Reread with IRL club and it was a raucous good time, lots of fodder for laughter and discussion.
Once again struck by the highly relatable themes. Humanity hasn‘t fundamentally changed.
Norton, Penguin, or Oxford next for translation? I feel like neither version I own is a translation 😑 but no local bookstore has anything else to pick up and get a feel for language. Boo
You will take him in your arms, embrace and caress him the way a man caresses his wife. He will be your double, your second self, a man who is loyal, who will stand at your side through the greatest of dangers. Soon you will meet him, the companion of your heart.
Have read before. Am trying to intersperse my smut readings with general fiction and classics. A good introduction to story as it‘s — a retelling? I have Ferry‘s version to read next. Ignore the page count. It‘s a short book once you ignore introductory pages and endnotes. I didn‘t bother to read those as I‘m neither a scholar nor is this a a translation.
Library haul! GILGAMESH will be my next project book; I‘ve been meaning to read it for maybe 20 years. I‘m ecstatic the next volume of ŌOKU finally made it to me, too. Just picture me doing the happy dance.
Finished this today! Enjoying a little staycation with the family so I will mail it out once we get home! Thanks for a fun round of poetry #lmpbc ❤️❤️ loved reading with you all these past few months! @HoneyBeeLee @slategreyskies @thebluestocking
I love love loved this ancient epic poem. I had not heard of it until it was selected as an #lmpbc book. It follows Gilgamesh on an epic adventure. This version is readable and relatable. I highly recommend it.
My quarantine brain doesn‘t really want to read. But April was a decent reading month nonetheless. Gilgamesh was my favorite, Children my least favorite.
#aprilwrapup #monthlywrapup #aprilreads
This is on its way to you @slategreyskies! @HoneyBeeLee @TheBookKeepers #lmpbc
I‘m really enjoying this reading experience. This book is a gem and surprisingly relevant for something dating back to 2100 BC. #lmpbc
Just checking in with my #LMPBC group @TheBookKeepers @thebluestocking and @slategreyskies I am almost done with my book but will be sending out by the end of the week. How are you all doing? Staying safe in these crazy times?
An ancient epic not to be forgotten. Fun, in a way, to read as a story by itself. But perhaps more important as an ancient source of mythology and storytelling.
An ancient poem that covers basically everything you would find in the Bible but predates it by a few thousand years. It wasn‘t bad. I didn‘t love this translation. I am all for clear and understandable but I also would like some “flowery” words in a poem. Another classic to check off my list.
My daughter is reading this in college (different translation) and this was on sale at audible so I decided to re-read this - I have not read this since college and I am glad I read this originally in class / this needs explanation and discussion. George Guidall‘s narration is awesome - the 2nd half of this audiobook is an essay by the author so I highly recommend reading/listening to this all the way through.
Listening to Gilgamesh again, after a long time. It‘s so good. With a background in Greek and Latin epic it feels at once familiar and bizarre. “Who is like Gilgamesh?” No one and everyone.
One of the oldest tales, a bromance. The egomaniac king and his best friend go to claim glory. In their pride they loose each other. The lessons learned here are things we are still learning. It seems very shallow at first. But behind a thin curtian, their friendship breaks modern day boundaries of male expectation. This book is worth it. But also very much like a action film, a bit macho for me at times but it makes it laughable. 7/10
Wasn't my favorite thing I've ever read but this classic epic (1000 years pre-Iliad) is in a very pretty edition - I loved the swirls of design along the pages. It is a very quick read, and was surprising for me considering how old it is. #24in48 @24in48 #epic #classic
King Gilgamesh behaves like the Ancient World's most out-of-control teenager and solves his problems with his fists. His people complain so much to the gods that they resolve to civilise him, first through love and then through grief. Despite its great antiquity (3,500 years) this epic of the fear of death is fresh and at times moving. The translation is unobtrusive, while giving a clear sense of the oral tradition (eg. through repeated phrasing).
"We must kill him and drive out evil from the world."
3,500 years later, how's that plan working out?
Maybe I stayed out in the sun a little too long, or maybe my mind is just blown contemplating the sheer improbability of my reading this story in my English garden this afternoon, three and a half thousand years after it was first pressed into wet clay in Mesopotamia. 😵
I love this cover. It's so unique.
#fallbooks #goldbooks #bookandfairylights
First book in my journey with "The Well Educated Mind!" Diverged from the translations suggested by Susan Wise Bauer, but no regrets on my choice. I was surprised that the epic poem only took up a third of the book! #thewelleducatedmind #TWEM #atmidnightheawoke #gilgamesh #poetry
Last year I decided to read more classics, & went wayyyyy back. I loved this one - what a great story! So different from what else I've read from the ancient myths.