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A Keeper
A Keeper | Graham Norton
25 posts | 29 read | 20 to read
Graham Norton's debut novel HOLDING was a Sunday Times bestseller and loved by readers everywhere. His new novel, A KEEPER, is a twisted tale of secrets and ill-fated loves that once again demonstrates Norton's understanding of human nature and all its darkest flaws. The mystery of Elizabeth Keane's father is one that has never been solved by the people of Buncarragh - not for lack of speculation. Her mother Patricia had been assumed a spinster, until she began dating a mysterious man from out of town, and within months had left Buncarragh and had married. Less than two years later, Patricia was back, with a new baby in her arms, but no new husband by her side and unbendingly silent about her recent past. A secret she would take with her to her grave. Now, as Elizabeth returns to the village after her mother's funeral, bringing with her her own regrets and wounds, she finds a thin pile of ribbon-bound letters at the back of a wardrobe that may at last hold the key to her past: Dear Lonely Leinster Lady, I'm not really sure how to begin... Praise for Holding, winner of the Irish Book Awards' Book of the Year 2016 'Poised and perceptive' Sunday Times '... a deftly plotted story as moving as it is compelling' Sunday Mirror 'Deeply accomplished ... brilliantly observed' Good Housekeeping '... one of the more authentic debuts I've read in recent years ... in such an understated manner, eschewing linguistic eccentricity ... in favour of genuine characters and tender feeling ... this is a fine novel' John Boyne, Irish Times 'It is beautiful and yet devastatingly sad' Daily Express 'Strenuously charming ... surprisingly tender' Metro 'Heartwarming and observant' Stylist
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A Keeper | Graham Norton
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I‘m a fan of the Graham Norton show and now I‘m a fan of his books.

Librarybelle Welcome to Litsy! 2mo
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Keeper | Graham Norton
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Vanilla flavoring. It was entertaining enough to continue listening through to the end, but I won‘t likely remember it.

Hooked_on_books That‘s too bad, but what a cool cover! 3mo
Cathythoughts Yes I think his last one was like that too. I enjoyed it to a certain extent , but wouldn‘t be rushing back for more. 3mo
Tamra @Cathythoughts @Hooked_on_books I liked the setting a lot, but I wasn‘t sitting on the edge of my seat. I‘d be willing to listen to another. 3mo
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A Keeper | Graham Norton

#bookspin for December done! This was an easy read, took some serious suspension of belief though. Also some frustrating edit errors (Elizabeth referred to as Patricia in a later chapter which was super confusing). A comfy, cosy read though.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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A Keeper | Graham Norton
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I like Graham Norton, and his writing did not disappoint! This had a lot more plot than the summary led me to believe, which was a nice surprise. I‘d read more stuff by him :)

A Keeper | Graham Norton
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Elizabeth lives in US but returns to Ireland after her mother‘s death to take care over her inheritance. But doing this task, she found some letters that will reveal family secrets about her mother and father. The story has various twists.
I enjoyed the story in general but some events were unreal to me. Poor Edward. The end was ok. 3.5

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A Keeper | Graham Norton
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Between so-so and a pick. I love Graham Norton and wanted to love this book. I liked it well enough. But it wasn't great. He narrates the audiobook and does a decent job.

My #bookspin for January. 👍

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
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Keeper | Graham Norton
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My #bookspinbingo for January. My #bookspin is Graham Norton's Keeper. #doublespin is Hidden Bodies by Caroline Kepnes.

Thanks @TheAromaofBooks for continuing to host this each year. It has really helped me focus on some of my backlog books. 🙂

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Looks great!!! 2y
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A Keeper | Graham Norton
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Birthday gifts from my parents. They both think I read too much, but after 40....something years, I guess they've realized it's just who I am. 😁

Magpiegem HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! 🎉🎈🎁 What is “reading too much”? I‘ve never heard of that 😊 3y
MidnightBookGirl Happy Birthday! It's always better when people just give up and give in to the bookworm in their family. 3y
Traci1 @Magpiegem right? We do amazon wishlists in our family so it's easier on the grandparents (my parents and inlaws), and my dad always says "all you ever have is books on your list." And??? ? 3y
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Traci1 @MidnightBookGirl thanks 😊 3y
rabbitprincess Books are the perfect gift! They are so easy to wrap 😉 3y
Traci1 @rabbitprincess definitely. No wonky or sticky out-y bits. 😁 3y
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A Keeper | Graham Norton
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What a great storyteller Norton is! I can't wait to read everything else he's written.

