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Crown of Coral and Pearl
Crown of Coral and Pearl | Mara Rutherford
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I liked Nor: I could relate to her and I loved how she wanted to protect her sister. I think the sisterhood was the thing I loved most in this book. I also was afraid of the villain in this story.

I loved worldbuilding and how surroundings were vividly described.

I wasn't bored with this book: pacing was fast and something happened almost all the time. Overall plot was quite simple but interesting and this was extremely easy to read.

Clwojick Way to go! 🙌🏻🎉 2y
AllDebooks Well done, so many prompts filled! 2y
TheSpineView World building can make or break a story. Well done! 2y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 2y
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I won‘t lie, I‘m rather disappointed in these books. The world was interesting but the story itself seemed almost like it was fighting itself….. it‘s weird…..

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I absolutely loved this book! An interesting tale of sisters, the sea and a kingdom failing over time. The audio version was really well done. I did expect a couple more twists the plot was pretty straight forward. This was my pick for July‘s #bookspin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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"Beware the lionfish, my dear, beware the fish that is made of stone. Beware sweet nothings in your ear, and the heart as hollow as bone."

Crown of Coral and Pearl was a breath of fresh air, book 1 in a new duology unlike any other YA fantasy.
I loved every second of it especially the world building and character relationships.

I recommend this to every single YA fantasy reader, especially those that are fans of Red Queen!

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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Two sisters who are twins. Coral and pearls. Princes. All up my alley. I really enjoyed this book and loved how the twins switched places. We have an evil prince and a good prince. It was just great.

#bookstagram #bibliophile #litsy #littens #audible #audiobook

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Crown of Coral and Pearl | Mara Rutherford
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I was pleasantly surprised by this YA fantasy: although the title is reminiscent of about a bazillion other YA fantasies, the premise of this one felt fresh to me. I really liked the main character, and the action moves along nicely, which helped me overlook some usual tropes. I will read the next book!

More in my blog review, if you‘re interested: https://sprainedbrain.blog/2020/03/10/review-crown-of-coral-and-pearl-by-mara-ru...


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Crown of Coral and Pearl | Mara Rutherford
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So I was going into this assuming it was gonna be a DNF. It just screams "mediocre and like every other book you've read" but I was very pleasantly surprised. Could I have done without the love triangle with brothers? Sure. Did I kinda hate most of the cast? Yeah. But I somehow enjoyed this! Really impressed with this being a debut. I liked the world, it has some structure but left me with a lot of questions. Super interested in the sequel.

TheBookKeepers I really enjoyed this one, but im obsessed with the sea so I think the setting hooked me right away 5y
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Crown of Coral and Pearl | Mara Rutherford
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I'm a little unsure about this one that it'll fall under the "book like a lot of other YA books" but hopefully it goes well


Beautifully written! Mara Rutherford writes in a way that makes you feel you are with Nor through out the book, experiencing everything, by her side. I cannot wait for the next book to come out!

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This book hit the YA spot that I needed it to. Centered around Nor's love for her twin sister Zadie, and the sacrifices she's willing to make on behalf of the family. There's a lot of pressure for the girls in their country of to be flawless beauties, so that they can be the one chosen to marry the prince of another country. However, being chosen one is not as glamorous as the people of Valeria believe. Can't wait until sequel becomes available

Crown of Coral and Pearl | Mara Rutherford
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A promising start but I lost interest after about 150 pages.

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Enjoyable but not the greatest.3 1/2 stars

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I could not put this book down. It felt like such a fresh concept and I loved the characters and world building. I am already looking forward to the next one.

I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Clare-Dragonfly It‘s funny that you say this is a fresh concept when it has the most cliched YA book title 😂 But from the blurb it does sound like a story I would enjoy! 5y
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Crown of Coral and Pearl | Mara Rutherford
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So pumped to actually have won something! Haha I loved this arc, bought the book, and now have some awesome bookish goodies to go along with it!

A great read & a debut author, I loved the floating village on the sea and just got immersed in the tale. I‘m a fan of the villain and really hoping for that misunderstood villain arc in book 2!

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I just finished the most amazing title. This is the second book I‘ve read that was about people from the sea. And I have to say this one was the best!! Crown of Coral and Pearl by @mararutherfordwrites not only has this beautiful cover but the story about first loves, sisters, courage , and what you would do to save your world was one I won‘t soon be forgetting! Make sure to add it to your preorder list!

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I just finished the most amazing title. This is the second book I‘ve read that was about people from the sea. And I have to say this one was the best!! Crown of Coral and Pearl by @mararutherfordwrites not only has this beautiful cover but the story about first loves, sisters, courage , and what you would do to save your world was one I won‘t soon be forgetting! Make sure to add it to your preorder list!

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I really liked this, it was rather unique in its setting and I didnt want to put it down so that's always good. Thank you #netgalley for letting me read it :)

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So much love for this book. It has some flaws, but the world building and characters are amazing. Kick ass girl lead, surprising twists of story. You won‘t regrets this read!

