember ? Glad Airframe was 1 of the 2 he read! I remember really liking it but all that stuck with me is the description of an airplane wing--Fascinating!

MatchlessMarie Love the teamwork! 🕵🏻‍♀️ 😜 2y
TheBookgeekFrau @MatchlessMarie I knew there was a reason to keep him around 😂 2y
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Airframe: A Novel | Michael Crichton
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This was my #bookspin for August. I heard good things about this one. And it turned out to be true. This was entertaining, exciting and educational. Glad I've read it.
TBR since July 16th. 2021; 431 pages.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Airframe: A Novel | Michael Crichton
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Read this right after Jurassic Park. My boyfriend owns the book and has tried to read it multiple times but couldn‘t get into it because it reminds him too much of his job lol

Airframe: A Novel | Michael Crichton


Airframe: A Novel | Michael Crichton
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🎧 Yes! I really enjoyed this nook NOT about dinosaurs.

BAM! A mysterious incident on an airplane. 3 people were killed, 50-some injured. What happened & why.

We dive into the investigation into what happened. The union employees, engineers, safety investigators & QA. A major subplot involves a news show similar to Frontline & their “story-telling”.

Easy fun read & I loved the ending. Just what I didn‘t know I was looking for! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2 👇🏻

Twainy This was one of the Audible $5 sale books. Well worth a read. I might give Crichton another chance 😁 Thank you Libby! 4y
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Airframe: A Novel | Michael Crichton

Who wants to read about another cover up?

Airframe: A Novel | Michael Crichton
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I don‘t remember this one well, but I do remember liking it.
#FlyAway #WanderingJune

Cinfhen I don‘t think I‘ve read any of his books 🙈 5y
Megabooks @Cinfhen Really?? I went through a phase. I used to go through author phases all the time. 5y
BarbaraBB Neither have I @Cinfhen 5y
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Megabooks @BarbaraBB Really? Hmmm... Well, this isn‘t my favorite, but Jurassic Park the book is better than the movie and my fav is 5y
BarbaraBB He wrote Jurassic Park? I didn‘t even know! 5y
rabbitprincess I really liked this one and now I wish I still had my copy for a re-read. 5y
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Airframe: A Novel | Michael Crichton

Excellent story. Shows Crichton‘s ability to gather knowledge and make a fine book with details important to their plot

Airframe: A Novel | Michael Crichton
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Read this back in ‘96 when it came out. To this day every time I get on a plane I think about the descriptions of building a wing. Fascinating stuff! (And a good story too)

#ReadingResolutions #Planes

GarthRanzz I love all of Crichton‘s work. He was a brilliant man. 7y
TheBookgeekFrau @GarthRanzz Yes! Very much so. I‘ve learned so much from his books on top of enjoying intriguing, engaging stories 7y
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Airframe: A Novel | Michael Crichton
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#VoicesOnTheWind #Aeroplanes
And it is from my own collection! 😎

Airframe: A Novel | Michael Crichton
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I still prefer physical books, but I have been reading a lot of ebooks recently. The Kindle is just so portable. Never done an audio book. Quite frankly I have no idea how to pick one. #6666giveaway @Booksandcooks

Gezemice If you want to know why an audiobook could be a completely different experience, I highly recommend Born a Crime by Trevor Noah. His performance makes the book outstanding. If you have never used Audible before, I can send you a free copy of it! I just need an email address! (edited) 7y
Megabooks Yes, I didn't know how to pick an audiobook either! I started following @LitHousewife and bugging her about awesome audiobooks since she blogs about them! Definitely get with @Gezemice about Born a Crime! 7y
MoMogrl @Gezemice I have not tried Audible. I just can't figure out how to send you my email without it being public.... 7y
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Gezemice @MoMogrl Try going to my goodreads account from my profile. I only accept messages from friends but you can send me your email in a friend request. I wish litsy had private messaging! 7y
MoMogrl @Gezemice done! I have to say that's my only complaint of Litsy so far, there should be a private message option. 7y
Gezemice @MoMogrl Sent! Accepted the friend request, too, I hope you don't mind! I hope you will enjoy it! 7y
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Airframe: A Novel | Michael Crichton
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I pretty much love all of Michael Crichton's work, but I don't often see much love being given to Airframe. I don't know why, it's got all the Crichton hallmarks. It's well researched, it's believable, it's really well written. I love it! If you've not tried it, give it a go.
#michaelcrichton #thriller #airframe #book #booknerd #scifi #bookish #bibliophile

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Airframe: A Novel | Michael Crichton
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Another great Michael Crichton book! This was about a plane crash and the airframe manufacturer trying to figure out what happened. Maybe not the best book to read when I'm on a cross country flight. 😂

Airframe: A Novel | Michael Crichton
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This was a lot of fun! Reminded me why I used to love Michael Crichton so much.

Airframe: A Novel | Michael Crichton
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Reading and editing in bed, alternately.

Airframe: A Novel | Michael Crichton
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Needed a palate cleanser book after so much fantasy and experimentality. Hope this works!

ReadingOver50 This book was very scary to me 😬 8y
RiaWritten @ReadingOver50 Scary I don't mind...it's the complex language and weirdness I need a break from! 8y
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Airframe: A Novel | Michael Crichton
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I am woefully behind on the #photoadaynov16 challenge. I aim to rectify that today! For #day2, here's my #planestrainsautomobiles post.

Suzze All three. Impressive. 8y
Liatrek Someone suggest I read the White Tiger at a book sale. It's on my TBR pile. Did you like that book? 8y
PurpleyPumpkin @Liatrek I quite enjoyed it! It took me some time to get into, but worth it. 8y
Liatrek @PurpleyPumpkin thank you! I look forward to reading it. Some books are worth a slow start 😊 8y
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Airframe: A Novel | Michael Crichton
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Picking something to read for this week
#michaelcrichton #fridayreading

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