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UnWholly | Neal Shusterman
Rife with action and suspense, this riveting companion to the perennially popular Unwind challenges assumptions about where life begins and endsand what it means to live.Thanks to Connor, Lev, and Risaand their high-profile revolt at Happy Jack Harvest Camppeople can no longer turn a blind eye to unwinding. Ridding society of troublesome teens while simltaneously providing much-needed tissues for transplant might be convenient, but its morality has finally been brought into question. However, unwinding has become big business, and there are powerful political and corporate interests that want to see it not only continue, but also expand to the unwinding of prisoners and the impoverished. Cam is a product of unwinding; made entirely out of the parts of other unwinds, he is a teen who does not technically exist. A futuristic Frankenstein, Cam struggles with a search for identity and meaning and wonders if a rewound being can have a soul. And when the actions of a sadistic bounty hunter cause Cams fate to become inextricably bound with the fates of Connor, Risa, and Lev, hell have to question humanity itself.
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UnWholly | Neal Shusterman
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Love this 2nd book in this series. Love the newer covers. This series is scary in that it was written before Covid but the actions that take place in this book could be todays society‘s ideas through believing the media and beliefs that are out there. On to the third book. Abortion or unwinding..🥴😳

UnWholly | Neal Shusterman

Solid 2nd book for the series as it explained on the world of the book giving us a deeper look into what lead to the world being as it is. All the characters where put throw the ringer in this one and had some great moments. All in all can‘t wait to read the rest of them and see where the story goes

UnWholly | Neal Shusterman
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Book #2 was just as interesting and fast-paced as the first in this series. The characters are not given a deep amount of growth but this is all about the ride these kids are on and the action happening around them. I like how the author poses questions about ethics without dwelling on them for too long, keeping the action moving and interesting. I‘m looking forward to the next book and think my 15 year old will really like these. 👍🏻👍🏻

UnWholly | Neal Shusterman
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#TBRPile Day 3 📚 Need some early-00s dystopian angst in your life? I enjoyed the first book - Unwind - and I‘m saving this one for when I get nostalgic about the kind of books I loved as a teen!

UnWholly (Unwind, #2) | Neal Shusterman

Just as good as the first! Excited to read the rest!

Unwholly (Reprint) | Neal Shusterman
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4.5 ⭐
#BBRC #middleofaseries

Shusterman has done it again. Unwind ripped my heart out. It had me in tears and hopeful for a better future. This sequeal has brought so much more depth to the story but left me with a more happy heart which is amazing considering the death count.
Full review on LT and GR.

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Unwholly (Reprint) | Neal Shusterman
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It‘s before midnight so I actually finished my March #bookspin title on time.

And dang was it good. More later.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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Unwholly (Reprint) | Neal Shusterman
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Parts of this are kind of echoing our current situation.

UnWholly | Neal Shusterman
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I know I have not posted a #weeklyforecast in a while. However I have finished read all my grants, finished round one of Letters about lit, and was just told to stay home for 2 weeks

So I‘ll have some time on my hands. Here is what I hope to accomplish this week.

BTW @aCleverDuck I got your package today. It‘s in this weeks TBR pile.


Cinfhen Hopefully you‘ll get some quality downtime this week 😊💕 4y
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Unwholly (Reprint) | Neal Shusterman
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Okay @TheAromaofBooks this months #bookspin title is tagged and I will start it this afternoon at lunch.

WJCintron I love that series! Sooo good!! 4y
TheAromaofBooks I've never even heard of the Unwind Dystology! I'll look forward to your review. 4y
LibrarianRyan @TheAromaofBooks OMG book 1 is AMAZING!! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Ack all #bookspin does is add more books to my TBR! 4y
kellyann28 I just finished a reread of Unwind! I read it YEARS ago and I feel even more highly about it now that I'm older and understand the "political" side of it. 4y
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UnWholly | Neal Shusterman
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Spoiling the niece with a dystopian book bender at Powell‘s bookstore the day before she leaves for camp.

LibrarianRyan Nice! 5y
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UnWholly | Neal Shusterman
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Yep, still amazing! I stand by what I said in my first review about there being too many revolving POVs (do we really need to see 2 pages of a battle scene from a random guard‘s POV, before flipping to a side character‘s POV, before coming to another random POV, before coming back to an MC‘s POV...?), but otherwise this is an action-packed story with a punch-your-gut kind of plot & characters that sit in your heart long after the last page. ★★★★☆.

UnWholly | Neal Shusterman
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#currentlyrereading | on to book 2!

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UnWholly | Neal Shusterman

"How do you judge the brightness of a light when you‘re the source? A spotlight can never see the shadows it casts." - Lev

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Unwholly (Reprint) | Neal Shusterman

This one took me way too long, and it's not the book's fault at all. Haven't been sleeping well lately and it threw me into a funk. But anyway, this was a great follow-up to Unwind and it was great to see both old characters and a couple new ones. These poor kids just can't catch a break!

