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Group: HowOneTherapistandaCircleof StrangersSavedMyLife | Christie Tate
153 posts | 88 read | 1 reading | 45 to read
The refreshingly original debut memoir of a guarded, over-achieving, self-lacerating young lawyer who reluctantly agrees to get psychologically and emotionally naked in a room of six complete strangersher psychotherapy groupand in turn finds human connection, and herself. Christie Tate had just been named the top student in her law school class and finally had her eating disorder under control. Why then was she driving through Chicago fantasizing about her own death? Why was she envisioning putting an end to the isolation and sadness that still plagued her in spite of her achievements? Enter Dr. Rosen, a therapist who calmly assures her that if she joins one of his psychotherapy groups, he can transform her life. All she has to do is show up and be honest. About everythingher eating habits, childhood, sexual history, etc. Christie is skeptical, insisting that that she is defective, beyond cure. But Dr. Rosen issues a nine-word prescription that will change everything: You dont need a cure, you need a witness. So begins her entry into the strange, terrifying, and ultimately life-changing world of group therapy. Christie is initially put off by Dr. Rosens outlandish directives, but as her defenses break down and she comes to trust Dr. Rosen and to depend on the sessions and the prescribed nightly phone calls with various group members, she begins to understand what it means to connect. Group is a deliciously addictive read, and with Christie as our guideskeptical of her own capacity for connection and intimacy, but hopeful in spite of herselfwe are given a front row seat to the daring, exhilarating, painful, and hilarious journey that is group therapyan under-explored process that breaks you down, and then reassembles you so that all the pieces finally fit.
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This book is a test image of why therapy works- you verbalize your secrets, you feel heard, you feel validated, you feel cared for. Powerful read!

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⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 A voyeuristic look at one woman‘s journey through group therapy in pursuit of an intimate relationship. I enjoyed the behind the scenes look at group therapy, although did tire of some of her really questionable relationship decisions and the holding a relationship up as the be all end all goal. I guess it was the point and it‘s her story, but it got sort of frustrating to observe. I did enjoy it, though!

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The book that made me decide emphatically that group #therapy is not for me & my introverted brain & soul!!

A #SundayBuddyRead that I didn‘t love but was interesting.

Eggs Agreed, painful for introverts 2y
MicheleinPhilly You couldn‘t pay me to go to group therapy. I‘m paying for it - why would I want to spend money to listen to other people‘s problems? 2y
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It takes moxie to pour your heart out on the page. Tate shares incredibly personal stories (TMI at times, for me) but she‘s brutally honest with her group and, eventually, herself. The book tells one woman‘s story and the power of connections and the positive role therapy can play in our lives. I‘m partial to this sentence from the NY Journal of Books review: “It makes for an addictively voyeuristic, often squirm-inducing read.”

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Book 48

Magpiegem I‘m interested to hear what you think of this one! X 2y
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A spectacularly vulnerable book that is anecdotal, personal, & down right hilarious at points. The author brings you right into the group with everyone‘s faults, fantasies, and triumphs. It‘s well written and the audio version is great.

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Yikes, this was bad. I really hope people don‘t believe that this is what group therapy is like. Dr. Rosen‘s methods are unethical and it was infuriating to read about their sessions. I‘m also glad that I don‘t have to spend another second reading about Tate‘s sex life. She clearly has no idea what asexuality means and labels herself “borderline asexual” and a “sexual anorexic” whenever she experiences relationship problems. 1⭐️ bit.ly/3FhZPYS

TheRiehlDeal 😳 And Reese picked this for her book club?! So there weren‘t any other books she could have picked? It has a pick rating of 42% on here. To each their own I guess. 🤷‍♂️ 3y
candority @TheRiehlDeal Right?! I‘m baffled by her decision to feature this book 😬 3y
Zoe-h Why use the term “borderline asexual” when that is literally the definition of greysexual. (edited) 3y
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Megabooks I wish I had panned this, but apparently I gave it a so-so. I remember hating the same things you did!! 3y
candority @Zoe-h She clearly didn‘t know - or care - what asexuality is, let alone greysexuality. Her whole life (at least how she presents it in the book) revolved around her sex life and finding a long term partner. She only used the term asexual whenever she wasn‘t currently in a sexual relationship with someone 🙄 3y
candority @Megabooks Never too late to change your rating! 3y
Zoe-h @candority It really sucks that there‘s no Ace rep out there. 3y
candority @Zoe-h I hope there will be more soon! 3y
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I‘d seen this book all over and thought I‘d give it a try! On the plus side, it definitely kept my attention and was super interesting! I finished it in a few days. On the other hand, it become a bit one note after a while. She struggled with relationships with men and her group helped her. It‘s kind of in between a pick and so so for me. But I think I‘m going with so so. If you read it, what did you think?


