Finally broke down and got an ereader for Christmas first on my TBR to read is this, I'm halfway through and so far I like it but I have no idea what is going on
Finally broke down and got an ereader for Christmas first on my TBR to read is this, I'm halfway through and so far I like it but I have no idea what is going on
Not as good as the earlier books by this author but I did enjoy it - and never quite understanding what was going on just kept me reading (all becomes clear at the end)
What a confusing, cobbled up mess.
I didn't find this book slow at all, even though many other readers did. I appreciated the beautiful prose and the descriptive gothic feel. However, I'm so confused. I am trying to piece it together, but it seems like there aren't any fan theories. The author doesn't have any interviews discussing the end (that I've found), and anything I think then has five reasons why it doesn't make sense. Any littens have thoughts on this one?
The writing was lovely, but I can‘t actually say I *liked* this book. I couldn‘t get a handle on any of the characters, including the protagonist, the mystery seemed obvious and at the same time the ending was very confusing, and there was just an overall lack of tension. It left me confused and sad and weirded out. So I won‘t say it was *bad*, it was just definitely not for me. On to something more substantial. 3/10 ⭐️
The fact that it‘s taking me over a week to read a short novel is not good. The writing is lovely but I don‘t like any of the characters and don‘t really know what‘s going on and don‘t actually care that much. I‘ll finish it because pretty writing and I‘m halfway through, but really looking forward to this one being over so I can read something more enjoyable.
Finally found a few minutes to look through all the #lmpbc comments in this - it was really fun to see all the things everyone else caught that I missed on my first read through. This is definitely a book I think I‘ll have to revisit someday! @kellyann28 @ConfessionofaBookaholic @TheBookKeepers
Wow, ok so I feel like we need a full blown discussion over this #lmpbc pick! Lol @ConfessionofaBookaholic @kellyann28 @Johanna414 !
I agree w/Kelly this was not what I was expecting but I loved it! This is one of those books, if u reread it I bet you can catch a lot more of the story each time. So much symbolism woven in (some above my head lol)!
Starting this tonight for the new book club I‘m joining! Has anyone read it yet?
Got two books in the mail & mailing two books out!! 📚📚📚📚
@Johanna414 the next book for our #lmpbc is on its way to you!
@kellyann28 received the one you sent!
Looks like I‘ll have a bit of a wolf theme going on next month 🐺 🌙
Mailing my #JustABookSwap #round2 out to my secret match, can‘t wait for them to get it!
Great book. Quick and easy read with enough mystery to keep you intrigued. Definitely the break I needed from the intense sci-fi kick I've been on lately.
A sort of gothic ghost story. Haunting at times. It focuses a lot on writing style which is sort of poetic in nature. I never totally cared about the characters but I liked the plot.
Bina is a girl who always seems to be in trouble. When one last transgression gets her kicked out of the house her mother shares with her step family, she high tails it to NYC to spend the summer at Catherine House. A place her mother also stayed in her youth. The book was ok, but I had lots of questions in the end.
I liked this book! It was the complete opposite of what I was expecting, but I enjoyed it! I will get it in the mail on Monday for it's next stop for our #LMPBC !
Just sent off this one for my #lmpbc @kellyann28 you should get it by Monday. I won‘t say much but I will say that it keeps you on your toes.
Fell so far behind on my reading last month. Vacation turned out to be anything but. But I‘m finally finishing up my #lmpbc should have it in the mail by the end of the week! Looking forward to getting the next one in the mail 🤗
I'm lucky I get book money for my classroom and I have few students who love Nova Ren Suma as much as I do!
Just took my last final exam yesterday and my #lmpbc showed up today! I‘m now equipped to jumpstart my winter break!!! 📚
@Johanna414 @kellyann28 @TheBookKeepers
I *finally* finished this book! I don‘t know if it‘s the book itself that didn‘t really resonate with me, or if it was just the result of being in a major slump, but I didn‘t love this. I didn‘t necessarily dislike it either... I won‘t say too much about it though because it‘s my #lmpbc book
@ConfessionofaBookaholic It‘s headed your way! @kellyann28 @TheBookKeepers
Guys, I am in such a slump right now... I‘ve only read 2 books this month - one was an audiobook and one was a carry over from last month. I‘m plugging away at my #lmpbc book, but all I really want to do in the evenings is lay on my couch and watch tv! 😭😭😭
I‘m hoping the fact that I don‘t want to do any work today will be incentive to get through a good chunk during the slow periods in the library...
#bookmail #lmpbc #groupb @TheBookKeepers @kellyann28 @ConfessionofaBookaholic
This cover is sooo pretty!
Some possibilities for our next round of #lmpbc #groupb
See anything here that looks good? Have you read any? Are there any you have no interest in? @kellyann28 @TheBookKeepers @ConfessionofaBookaholic
Nina runs away from home to a boarding house for girls in NYC where her mom stayed at after leaving her abusive husband.
It‘s very rare that a like a writing style like this authors. She has a knack for writing her stories where they feel real but surreal while including some supernatural elements. I had an idea where this story was going having connecting clues and enjoyed reading the story to its conclusion.
Bina runs away from a troubled home life to the same New York boarding house her mother once took refuge in years ago, only to get entangled in a web of mysteries, lies, and secrets—but the biggest secret of all may be the one she is hiding from herself. I wanted to devour and savor every word of this book. Not all the pieces fit perfectly for me in the end, but the story is so compelling and so beautifully haunting that I fell hard anyway.
I'm all kinds of confused. What did I just read? It doesn't make sense, and questions were left answered. This is my 2nd time trying to read this, and I kinda, sorta, really wish I hadn't. The beginning was so S-L-O-W. A disconbobulated mess! I gave it 2 stars on GR because it had potential. But...just...huh...what??
Listening while I work. So far, I love it. I'm not surprised Nova Ren Suma is one of my favorites📚📚📚📚
Do you have those authors that you preorder their books before there is even a summary for them? This author is one of those for me. I have all her books and love her writing.
#bookmail #octobertbr
This was really good. I feel like I'm not 100% clear on what exactly was going on at all times but I understand the big picture.
Wonderfully written. Worth checking out when it comes out next month.
#arc #ya #novarensuma
In A Room Away from the Wolves, critically acclaimed and New York Times bestselling author Nova Ren Suma weaves a spellbinding ghost story about who deserves a second chance, how we lie to those around us and ourselves, and what lengths girls will go to in order to save each other...
I came home to this awesome #bookmail from Thomas Allen. I am so excited to read this! I love Nova Ren Suma's books.
#arc #bookmailisthebestmail #ya
1) so far I have read 111.
2) my GR challenge is set at 300 but I‘m hoping to surpass it.
3) that‘s too hard to just chose one!
4) my most anticipated was Sky in the Deep which came out last week. Now I‘m most anticipated the tagged book and Courtney Summers new book, Sadie.
I‘m so excited for this book! She is one of my favorite authors where I always preorder her books.