Continuation of a grand adventure. Wonderful writing and a compelling story. Can't wait to read the third book.
Continuation of a grand adventure. Wonderful writing and a compelling story. Can't wait to read the third book.
This was great. Historical fiction with great characters and a real sense of time and place. Ended on a BIG cliff hanger so can‘t wait for the next one (though I probably will have forgotten the cliff hanger by then).
Not sure if this counts for #seriesread2021 it‘s the second in a trilogy!?
I‘m hoping just to read today (not that there are many other things on option tbh!).
From a teeny, tiny read to a whopping big one 😁
I‘d forgotten about the Mosse book until I got the notification as I had on pre-order! And encouragement from @Caroline2 for the other one.
#audiowalk yesterday to the little post office that‘s open on a Saturday afternoon. We‘ve had cruise liners parked in the bay for months now, but it still looks SO Weird to see the Queen Mary 2 hovering above your town!
The book‘s an ARC, out January. Took me a while to get into, but I‘m totally absorbed now. It‘s long, though!
Starting #CYOreadathon right this month with an early morning walk and an audioARC. My goal is simply to read something cos I want to.
Also joining @rsteve388 walking a mile a day for the month. It‘s a cunning ploy to make sure I leave the house each day thro the winter. 1.5 miles this am. 🌅
I‘m celebrating my last week of freedom/first weekend of freedom (depending how you look at it). I start an actual 9-5 full-time job on Monday, via Zoom.
ARC Bookmail looking forward to reading this historical fiction novel The City of Tears by Kate Mosse release date 5/26/2020 #thecityoftears#katemosse#minotaurbooks#arcbook#bookmailisthebestmail#Goodreads