Book 23-2021 OK so I have big feelings about this book. I‘m a psychotherapist so I guess I would. I don‘t actually know where to begin... the practice is so unethical and dangerous that I am astounded this man has been allowed to continue his work. I feel heavy with the undue harm he has most definitely done to clients. And for what? An experiment? Financial gain- the realizations the author comes to in this book could have been done safely and ⬇️

Magpiegem Much more quickly in one to one work done within an ethical framework. The way he manipulates clients lives is just very frightening and I am saddened for these people who went seeking help and were actually taken advantage of so greatly. I appreciated the authors honesty of her own experience although I found her reading of the book dry. I was left upset and concerned for those involved ⭐️⭐️ 3y
FelinesAndFelonies Yeah. It oozes ethical issues. 3y
Cinfhen OMG!! This book left me so upset too!!! I was traumatized by the unorthodox therapy. 3y
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Magpiegem @Cinfhen I can‘t stop thinking about it... I assume this man is still practicing. So frightening that this is allowed! 3y
Cinfhen Shocking!!!!! I was floored!! Can‘t believe no red flags were waved when this was published 😲 3y
Magpiegem @Cinfhen hmm I may have to do some more research- I cannot believe nothing came of this. I‘ll let you know what I find! 3y
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Up next on audio is this book about the authors experience of group therapy. It popped up on my library app and as a Psychotherapist I can never resist a chance to read about someone‘s experience of therapy. I‘ve recently cancelled my Audible because we are on a serious money diet so I feel so lucky to be able to loan audio books so easily nowadays.


I have mixed feelings about this memoir. First, I love that the author is confident and healthy enough to share her journey through therapy. It is inspiring although some of the details she provided in her book were graphic and/or unsettling. Second, I think group therapy (and more specifically this type of group therapy detailed in the book) works for some people but some of the details and sessions made me feel uneasy while reading the book.

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Bailing at 1/3 - when the therapist sex dreams start. I'm sure some people liked this book, it just wasn't for me. Leaving unrated)

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I read 25 books last year. This year, I've read 1: Group. 😂🤦‍♀️
People have many opinions about Dr. Rosen & Christie, but as someone who never completely shares anything, I really liked the idea of a place of no secrets...total accountability for who we are. I honestly think I might find this type of therapy more beneficial than 1 on 1.

*Altho he found it weird, my 9 yo Eli models the book for this pic! 😂❤️


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I loved this book. In the beginning, it was hard sometimes to listen to some of her choices and towards the end when she was so much better but still struggling in relationships I was yelling “you are worth more than this!” Which is something we all need to hear sometimes ❤️

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I know this was last months read, and I am a bit behind, but I enjoyed this read greatly. I don't read much in the genre of memoirs.
#bookspinbingo @thearomaofbooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Between so-so and a 👎. I didn‘t like the ethics of the therapist, and I didn‘t much care for Christie either. I admire her wanting to tell her story, but I just found this whole thing to be a bit much.

Megabooks 💯💯 agree with your review!! 3y
Cinfhen I didn‘t love this one either. I thought the therapist was totally unethical and I found Christine SUPER SELF ABSORBED 🙄 3y
Moonprismpower Yes! I thought the therapy didn‘t seem much like therapy. 3y
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kspenmoll Totally agree with your review!! 3y
Bklover When writing a book about yourself I guess you will appear somewhat self involved but this was crazy. And this woman must be made of money to afford this much “therapy”. (I use the term therapy loosely). Rolled my eyes so much I gave myself a headache. @Cinfhen @Megabooks @Moonprismpower @kspenmoll 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 3y
Megabooks Did anyone else find it suspect that his special second group she‘s a part of was all the people in the highest paid professions?? And most therapists want to get you better to the point where you need LESS therapy not more!! @Bklover @Cinfhen @Moonprismpower @kspenmoll 3y
Moonprismpower @Megabooks @Bklover yes! First red flag was lack of confidentiality. Second was third tiered therapy. Like oh you made it next level. But not a good way in my opinion to get help. Group therapy sounds good. But I wouldn‘t want to be in hers. 3y
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I‘m finding the group process interesting

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Wow, this memoir was something else. Author Christie Tate began group therapy under the supervision of a psychiatrist who seems to be more Yoda than standard issue therapist. Everyone in the group must be radically honest about their feelings and lives, but only the doctor was bound to confidentiality. I can't even imagine revealing so much under those circumstances, but it makes for interesting reading. TW: eating disorders.

