I need to finish a book before I keep getting new ones 🙈
I need to finish a book before I keep getting new ones 🙈
A good read...
I liked the use of the narrator and found it gave entirely different perspectives.
I'm impressed by how I swung back and forth between sympathies and who I directed my opinion with.
I felt the last few pages were incredibly well written and thought provoking.
Couple of days to myself and picked this to accompany me :)
16/23 I think possibly as a 39 year old, married mother of 3 who currently feels like she‘s losing her mind, this book might have hit a bit close to home 😂 I feel more like I endured it than enjoyed it which was a surprise as I had been really looking forward to reading it. It was maybe a little to well written for this particular reader.
Just finished this one on audio and I watched the Hulu adaptation at the same time. I‘m mad at myself that I didn‘t read this one sooner. This book is highly engaging, relatable, and everything else a great novel should be!!
It has been a really REALLY rough time lately. It still is. But I have one ill kiddo at home (a luxury compared to 3!) and he wants me to sit with him whilst he watches a Christmas film. So instead of saying my normal “I would love to but I just have to… (fill in with any of the 1000 jobs mums do) I thought screw it. I‘m taking an hour out. I‘ve done no reading for ages which means I‘ve done no self care. Changing that now with the tagged book.
I was so-so on the book but now that I've seen the teaser I'm pretty geeked about the adaptation:
I can‘t say I liked this study of a mid 40‘s man going through a divorce and learning to navigate the virtual dating world. I found myself cringing quite a bit, I think because I would hate dealing with dating aps.
In the end I did like Toby as he settled into a primary caregiver to his 8 and 11 year old daughters and I hoped he‘d be able to find happiness.
A visit to a nearby little free library and I ended up taking a couple home 🏡 #bookhaul
Smart and funny contemporary novel centring around the recently separated, soon to be divorced Toby Fleishman, and his struggles with dating apps, sexting, yoga classes and other horrors of modern New York life while desperately trying to juggle childcare and work. I suspect this novel will leave a lot of women shouting "Yes!" and a lot of men uncomfortably checking their privilege.
This is a hard book to describe. I think the best way to do it is say that it is about middle age relationship struggles from multiple perspectives. I really enjoyed this book. The author has beautiful and clever prose that often made me think about her perspectives. That being said I found the ending unsatisfying.
I finally feel like I'm getting back into reading lots!! It feels GREAT! anyways, i mostly liked this book but didn't love it. She's trying to do a lot here. That said i did find some of it outright hilarious. And it just felt good to bury myself in a book. Alright.... time to go read some more!
The only thing that would make this better was it work was actually closed!
Well, guess I‘d better get out of this reading slump. 😬😬😬. I am actually almost done with Fleishman, but I may have over done it.
I‘m still not sure how to review this book, but I‘ll give it a go! I loved it but I‘m pretty sure it‘s not for everyone. It‘s super readable, yet the characters are so frustrating. It‘s a clever Trojan horse of a book, with 3 POV‘s but all of them are unreliable and sometimes difficult to know whose voice it is. It‘s full of unreachable privilege yet also so relatable. All I know is I couldn‘t put it down and want to talk about it with everyone!
Not too shabby a week of reading considering! Retail job, hosted Friendsgiving and have my Dad in town...
- Finished 3 books I planned to but didn‘t start my Dec book club read
- Finished the Boyne on audio, perfect Victorian gothic ghost story, but almost wanted more because it was Boyne
- The Vuong was poetic, moving and gorgeous as expected
- Just this minute finished Fleishman....loved it but not sure why! Need to mull on it...
Book haul! Intrigued by Daisy and Fleishman because of the hype; and The Weekend after Charlotte Wood‘s very strong ‘The Natural Way of Things‘. 📚
I am a big fan of Taffy Brodesser-Akner‘s writing style and I wasn‘t sure how that would translate into fiction but WOW, did it ever. I loved this book. It was so honest and funny and realistic and sad and unexpected.