UnWholly | Neal Shusterman
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#QuotsyDec18 Day 30: How does one #Measure the worth of a man? Number of books read? Tests passed in life? Coffeecups? Lives saved?

Senkacaster True it is, very 6y
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UnWholly | Neal Shusterman
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Happy 4th, America! This is how I‘m spending my afternoon before we head to the BBQ for too much food and fireworks.

What are you reading this #IndependenceDay??

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I‘ve been listening to the audio and really enjoying it (except for when he reads out every part of the web address). There‘s a new character, Cam, like Frankenstein‘s monster (made from hundreds of parts of different unwound teenagers. I loved this more even than the first one. The plot twists at the end made me jump right into book 3.

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Unwholly (Reprint) | Neal Shusterman
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“I am more than the parts I‘m made of!”-Unwholly.

Unwholly (Reprint) | Neal Shusterman
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What an amazing second volume to a series I'm dying to finish. Unfortunately the books are not available in my country so it will take a while before I an able to buy them all... but still, what an awesome world and twists!

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Just finished this. I thought it was pretty cool and I might just end up finishing this series. A few things I expected to happen did, others didn‘t. Characters feel like they‘ve changed since the first book.

[DELETED] 3803335244 Oh I‘m sorry you didn‘t like it 💔 6y
APLitlife I really liked the first few. I got to meet the author when he spoke to our school. 6y
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Unwholly (Reprint) | Neal Shusterman
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Goodbye Unlikely Hero 😭😭😭

Unwholly (Reprint) | Neal Shusterman
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What the hell just happened to Let???? Is he dead??

Nooooooooooooo... pages don't seem to be moving faster enough for me to find it out!

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After some thought I decided I had to finish this series after all. Going a little off topic: has anyone watched the short film named Unwind based on the first book?

[DELETED] 3803335244 No, but I liked book 1 & 2 definitely need to watch. I haven‘t finished the series yet. 😱 6y
BookishGirl06 @ForeverNerdy I had to watch it on YouTube at least twice. It‘s based on a scene from the book, but I don‘t think it completely spoils it. 6y
minkyb No but I did enjoy the whole series of books. 6y
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My current read as an e-book 😃 was trying to save this one for next year but I missed reading on my phone so I chose this one.

I'll try my best to be more active here in 2018, with more books and cats 💖

Btw, who read these series? I absolutely loved the first book!

UnWholly | Neal Shusterman
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Cam is a future dystopian Frankenstein's monster. A composite person from "unwound" kids, he struggles with why he was created, and whether he is truly human. Part of the "Unwind" series. The "unwinding" sequence in the first book on this series was one of the most memorable (harrowing) scenes I've read in YA. #frankenstein #monstermadness2017 @LibrarianRyan

LibrarianRyan I need to read the rest of this series. 7y
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I'm loving how this series is coming along ✨ this was actually the book I wasn't able to finish 5 years ago 😅

In my opinion, I found everything so complicated, like there were so many problematic people, and so much going on for everyone, I loved it. (Did you see that one coming? 😂)

I've decided to take the tiniest break with this series and start rereading All the Bright Places because I'm in the mood to be sad.

UnWholly | Neal Shusterman
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Yes, this is a great follow-up! But not as AMAZING as the first. The writing style and the fast pace continued to grip me inexorably, which was awesome. I did tire a bit of the constant cycling through multiple POVs — especially since there were also three whole new characters added to the mix. I found that I mostly waited for Connor's POV anyway. Still, the nail-biting plot and the deft world-building kept me riveted! ★★★★☆.

UnWholly | Neal Shusterman
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#currentlyreading | Can't wait can't wait!

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already has my heart pounding!

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Can you tell I'm reading on a cold day??? They refuse to leave my lap.

I-read-and-eat 😻🐱 having the same situation going on over here, and I need to pee!!! 8y
PrythianBookDragon @I-read-and-eat I hate when I have to pee in this situation. I end up holding it and then when I really have to go they won't move. 8y
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Can't choose between fantasy and sci-fi!!! Both sci-fi and fantasy characters help us identify where fiction crosses reality. From Cam in the Unwind series, we see that life isn't always clear cut. From the Bane in the Elemental trilogy, we see that sometimes life actually is. ~ #Day12 #FantasyOrSciFi #Fantasy #SciFi #octphotochallenge #bookphotochallenge ~ @LibrarianRyan

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UnWholly | Neal Shusterman
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Taking a work break to read & try out Nature's Bakery's Vegan Brownie. This book is confusing me more than the last one. I think there are too many characters to keep track of.

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It took me quite a few pages to get into and appreciate Unwind. When I was done with it I had mixed feelings. I wasn't going to continue with the series but almost automatically found the next book at the library

UnWholly | Neal Shusterman

I'm really digging the Unwind dystology. As the series goes on, you understand more and more how the U.S. got to the horrific place it's at in this universe. The characters are real, dynamic, & diverse. Can't wait to read the next book.

Bethsh Great series for sure! I am stalling on starting the last book because I don't want it to end! 8y
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