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DAY 1: This #AmericanHorror took place not far from where I live. According to local lore, in the early 19th century, a shapeshifting poltergeist know as The Bell Witch tormented the Bell family, eventually killing the father. I don‘t do ghost stories, but I‘ve heard this book is pretty good. It‘s the basis for the 2005 film An American Haunting.


Cinfhen I‘m totally intrigued #stacked 6y
Tamra Fun! 6y
JennyM Sounds super spooky! 6y
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Billypar Nice one! I remember seeing American Haunting in the theater- pretty scary from what I can remember 👻😱 6y
britt_brooke @Billypar I‘m too chicken for the book and movie. 🙈 6y
Reviewsbylola Oooooh this sounds good! 6y
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These two actresses from #americanhorror classic #DarkShadows have become authors of fiction and non-fiction based on the show. #NoFemmeber

Cinfhen Sooo cool!! I don‘t recognize either actress 🙈 6y
zsuzsanna_reads Before I looked properly I thought the candle was a lightsabre 🤦😬😂😂😂 6y
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rubyslippersreads @Cinfhen Kathryn Leigh Scott (right) played Josette, Maggie, and several other characters. She also wrote the tagged book, along with other DS nonfiction and a fun novel about a fictional version of the show, 6y
rubyslippersreads @Cinfhen Lara Parker (left) played the witch Angelique and has written several novels based on the series, including 6y
rubyslippersreads @zsuzsanna_reads @JennyM A Dark Shadows/Star Wars mash-up! 😂😂😂 6y
Billypar So interesting! I feel like now you hear about a decent amount of writers who act in what they write (or could be said the other way), but seems like an arrangement that was less common then. 6y
HOTPock3tt Angelique!! 😍I loved her in dark shadows 6y
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After the Flood | Robert Polidori
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Katrina was an #americanhorror that effected our family. The photos in this amazing book still haunt me.

GypsyKat My name is Katrina, and when Hurricane Katrina hit I was working in a call center. The rule there was that you had to answer the phone using your real first name, no nicknames etc. After three people burst into tears at the sound of my name, I got special permission to answer the phone as “Kat” from then on. 😕 6y
Cinfhen Book looks amazing but I‘m sure the photos are devastating 😔 6y
Mdargusch Very interesting story @GypsyKat and that obviously left an impression on you. 6y
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Mdargusch Very sad @Cinfhen and the images in my head of what the city and surrounding area looked like when @emilyhaldi moved back 4months later will be with me forever. 6y
GypsyKat @Mdargusch It definitely left an impression. It was such a sad time for so many people. 6y
Billypar I'm always amazed at how much can be communicated through a well- photographed image. I can definitely see how it could take you right back to a horrific event like Katrina. 6y
emilyhaldi And I just found the photo album of all the photos we took after coming back to the city!🙃 6y
Mdargusch I was wondering where those photos were @emilyhaldi 6y
Reviewsbylola Awesome choice. 6y
Reviewsbylola I need to look through this next time I‘m over. 6y
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Cinfhen Haven‘t seen the series but those images are bonkers!!! Love it❣️❣️❣️ 6y
GripLitGrl @Cinfhen it's such a good show & definitely bonkers👍 6y
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'Salem's Lot | Stephen King
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#americanhorror #NoFemmeber
My first experience of American horror was King, still one of my favs.

Cinfhen He‘s the king for a reason 😉 6y
Billypar Nice!🦇👌 This was going to be my seasonal pick for this Halloween- it just happened that the bookstore I was at didn't have it, so I picked up Straub's Ghost Story instead. Maybe next year! 6y
KTOHARA Ghost Story was terrific! I read it a LONG time ago! Enjoy! 6y
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The first book that came to mind for #AmericanHorror.


Cinfhen Brilliant read and choice for today‘s prompt 😊 6y
TheWordJar I love true crime, but this is “the one” and I‘ve never read it. It‘s not one I want to check out from the library (I‘m convinced I‘ll go on some government watch list!), and I‘m not sure I want to buy it either. 😐 But a perfect pick for the prompt! 6y
candority @TheWordJar I haven‘t read it either! I picked it up at a thrift store, so there‘s no way for the government to track me 👀😂 6y
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TheWordJar @candority And that‘s the loophole I‘ve been looking for! Brilliant! 😂 6y
Billypar This is definitely a nightmarish American true crime example- good selection! 6y
britt_brooke This book is so captivating! And devastating. 6y
Reviewsbylola Great choice! I definitely was the end of an era in the US. Suddenly the summer of Love took on a sinister quality. 6y
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The Handmaid's Tale | Margaret Atwood
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@Cinfhen @Billypar #Nofemmeber
I read this amazing book for the first time this year with my bookclub.... It really is an #AmericanHorror story that feels worryingly more relevant than ever... 😱

