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Barter Books
Barter Books | Alnwick, Northumberland, United Kingdom (Bookstore)
6 posts
Barter Books
Alnwick Station, Wagon Way Road
Alnwick, Northumberland NE66 2NP United Kingdom

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Barter Books | Alnwick, Northumberland, United Kingdom (Bookstore)
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Went to Barter Books for my birthday 😁 Alfie was so excited over the train 🩵

LeahBergen Happy Birthday!! 3mo
squirrelbrain Love Barter Books (although the books are VERY expensive). I can imagine that the train was a hit! 3mo
Cathythoughts Alfie 🥰 3mo
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Ruthiella Happy Birthday! 🥳🥳🥳 3mo
youneverarrived @squirrelbrain I only came away with 2 books (and 1 for Naomi) when I was fully expecting to do a big book haul. It was nice to browse though. He was so excited 🥰 (edited) 3mo
Reggie He walks now?!!!!! Wasn‘t he just a baby yesterday? Omg!!!! 3mo
youneverarrived @Reggie 😂😂 time flies!! He‘s 4 now 🥹 3mo
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Barter Books | Alnwick, Northumberland, United Kingdom (Bookstore)
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Had a wee browse of the fabulous Barter Books. Nothing spoke to me today, so came away empty handed, but I did enjoy the browse and the atmosphere.

Chelsea.Poole Love it! 1y
TrishB Lovely ❤️ 1y
RaeLovesToRead 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 1y
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squirrelbrain It‘s very expensive, isn‘t it? Did Daisy like it?! 1y
Bookwomble @squirrelbrain I've been a couple of times and also felt their prices were steep, which meant I bought fewer books and spent less than I would have otherwise. Go figure 🤷‍♂️ It is lovely to browse around, nevertheless 😊 1y
Oryx @squirrelbrain @Bookwomble yeah it was - could get new (or at least better)copy for the same price often! Nice for a browse though and there's always a chance you'll find something special that's worth the price. Daisy sat this one out 😊 1y
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Barter Books | Alnwick, Northumberland, United Kingdom (Bookstore)
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Spent most of the morning in Barter Books in Alnwick, including a yummy lunch. (You‘re right @scripturient - the chips are delicious!)

I didn‘t get any books there as they‘re expensive for used books but hubby got 8, to fill in gaps in various crime / thriller series.

We then stumbled upon the other shop and I bought two signed special editions. Never heard of The Ormering Tide so that was a complete #covercrush.

MicheleinPhilly Fries and books?? My dream day! 2y
LeahBergen Oh, fun! 2y
squirrelbrain Not fries🍟 @MicheleinPhilly -proper big chunky, thrice-cooked chips! 🤤 2y
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RaeLovesToRead Oh, I heard about this place!!!! Looks great! 2y
MicheleinPhilly Even better! 2y
TrishB Lovely ❤️ 2y
LeeRHarry That looks like a place you could spend hours in 😊. Heard good things about Maame! 2y
Megabooks Sounds like a lovely day! 2y
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Barter Books | Alnwick, Northumberland, United Kingdom (Bookstore)
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More pictures from the bookshop.

TrishB Lovely ♥️ 2y
charl08 @TrishB could have happily spent the day there. 2y
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Barter Books | Alnwick, Northumberland, United Kingdom (Bookstore)
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Fabulous second hand bookshop (so big it's a bit overwhelming).

Oryx Loved visiting that shop! It is huge though. 2y
charl08 @Oryx already hoping for a return visit! 2y
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Barter Books | Alnwick, Northumberland, United Kingdom (Bookstore)
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Bit of a rainy day today, but who needs an excuse to visit a bookshop?!

Haven‘t been here for years but it‘s just as uh-may-zing as I remember.

Hate to disappoint you all though, but I haven‘t acquired any books (yet) - hubby has 7 so far! (Me, a book enabler?!)

DivineDiana This place looks amazing! ❤️📚❤️ 3y
Chrissyreadit 😍😍😍😍😍 3y
Cathythoughts Fabulous pics & you are looking gorgeous 👍🏻❤️ 3y
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AmyG Beautiful store! 3y
Nute I like everything about this post! 3y
TiredLibrarian Gorgeous! I'd love to visit! 📚💐 3y
Gissy Wow! You are in paradise📚📚📚📚📚🙌 3y
LeahBergen I‘m so jealous! 😍 3y
BarbaraBB That looks amazing! Enjoy!!! 3y
eraderneely Love Barter Books! 3y
Caroline2 Ohhh what a beautiful bookshop. I‘ve been good too and I‘ve not bought a book for nearly two months now which is a record for me. 😆 3y
Oryx Oh I went there once - it's gorgeous! So cozy. 3y
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