I hate this book. I DNF‘d this at 100 pages. And am happy I did.
This was one of the most haunting, brutal and sad first chapters of a book Ive ever read.
Book 13
Because life is complicated and not everyone can enjoy this day the same way.
This whole book felt like a waste of time. The main characters are also not very likable so that really didn‘t help.
NOVEMBER reads! October was my worst month of i date, but hopefully that gets me into it again and catching up!
Yes, you get that Sebold is good at writing from reading this. However, it was a very difficult book to get through. The first 50 pages were brutal. I did not like the main character. I cannot emphasize with her. I understand that mental illness can have unfathomable affects on people...and that is obviously the cause of how Helen became Helen. But this sucked to read and I am glad to put it behind me and dive into something better.
Oh boy. I don't know if I can get through this one. It's so disturbing. ?????
I'm trying because it is a book club book. The author wrote "The Lovely Bones" so you would think it'd be a great read..
Grabbed my attention with this first sentence: When all is said and done, killing my mother came easily.
These are 4 of my 5 lowest rated books according to Goodreads. I plan on reading and discussing why I agree or disagree with the ratings. Here's a link to my blog post if you are interested: https://coffeeandcatsblog.wordpress.com/2019/01/28/the-5-lowest-rated-books-on-m...
1. The Greatest Showman ❤️💜💙 It was amazing!
2.Have fun! I guess my favorite thing is to try something new. Not a particular place or event.
3. 11
4. Oh man. I think this was the first book I DNFed without any iota of guilt.
I thought that since I enjoyed reading The Lovely Bones that I would also like this by the same author. Oh man. The main character is extremely dislikable. And, it‘s more than likely designed to make the reader cringe and dislike this very odd and twisted woman, but I could not construe a single shred of sympathy for her. A bunch of running around with dark thoughts strewn about.
Has anyone ever read this book? I started it about a week ago, and haven‘t found it to be a page turner. I think Alice sebolds work is amazing but I guess I need to give this one a harder try!
I‘m about 60 pages in and I‘m really not loving this. I liked The Lovely Bones by Sebold but this is definitely not my forte presently.
#RiotGrams Day 4: This book is unapologetically #Purple - one of my book bargain finds fairly recently. Anyone who has read this? Or her The Lovely Bones?
Just started this book. It hasn‘t really drawn me in yet. Hopefully it gets better!
This was the first title that came to mind for today‘s #moon prompt. I read it after the more well known The Lovely Bones.
I seem to recall this was a bit of a ‘so so‘ read, but can‘t remember much about it. 🤔
Welp....this one escalated quickly. 😳😮😂😂😂😂
This one came a month or two ago in my ThriftyBooks box subscription. Outside enjoying this slightly hot, but beautiful day today.
#marchintoreading Day4: #didntlikeitstillfinished
Years ago I picked this book up to complete a reading challenge. It was terrible. I forced myself to finish it and then later wished I could scrape the memory of the story out of my brain. 😣
Well this book is a little messed up. I struggled with this book particularly at the beginning. My problem with it was the movement between what was happening in the present and things that happened in the past. There was no fluidity to this movement and I sometimes found it difficult to know when things were happening.
#bookreview #bookworm #bookdragon #lovereading #lovetoread #booklove #fiction
"When all is said and done, killing my mother came easily."
An interesting first line. #firstline #firstlines #newbook #bookworm #bookdragon #lovetoread #lovereading #booklove
This is why you always carry a book with you! At some point you'll be parked and waiting for someone/something. I'd rather read than scroll through Facebook :P
So very understanding about being human. Alice Sebold can articulate just the most difficult feelings. Brutally honest author.