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This one was hard to put down at times and hard to pick back up at others. Hence the mediocre rating. I admire Christie‘s bravery in being so vulnerable and telling her story. I won‘t be critical of her story other than to say it wasn‘t for me. Read for #sundaybuddyread and can‘t believe how late I finished, the end just dragged for me.

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I found the group methods here to be lacking - the therapist eventually got positive results, but did it with questionable ethics. But #sundaybuddyread focused on it as a memoir, and from that angle, it's enjoyable. Christie makes you want to slap her more than once, but it's interesting enough to keep you reading. And Christie does grow significantly throughout the book, though not to the level I think we would have liked to see.

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Just a so-so for me. I had a hard time liking the author although I admire her for putting EVERYTHING out there & I‘m glad she found something that helped her. I had difficulties with her therapist Dr. Rosen & some of his methods & this memoir affirmed that Group Therapy is not for my introvert soul.😉 Glad I read it with #sundaybuddyread as @TheBookHippie leads discussions that make me want to keep reading even if the book isn‘t my favorite.🤗

Prairiegirl_reading I haven‘t joined in for a while but I have to agree that @TheBookHippie is a fantastic moderator of the discussion. Always comes up with great questions!! 3y
TheBookHippie @Prairiegirl_reading AWE!! I do put my best effort in!! 💜 💜 💜
This book was everything you said!!

I have hope for JULY!!
AmyG Yes to all this!!! 3y
ScriboGero I‘d be curious what you think of the doctor in Facing Lillia by Collette Shedd. I can get you a review copy if you‘re interested. 3y
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I thank you for reading along 💙📘🦋🛋

I had no clue what we‘d read 😅

This had some things I‘ve seen done well, and it was interesting enough to read someone‘s truth this in depth.

I‘m not happy her happy ending is a man. I hope it‘s that she found herself.

The read would be nothing without you all and I thank you. 💙📘🦋

AmyG Thank YOU...for leading the discussion and very week. 🙌🏻 3y
kspenmoll Thank you Christine for all your stimulating, thought provoking statements & questions. These discussions make the books for me. I will say though, this book will be donated to our library sale without any qualms or regret!!!!! 3y
sabyym the discussions were fun 3y
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DebinHawaii I am glad I got the book as a Kindle deal although the library would have been a better option as it‘s not a keeper. Thank you again for the excellent questions & discussions—I get so much from them. I got my book from the library yesterday & I‘m looking forward to The Comeback in July! 🤗 3y
mollyrotondo Thank you Christine as always! You write the best questions! I got this book from the library thank goodness 😆 and I go pick up our next read on Tuesday! Cannot wait! 3y
TheBookHippie @mollyrotondo SO DID I! I had an ARC and send it to Helen. 3y
TheBookHippie @kspenmoll seriously it‘s not a keeper 😝 3y
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii I had a library book 😂 3y
kspenmoll @TheBookHippie Definitely not! 3y
Sargar114 @TheBookHippie thank you again for moderating! Like a few people have said I don‘t know if I would have finished if it weren‘t for this group. I appreciated how thought provoking this story was. But agree that I hate that her happy ending was finding a healthy relationship when it should be the fact she was okay with who she was and the relationship was more a side effect of that. On to the next one…behind because of this one ☹️ 3y
TheBookHippie @Sargar114 I would have bailed too!!!!! Bahaha…. 3y
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What did you think of the read?
Did you change your mind one way or the other about therapy?

Is this strictly a memoir and you can leave the therapy as part of that?

Can you believe she laid it all out there ?

Could you????

