I liked most of the story, enough to keep reading even though I wanted to quit about halfway through. I didn't like all of the sentence fragments that the author wrote.
I liked most of the story, enough to keep reading even though I wanted to quit about halfway through. I didn't like all of the sentence fragments that the author wrote.
Latest audiobook started this morning... reviews aren't the greatest so here's hoping for an enjoyable read. 🤞
Not my favorite Emily Carpenter book so far but this had a great storyline and a lively narrator. #KindleUnlimited #Audible #ImmersionReading
8$ book haul 🎁🎄🤘🏻💃📖
Sticking inconvenient women into mental asylums, male supremacy, the KKK and family secrets. Also, suspense. This is good!
My oldest NetGalley ARC! Time to finally crack down on it and get 2015 off my shoulders.
#BloggerShame #Challenge
Turns out, #bookmail is even fun when it's not mine!
This stack is an order for a friend, and I'm perusing them to see if I need to borrow any. @Cconnolly do you see anything you like from MJ's latest haul? 😂
Recently rehabbed Althea is (unreasonably?) ejected from her family home. After a wild journey in which everyone (inexplicably) betrays her (with flashbacks to her great-grandmother), she finds out the truth. I think. It's confusing, there are too many characters (many dead), nefariousness galore (without justification), and plot holes everywhere. Plus, maybe there's magic? Yeah, I usually know what happened in books. This one just doesn't cut it.
Working on finishing up my Decatur Book Festival reading list (Just a few more after this) and hitting some library titles. Looking forward to all of these!
Could not put this one down. If you've read my books, you know I have a thing for Southern girls with crazy mamas, and this one does not disappoint. When Althea begins to question the general conclusion about the women in her family, it uncovers a horrifying tale generations old.
Great read with an ending I didn't see coming. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This book is $2 on Amazon Kindle right now, so I figured why not give it a read...after I finish my library books that must go back and probably even after I read Caraval because I am dying to read that one.
Eh, this wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great. The writing was a little all over the place. Most of the characters annoyed me. However, I didn't guess the ending ahead of time, so there's that. I give it 2-3 stars.
I'm 45% in and I'm not too sure about this one. The writing seems a little sloppy and becomes hard to follow after multiple run on sentences in a row. I'll finish because my mom recommended it and she keeps asking about it, so it must have something!
Currently reading book #3! I've just recently mastered reading two at once, so we'll see how this goes! It's supposed to be 105 in Phoenix today, so I'm not leaving this house!
I thought I was going to have to join the characters in the institution by the time this book finally ended. On and on and on.... Run away down that dirt road, girl! Go get yourself a latte and leave behind the drama and the southern stereotypes!
I really enjoyed this one, it kept me guessing, were these women mentally ill, magical, cursed? What is going on?? I recommend this one!