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Ok so up to this point I have been in love with this book. Now I only only like 40% of the way through, but I am a little annoyed with Nor. As a girl who spent her whole life being judged for her beauty and scar, she meets the brother princes and decides in a hot minute that she is in love with the “pretty one“ and down casting the one she is suppose to marry as cold and cruel within minutes of meeting him. Hello pot this is kettle. 😤

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“What‘s wrong with being shallow?” I‘d asked him. “What lies beneath the surface of shallow water? Nothing.”

Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🤗📚👋🏻 5y
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Sunday night! A prefect time to start a new book!
Who needs sleep for work anyways? ;)

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Picked up the book today. It's going in my TBR. I'm hoping that it'll make a good filler until the next Embers book is released.

TheBookKeepers Cannot wait for the next Ember installment! I read this book recently and really loved it!! Definitely worth having on your shelf! 5y
sarahs.thoughts.on.books @TheBookKeepers the wait for the next Embers book is killing me. I'm still upset at my friend for not telling me the first book was the first book of a series in progress. 5y
TheBookKeepers Haha I know! I recently got my husband hooked on it too! I steadily stalk Sabaa's IG page for updates!! Can't come soon enough 5y
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Crown of Coral and Pearl | Mara Rutherford

Surprising, mystical, evocative, unique.

Crown of Coral and Pearl is a novel about royalty within a unique fantasy world. The world building is memorable along with the characters. The plot pertains to two sisters different but yet the same, beauty is a big aspect to this royal family that's destined for arranged marriages.

The character's are well developed but at times the story becomes dull with predictable elements. Later in the story.

Crown of Coral and Pearl | Mara Rutherford
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WOW. One heck of a fantastic book! Multifaceted characters that were realistic & anything but stereotypical, gorgeous writing, yummy fantasy kingdom politics, poignant themes, & awesome feminist undertones. Just utterly fantastic altogether. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Can I have the sequel now, please?

xxjenadanxx I've been back and forth on whether to read this one but I'm sure I'm gonna add it to my list lol. 5y
Jess_Franzino @xxjenadanxx You must read it, for sure! One of the best written books I‘ve read this year. 5y
TheBookKeepers Agree! So impressed with this debut author & I'll be pre-ordering the sequel!! 5y
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Jess_Franzino @TheBookKeepers I‘m doing that same! There was so much nuanced brilliance in the book that I‘ll likely read it again. I was super impressed by how she wrote Ceren. He was chilling because he was so multi-faceted. 5y
TheBookKeepers Yes! I‘m hoping that since he has been drinking her blood, he has the ability to heal himself and we get to see more of him in the next book! 🙏🙏🙏 I really feel like he maybe the misunderstood villain and perhaps his brother is the villain in disguise! 5y
Jess_Franzino @TheBookKeepers I think he‘s Dead Dead, sadly. I love Talin and think he‘s complex as well, but Ceren is just such so creepy! It‘s his subtly, ability to charm, & belief that he‘s “doing the right thing” which makes him so. I‘m wondering if he‘ll seem Dead for most of the next book, since Nor‘s traveling, but then when she returns to New Castle, he‘s like “hi.” 😂 5y
TheBookKeepers Hahaha yes! Gaw, need book 2 ASAP 👁👁 5y
Jess_Franzino @TheBookKeepers For real! Ugh. Series are such a double edge sword! It‘s like “Yay! More!” but also “And now I have to wait a year”. 5y
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Crown of Coral and Pearl | Mara Rutherford
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I devoured this book and can‘t wait for the next installment! It grasped my attention quickly and I couldn‘t put it down! The worldly descriptions allowed me to feel immersed in the tale & I was impressed with the complex characters. I‘m kinda in love with the villain of this story the most. Fans of YA & fantasy will enjoy this one!

kellyann28 Definitely will add this to my TBR! 5y
TheBookKeepers Good bc I need to talk theories with someone about book 2! Hahaha @kellyann28 5y
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Crown of Coral and Pearl | Mara Rutherford
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Ok so who else has casted a favorite character while reading a book?! Lol. It hit me this morning that Joseph Morgan would be an epic choice to play Ceren! Swoon! Have you read this book & agree or disagree with my choice? Or tell me of a book character + actor/actress you‘ve casted! Hoping I‘m not the only one who does this 😂😅

Jess_Franzino Almost done with this book (had a VERY scant amount of reading time over the past 4 days). Soooo good! Hm. This actor looks a bit too healthy for Ceren and his hair isn‘t long & pale enough. He actually looks a bit like how I picture Talin 😃 5y
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Crown of Coral and Pearl | Mara Rutherford
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“Hiding our scars doesn‘t mean they‘re not there. Just as beauty cannot disguise who we really are beneath the surface.”

Really loving the atmospheric descriptions in this book! About half way through.

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Crown of Coral and Pearl | Mara Rutherford
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Just loving this book ♥️ Thought provoking quotes like this all the way through, so far.

Crown of Coral and Pearl | Mara Rutherford
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This lovely pack arrived at work yesterday. Two I were on my watch list, and the other I had never heard of until it arrived on my desk. #bookhaul

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Crown of Coral and Pearl | Mara Rutherford
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I was lucky enough to get an ARC of this book and I absolutely loved it!!! Highly recommend it was jammed packed and held my interest from the start!

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