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Cute as an Axolotl
Cute as an Axolotl: Discovering the World's Most Adorable Animals | Jess Keating
8 posts | 1 read
"Cats of Instagram" meets National Geographic in this hilarious picture book about nature's cutest weirdos from the author of Pink Is for Blobfish! The Internet pretty much runs on cute animal photos, but "cute" is so much more than clickbait kittens and insta-pups. Cute is for feathery-gilled axolotls (pronounced: ax-uh-LOT-ulz), shy pygmy hippos, poisonous blue dragons, and armored pangolins. All of these animals are cute, but they've also adapted remarkable ways to survive in their unique environments. With her signature blend of humor and zoological know-how, Pink Is for Blobfish author Jess Keating shows how cute animals can be more than just a pretty face in this latest installment of the World of Weird Animals.
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Am I 30 today and got treated to a build a bear Christmas axolotl by @TheWolfbehindTheEyes ? Yes. Did I find this axolotl a book t-shirt? Absolutely 😃 double love lol thank youuuuuuuu. @CymbaX13 @Bekachu97

CymbaX13 @hannah-leeloo omg that adorable 10mo
ElizaMarie Awe!!! Too cute! Love your reading buddy! And happy birthday! 10mo
hannah-leeloo Thank youuuuu @ElizaMarie 🙂 10mo
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Librarybelle Happy Birthday! 10mo
catiewithac Happy birthday!! 🎉 10mo
hannah-leeloo Thank you @Librarybelle and @catiewithac 💙💙 10mo
Bookwormjillk Happy birthday 🎂 10mo
hannah-leeloo Thank you @Bookwormjillk 😊 10mo
JenReadsAlot Happy birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 10mo
AmyG Happy Birthday Hannah!!!! Have a wonderful day. 🎂🎁🎈🎉 10mo
hannah-leeloo Thank you @JenReadsAlot and @AmyG 💙💙 10mo
MaureenMc Happy birthday! 🎉 10mo
Cupcake12 Happy birthday 🥳 hope you‘ve had a great day ❤️ 10mo
hannah-leeloo Thank you @MaureenMc and @Cupcake12 💙💙 10mo
TheBookgeekFrau Happy Birthday!!! 🎉💕 10mo
hannah-leeloo Thank you @TheBookgeekFrau ❤️ 10mo
Ruthiella Happy Birthday! 🥳🥳🥳 10mo
hannah-leeloo Thank you @Ruthiella 😊 10mo
rabbitprincess Many happy returns! 🥳🥳 10mo
Deblovestoread Happy birthday 🎈📚🎂 10mo
hannah-leeloo Thank you @rabbitprincess and @Deblovestoread ♥️♥️ 10mo
dabbe HB, darlin'! 💙❄️💙 10mo
hannah-leeloo Thank you @dabbe 😊 10mo
DaveGreen7777 Happy Birthday! 🥳🎂🎁🎈🎉🦉 10mo
Yuki_Onna Oh my goodness, how did I not know about your b'day? Happy Birthday, sweet❣️🎂 10mo
hannah-leeloo Thank you my friends @DaveGreen7777 and @Yuki_Onna 💖💖 10mo
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#scarathon photo challenge: cat, my daughter has a stuffed axolotl dressed as a cat (6 points) #BatBrigade

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My daughter insisted on wearing her axolotl shirt for the first day. Yesterday at the teacher meet & greet we ran into the school librarian. My daughter was telling her all about budding obsessions with axolotls. (Her school has an axolotl in the library). The librarian told her how cool. Then she told her that she‘s going to find time for her to come & help her feed the axolotl. Needless to say she was over the moon.

AmyG I won‘t lie. I had to google! 14mo
TheBookgeekFrau @AmyG Me too 🙋🏻‍♀️😂 14mo
ncsufoxes @AmyG my kids become obsessed with the most random animals. My middle child (14) is obsessed with capybaras & keeps telling my they are legal to own in Texas. Not sure what to do with that info since we live in MA. He also wants us to have a farm so we can have chickens, ducks, & whatever other animal he finds interesting. Basically he wants us to run an animal sanctuary. 14mo
AmyG I love capybaras! We used to live by a small zoo when my kids were little. They were a favorite. @thebookgeekfrau 👊 (edited) 14mo
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@gossamerchild Thank you for the lovely #muglove23! I‘m obsessed 😍 with the mug and look forward to trying the beans. @TheKidUpstairs @Cinfhen

Cinfhen Cute mug ♥️ 2y
gossamerchild Yay! I'm so glad you liked it ❤️❤️ 2y
Chelsea.Poole I love axolotls! Such a cute mug! 2y
TheKidUpstairs So cute :) And I'm not a coffee drinker, but I'm loving the label on that coffee! 2y
ShelleyBooksie That mug ♡♡♡♡ 2y
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It was costume day at the library yesterday. We all dressed as water-related creatures. I was an axolotl! 😂

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1. My boys have an axolotl and a couple cichlids. No family pets at the moment
2. Not really. I'm kind of hoping to get some organizing done around the house though. If I clean it...spring will come!
3. I bake and decorate cakes
4. Cape Breton, NFLD, Alberta
5. If you had to change your name and could change it anything you wanted, what would your name be and why?

#friyayintro @howjessreads

Ellebeekay Probably Charlotte just because I like it 😊 6y
wanderinglynn If I had to, I‘d probably pick Elizabeth because there‘s so many nickname options. I‘ve never had a nickname because you really can‘t shorten Lynn. 6y
CouronneDhiver I really like unique ones that start with uncommon letters: Ocsanna or Xaviera or Viola. 😊 6y
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@kaye Toothless is kind of a jerk and wouldn't smile for me but he did stop moving around for a picture. He's still pretty new to us and loves to stop doing anything interesting as soon as he notices someone in the room 🤔

Kaye Is that a fish or a lizard ? Good name ! 6y
GypsyKat So cool!!! 6y
Texreader That is one crazy looking animal! I‘m with @Kaye. What is it? 6y
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FantasyChick @kaye @Texreader He is an axolotl. Basically a large salamander that lives in water its whole life. He's pretty cool when he isn't being an ass 🖤 6y
Kaye Oh I see now in the title up top. He still look like a combo fish / lizard. 6y
Kaye How can he misbehave ? Does he spit water at you ? 6y
Texreader I love reading your descriptions of him! He needs his own Instagram account or something! 6y
FantasyChick @kaye He seems to get a kick out of making us think we killed him, lol. Axolotls are very playful creatures but we always see him floating still or just laying prone in his tank. We caught him the other day playing and swimming but as soon as he notices someone come in the room...instantly stops what he's doing. Even mid-swim. Although he did try to bite me when i put him in his tank. He is a meat eater and has teeny tiny teeth 6y
FantasyChick @Texreader He should! Lol. Maybe someday I can catch him when he's doing fun things 6y
Texreader @FantasyChick Or not! Your descriptions are priceless! 6y
Kaye Who knew a pet like him could do tricks ? Very funny 😄 6y
CouronneDhiver I‘m so confused... what kind of a creature is this little fella? 6y
FantasyChick @CouronneDhiver He isn't something you see everyday, is he? He is an axolotl. Basically a large, fully aquatic salamander 😊 6y
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Home from work until the New Year! I have lots of reading I want to get done this week but I need to survive today and tomorrow first. Got a head start and set up my youngest's early gift today. Say hi to Toothless 😊 He's mad at me and the filter right now but he'll get over it soon enough lol
Merry Christmas!! 🎄💖🎄

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Enjoy your holiday! 6y
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