Traci1 Graham is great. I love the podcast he does on audible, too. 3y
Penny_LiteraryHoarders @Traci1 will have to check that out! 3y
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A Keeper | Graham Norton
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Started this one, for book club, and have been enjoying it too.

A Keeper | Graham Norton
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This has not had great reviews but think it's a pick for me. Just. The story kept me engaged despite it verging into the unbelievable and adsurd at times.

A Keeper | Graham Norton
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He longed for silence.

A Keeper | Graham Norton
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Next up . . . A 99p bargain on kindle. A friend has said its not great but I liked 'Holding' so willing to dive in to this one.

A Keeper | Graham Norton
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• Scribd audiobook • Library e-book

When Elizabeth Keane returns to Ireland after her mother‘s death, she‘s focused only on saying goodbye to that dark and dismal part of her life. Her childhood home is packed solid with useless junk, her mother‘s presence already fading. But within this mess, she discovers a small stash of letters—and ultimately, the truth.

A Keeper | Graham Norton
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This was NOT what I was expecting! This quiet Irish tale takes a dark turn. Elizabeth goes to Ireland to close her mother‘s estate after her death. She uncovers some truths about her parents & the book flashes back to her mother‘s POV in the past. She meets a lonely farmer through an ad & the 2 begin an awkward courtship. This writing was weak in parts, but the story was interesting. I could easily have cut the entire subplot w/Elizabeth‘s son.

MicheleinPhilly Is this BBC Graham Norton??? 3y
AvidReader25 @MicheleinPhilly Yes!!! Can you believe that? He narrates the audiobook as well. 3y
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A Keeper | Graham Norton

This was a bit of an unsettling book in places, so it‘s not the most easy-going read, but it was still really interesting. The two timelines tie in perfectly. The author did a good job of revealing the final pieces of the puzzle.

A Keeper | Graham Norton
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I love Graham Norton‘s TV show. This novel is not bad either. I enjoyed it. Whilst reading it I could imagine this story being passed along a village gossip grapevine somewhere in rural Ireland. The note in the acknowledgments about the story coming from his mother seems to confirm this.

Keeper | Graham Norton
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Could be some of the last patio days for reading. I'm soaking it up while I can! We've had two wild and wicked storms this week so today is a beautiful one!

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A Keeper | Graham Norton
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Got some good reading in this week despite traveling.

Here is my recap of last with recommendations: http://obsessedbookaholic.com/2019/08/19/weekly-reading-round-up-august-19-2019/

What was your favorite read of last week?

heidisreads I‘m reading Three Women right now! I reread Kate DiCamillo‘s Raymie Nightingale and Louisiana‘s Way Home last week in anticipation of Beverly, Right Here. 5y
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A Keeper | Graham Norton
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Charity shop book haul.
Bought all of these today for a grand total of £10


tammysue 🙌🏻😊 5y
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A Keeper | Graham Norton
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First purchase of 2019!!

ju.ca.no Looks pretty😍 5y
Traci1 Is this the same Graham Norton who hosts a talk show? 5y
charl08 I'm really looking forward to his next one, as his first two were so good. 5y
Tashreads @Traci1 the very same yes! 😁 5y
bookish.mum I really liked this book 😁 5y
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A Keeper | Graham Norton
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I loved the Irish vibe of this and the original story, but overall it felt too bleak and far-fetched. Elizabeth returns to Ireland after her mother Patricia dies & slowly uncovers the truth of her family history. We go back in time to Patricia‘s life. The tone is engaging & observations about returning to home town ring true, but Patricia‘s story was too grim & bizarre for me. I became frustrated with the slow pace & unsympathetic characters.

A Keeper | Graham Norton
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A Keeper | Graham Norton
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Yup, it's *that* Graham Norton, and he really can write.

batsy Strong stab of nostalgia at "the last few unwanted Quality Street sweets"... Though in completely different countries! 6y
charl08 Across the water from his book, and exactly the same. 6y
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A Keeper | Graham Norton

I almost gave up on this one, but glad I saw it through. Surprisingly sinister and infused with that Irish melancholy. I didn't love it as much as Graham's debut (Holding), that was gorgeous, but definitely worth a read.

RaimeyGallant Nice review. And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. 6y
JaneLovesBooks Thanks @RaimeyGallant ! I will definitely take a look 😊 6y
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Eggs Welcome to Litsy 👋🏻⭐️🤗 6y
JaneLovesBooks @Eggs Thank you! I'm loving it 👋 6y
Lel2403 Welcome to Litsy 🦔 6y
julesG Welcome to Litsy! 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Welcome to Litsy!! 6y
CoffeeNBooks Welcome to Litsy! 🎉 6y
Jess7 Welcome to Litsy! 6y
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