Cathythoughts Great pic ! I was thinking of this one too 👍🏻 6y
Cinfhen Clever choice!!! Such a poignant read. Can‘t believe it was written in the 80‘s!!! 6y
Billypar Yes, speculative horror-story it is! With all of the conversation about it now, I feel like I should reread it: I don't remember enough details to participate in discussions. I just remember the intensity and most shocking moments. 6y
JennyM Perfect pick, and such a good read 6y
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#NoFemmeber #AmericanHorror

Vegemite, totally Australian, totally an acquired taste, and often will induce an #AmericanHorror when given it to eat 😬

CarolynM 😂😂😂 That's because they try eating it by the spoonful! 6y
Billypar I tried it once in 10th grade in my World Cultures class. I did have that reaction, lol- maybe because of what @CarolynM mentioned though! 😂 6y
Tashreads 😂😂😂 6y
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julesG @CarolynM @Billypar - Lesson one when approaching Marmite and/or Vegemite: Do not use a spoon! My introduction to ~mite was warm toast with butter and a "sigh" of ~mite on top. ? My son though, he dug into the jar with his toddler fingers. 6y
Cinfhen Hahaha ~ I heard it‘s gross 😖😣 6y
BarbaraBB Is it like the English marmite? I tried that once 😱 6y
erzascarletbookgasm What @BarbaraBB asked ☝️. Our family like Marmite and Bovril 😋, is Vegemite anything like that? 6y
BooknerdsLife @erzascarletbookgasm it's very similar. Salty with similar taste. 6y
BooknerdsLife I didn't like Vegemite at first while my daughter loves it (kids here eat it since they were little at kindergarten)...But I did grow to like it. The trick is to eat it with buttered toast and only spread a thin layer of it. 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Ah thanks, @BooknerdsLife . I think I‘ll like it then. 😊 We eat Marmite and Bovril with toast (not buttered!) and put them in porridge and oats. Yum! 6y
BooknerdsLife @erzascarletbookgasm Ah... I remember eating Bovril with porridge when I was little and loved it too 😍 Didn't know you eat them on toast without butter tho! 😲 6y
britt_brooke 😆 I like it, but a little goes a long way! 6y
JennyM @julesG so true!! 🤣 6y
CarolynM @julesg You got it🙂 6y
Billypar @julesG I'm just really loving the phrase "a sigh of -mite" If you ever write a book, you should work that in! 6y
julesG @Billypar Thanks. I'll keep it in mind. 😉 6y
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Columbine | Dave Cullen
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According to a recent report, a total of 65 shootings were reported on school campuses in 2017. The number of school shootings in 2018 now matches last year's total.


This book is an account of the Columbine High School massacre and gives a deeper understanding of what drove the boys to kill.

#AmericanHorror #NoFemmeber

Emilymdxn I‘ve been really wanting to read this, heard it was a very important book 6y
laurieluna It just keeps getting worse. Heartbreaking. 6y
Reecaspieces This book is outstanding 6y
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Billypar Wow...I had no idea that count is so high for this year. So much heartbreak, year after year since Columbine. 6y
AmyG Thank you, lovely, for your horror postcard which perfectly arrived yesterday..on Halloween. 😘 And...I have this on my pile to read. I‘ve read the Sue Klebold book....which I may never get over. Incredible book. 6y
Cathythoughts Stacking 👍🏻 6y
Moray_Reads Truly horrifying, I can't believe this is still happening so frequently 6y
Kalalalatja 💔💔💔💔 it is unbelievable, horrifying, heartbreaking 6y
abookishbutterfly That was a such an emotional read. Dave Cullen did a really good job. 6y
Cinfhen I read the Mom‘s memoir this year ~ it was brutal to read 6y
BarbaraBB Good choice. It is something American that‘s real horror. 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Ah, so glad for the perfect timing @AmyG ! I‘ll look out for the Sue Klebold book @Cinfhen . 6y
britt_brooke I want to read this, but school shootings are a major trigger for me. I just can‘t do it. 😩 Dec 1 is the 21st anniversary of the shooting at my rural KY high school. I was 16. I can‘t even deal with how rampant this has become. 6y
Reviewsbylola I know @britt_brooke. We had to hold our Halloween parade inside yesterday due to rain and I‘m not going to lie, the thought crossed my mind that this would be the perfect opportunity for a sicko to commit an atrocity like this. We shouldn‘t have to worry about these types of things and it‘s sickening. 6y
britt_brooke @Reviewsbylola Those thoughts always come to me in crowded situations. I hate it. 6y
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The Stepford Wives | Ira Levin
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This is an #AmericanHorror story that I read earlier this year and one that arguably could happen to some degree in real life. The similarities to today‘s society certainly gave me pause. More creepy than horror, but a definitely social commentary for 1970s US society. #NoFemmeber

Billypar Yes...perfect choice ☺️ I've only seen the movie but I enjoyed that and really want to try this and other Levin novels. 6y
Cathythoughts Loved this book ! Great pic 👍🏻 6y
Librarybelle Hope you have a chance to try them soon, @Billypar ! 6y
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Cinfhen Great pick 🤖 6y
Mdargusch Great choice! 6y
batsy Such a good pick 👍🏽 6y
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