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Education of a Coroner: Lessons in Investigating Death
Education of a Coroner: Lessons in Investigating Death | John Bateson
30 posts | 15 read | 52 to read
An "entertaining" (Booklist) account of the mysterious, hair-raising, and heartbreaking cases handled by the coroner of Marin County, California throughout his four decades on the job--from high-profile deaths and serial killers to inmate murders and Golden Gate Bridge suicides. Marin County, California is a study in contradictions. Its natural beauty attracts celebrity residents and thousands of visitors every year, yet the county also is home to San Quentin Prison, one of the oldest and largest penitentiaries in the United States. Marin ranks in the top one percent of counties nationwide in terms of affluence and overall health, yet it is far above the norm in drug overdoses and alcoholism, not to mention the large percentage of suicides that occur on the Golden Gate Bridge. Ken Holmes worked in the Marin County Coroner's Office for thirty-six years, starting as a death investigator and ending as the three-term, elected coroner. As he grew into the job--one that is far different from the forensics we see on television--Holmes learned a variety of skills, from finding hidden clues at death scenes, interviewing witnesses effectively, managing bystanders and reporters, and preparing testimony for court to how to notify families of a death with sensitivity and compassion. He also learned about different kinds of firearms, all types of drugs--prescription and illegal--and about certain unexpected and potentially fatal phenomena, such as autoeroticism. Complete with poignant anecdotes, The Education of a Coroner is "riveting and complex...supremely entertaining reading material and...a fascinating and wildly informative dive into the mysterious world of death and decay" (Kirkus Reviews).
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Got a free bookmark in my used book 🤣🚽🧻

Pedrocamacho Can you spare a square? 5y
Leftcoastzen Not a square to spare @Pedrocamacho !😂❤️ 5y
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This is a very interesting book. It relates stories from the professional life of Ken Holmes, who was the county coroner in Marin County. Several high profiles cases are related, including the Mitchell Brothers and the Children of Thunder murders. Not so much about forensics as about how humans deal with death and loss. I give it a 4 out of 5 rating. Read it if true crime is one of your addictions.

thereadingowlvina Great read! Loved it 😁👍 5y
Ephemera My husband knew both the Mitchell Brothers, they grew up in the town we lived in. I really liked this book for its humanity. 5y
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#qotd 🙂

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This is one wonderful read about this lesser known profession - coroner. Here, we get a closer look into the professional and personal life of Ken Holmes - a coroner in Marin County, California for almost four decades. If you enjoy Mary Roach's books, you will definitely enjoy this too! It is one morbidly fascinating unputdownable book!

Rating: 5🌟

For my full review please visit https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2748011245

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Interesting series of anecdotes rather than any sort of coherent account of training or things learnt on the job


An eighteen-year-old female driver named Drusilla Minor

Excerpt From: "The Education of a Coroner: Lessons in Investigating Death" by John Bateson. Scribd.

Giving her a name like that, how could her parents expect things to turn out well?

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California roll for a book set in California

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Libby1 Lovely! I hope you enjoyed it. 6y
rwmg @Libby1 Eggs blini, an adaptation of eggs benedict. I haven't had it before, but a very nice lunch 6y
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Interesting! Makes me want to read more Coroner books.

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My reading buddy. She has to be VERY close to me, which makes reading tough.

TheSpineView 😋 They have to touch! 6y
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That was fun! Meanwhile my TBR seems to have exploded 🤪 what next?!

rather_be_reading welcome to litsy!! 📚☕📚 @LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
RaimeyGallant Sold! And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. 6y
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Chelleo Welcome! 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🌟 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🌟 6y
scowler1 Just bought this for my daughter! 6y
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I took a few days off work this week and am feeling better after going home to see my family. Thank you all for your kindness and supportive words.

BarbaraBB Happy to hear that! I hope you‘ve let the worst behind you now 🙏 (edited) 7y
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Trying to plan experiments so I can finish this STUPID PhD....but that book is calling......

BookMaven407 If you haven't read it already, you should check out Stiff:The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers. 7y
Sharpeipup Looks doctoral to me! 7y
Chelsibeau @BookMaven407 I have read it. Love it 7y
Chelsibeau @Sharpeipup nope that book is fun true crime. My work is much less exciting. Much, much less. 7y
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It took me a bit too long to read this because of school and other stuff... 😃 but it was good and I was so proud of myself for understanding the medical and Latin terms (even though they were explained) 😁 It was interesting to peek into the functioning of a coroner's office, and sometimes my jaws dropped reading about unbelievable death circumstances or the incomprehensible cruelty of some murderers.

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What do you guys think? 😃

Ranchan I'd say so. 7y
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"The machismo that believes, 'If I can't have you, no one can,' is at the root of many female murders. In my entire professional career, I cannot recall a single instance where a woman took a man's life under the same premise."

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Tells the intriguing experiences of Ken Holmes, former coroner of Marin County in California. This book tells of murders, suicides, accidental death, and natural deaths.

Bateson is a masterful storyteller, making for captivating reading. Humour is, by necessity, threaded through the narrative. Mirth, bordering on gallows betimes, helps defuse the wiry coils of tension that confronting death winds in the body and mind.

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Let's see something medical 🏥💉💊🔪

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This was like binge-watching CSI, but in a book. The stories are fascinating, told well, and highly detailed. But about halfway through I started to feel deeply depressed. Death isn't fun, folks, no matter how it happens. The coroner in this bio, Ken Holmes, obviously cares about his work and the people he meets. Still, the book has little respite from death.

Full review at www.TheBibliophage.com. Thanks to NetGalley and Scribner for the ARC.

RanaElizabeth I love memoirs like this! 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @RanaElizabeth You'll like this, and I did too. It's just intense. (edited) 7y
AlaMich I grew up in Marin, so I am looking forward to reading this! 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @AlaMich Every case discussed includes some location context, so you'll appreciate that for sure. 7y
Reviewsbylola I definitely need to read this. Sounds similar to Morgue and the Melenek book. 7y
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#TBRtemptation post 4! Ken Holmes worked as Marin County, California's coroner for 4 decades, from serial killers to Golden Gate suicides. It's nothing close to tv portrayals. While beautiful & very affluent, it has San Quentin and higher than normal rates of substance abuse. You'll learn the variety of skills he developed and what he became knowledgeable in--firearms, drugs, unique means of death. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎

Reviewsbylola This sounds like something I would love. 7y
rwmg Wishlisted 7y
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😂TV coroners vs real life

WhatDeeReads 👀😂 7y
CouronneDhiver 😂😂😂 7y
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And now some true crime.

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Started this one today. Another for my #TBRBingo card. So far it's pretty interesting.

ChasingOm Eek, I need to catch up on some ARCs... 7y
CouronneDhiver Ooo! Sounds like my cup of tea. 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @CouronneDhiver It's good so far. Like reading a whole bunch of CSI episodes. (edited) 7y
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4🌟! Ken Holmes's career at the coroner‘s office spanned nearly 40 years. This book highlights the most memorable cases of his career, as well as the lessons he learned along the way. Real life truly is stranger than fiction! I side-eyed a few of the conclusions made, but for the most part, it's a fascinating look at a long and varied career. Holmes's insistence on getting answers for the families made this a compelling read. It's a page-turner!

overlyattachedreader Full review @ Goodreads (link in profile). I received this book for free from #Netgalley and Scribner. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. It will be available August 15, 2017! 7y
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Overall somewhat interesting, but the subject of the book makes a lot of sexist comments and a handful of racist comments as well. It began to drag on after a bit and felt voyeuristic, using the real names of the deceased and revealing intimate information about them and their families. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

overlyattachedreader I found this book fascinating, but you're so right about its flaws. (The 300lb remark, implying the way a man died was strange because his girlfriend was so beautiful, etc.) I'm wondering how the final edition will look. 7y
samesfoley @overlyattachedreader Same here! I'm wondering what they'll decide to cut. 7y
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Hopefully this is a typo 😂

Rachbb3 How miserable! 🤣 7y
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Did the author say "hmm, do you think I can find the most sexist, fat-shamey, racist thing to include in this book?" and then proceed to do it?? This is horrifying and an unnecessary inclusion.

EchoLogical 😣 7y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage Anxious to hear what you think of this one - I have the eARC also. 7y
DarcysMom @BarbaraTheBibliophage I am about 20% in and it is super engaging. I had a hard time putting it down to go walking. 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage That great to know - thanks! Hope it keeps up. 7y
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