vlwelser I couldn't write a book in which I looked like such a crazy person. I wonder what her coworkers think of this. Or her clients. Or someday her children if they read it. Not for me. I thought this was really strong at the start but I got a bit bored with it somewhere in the middle. 3y
TheBookHippie @vlwelser She seems to blow this off in the authors notes … as for her children she seems to joke it‘s what therapy is for … 3y
megnews Writing is often hand in hand with therapy in the healing process. I couldn‘t put it all out there but I do like Rosen‘s approach to truth. Coming from a family with secrets, it‘s refreshing and how I try to live my life though I would publish it. I took it as a memoir. (edited) 3y
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AmyG I couldn‘t write a book about myself...warts and therapy and all. I liked the book at times. I hated it, too, at times. I didn‘t really like Christie very much. 3y
TheBookHippie @AmyG Me either! She reminds me of so many women I know 😬🤐 3y
TheBookHippie @megnews I agree with truth being paramount and writing is very therapeutic ! 3y
kspenmoll I found myself having little sympathy for her. I could never be so open, so stripped to the bone in a memoir. But I think she acts without seeing the consequences she may have on others. She was almost glib about her kids reading it. I think she did not grow in the sense that she is all about herself, rather narcissistic. It got boring to read all her ridiculousness with men. I doubt I would have finished without this group. I am glad I did ⬇️ 3y
kspenmoll Because these discussions are the best part. 3y
DebinHawaii Did not love the book or Christie but I enjoyed reading it with this group & the discussions. I do feel she is narcissistic & like she has a desire to put herself & her warts, experiences & self-knowledge gained out there in a way that seeks a “shocked” reaction that feeds into that narcissism. I didn‘t know much about group therapy going into it & it would make me even more inclined to never do that! 😆 3y
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii I‘m counting these weekly talks as group therapy 🤍😂 3y
TheBookHippie @kspenmoll I would have BAILED but I‘m the leader 😂 it did help me see that these type of women are truly everywhere -sad as that is. She‘s very self absorbed. Brave to share it all or is she boasting or attention seeking ? 3y
DebinHawaii @TheBookHippie And this group therapy I totally support & will do! 🤣🤣🤣 3y
katy4peas I‘m surprised she shared all of this with everybody. I don‘t think I could do that.. either with a group or as a memoir. I didn‘t love the book, but it definitely kept me interested in what was going to happen. I don‘t think I would like Christie if I met her in real life, but i have empathy towards her in the book. I don‘t know if I would have read this book at all without these discussions. 3y
mollyrotondo I‘m glad I read this with our buddy read and I learned a lot and even took some skills away for my own life. I am not sure if she‘s brave or attention seeking. I feel a little bit of both about her. But I still found everything very interesting. I would have not read it alone but enjoyed it way more than expected because of our weekly chats!!!! 3y
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What do you think of Christie?
Is she functioning only because of therapy?
Is she healed only because she found a man?

Is she healed? Is anyone ever?

vlwelser Therapy obviously helped her on some level. She seems to think it's the most important thing which I thought was weird. 3y
AmyG Again, does she feel she can function without therapy as she has gone for so long? 3y
kspenmoll Therapy did help her but she says she‘s a lifer & that makes me feel she cannot function without Dr R & group specifically. I have been in therapy at different junctures of my life & it has been my experience that different times require different therapists. But thats me. Its like an addiction for her. 3y
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sabyym Making your therapist your fav buddy and thinking of a group therapy like once a week hangout just feels off. She def doesn‘t seem suicidal but take away her man and the group for a week, can she honestly function without them? 3y
TheBookHippie @sabyym Right? I‘m thinking no. 3y
TheBookHippie @vlwelser it‘s a bit odd. I know a person who does AA daily still but it doesn‘t truly matter which meeting. It‘s about her she says not the group or people. And it‘s free. Which I never see as odd. But this Christie group, it‘s not true. Now if no one was giving money and it was friends meeting as a group to go through life, that‘s a whole other story. Just my opinion. It‘s not to say it‘s wrong it‘s just odd to me. 3y
vlwelser Lol. It's like she needs a book club or something. 3y
katy4peas @vlwelser now a book club lifer? That I can get! 🤣 3y
katy4peas I think the therapy helped her, but I think she is addicted to the therapy, possibly on a unhealthy level now. Maybe meeting once a month and slowly backing it off would be good and just meeting her group mates for coffee in between would be healthier. She seems very dependent on Dr R and his perspectives and needs to trust on herself a bit more. I‘m not sure she could function without them. Some of them function as family vs friends now and she 3y
katy4peas Talks to them everyday, which is fine, but does she need the group meetings, and Dr R involved on top of that too? 3y
katy4peas Though I do think she knows she is not done because she is happily married with kids. She said the story is not done and that she is still working on herself- by still going to therapy. 🤷‍♀️ 3y
TheBookHippie @vlwelser I agree!!!! @katy4peas we all meet and talk every week for free, I look forward to it. We‘ve all solved a lot of the worlds problems so far…. ♥️ 3y
DebinHawaii Whoops, I kind of answered this in the last question but I agree that I think she is still too dependent on Rosen & the group. There‘s nothing wrong with working on yourself but as @katy4peas said, it seems to have become an addiction of sorts. I am all for weekly book club therapy though! 😉🤣🤗 (edited) 3y
mollyrotondo I really don‘t think it‘s an issue to go to therapy once a week because we all need some assistance. It is similar to people who need to go to AA meetings their whole lives. It helps to stay focus on one‘s self and keep you from neglecting yourself again. But a million meetings a week and this heavy dependence on this particular doctor seems like and addiction/obsession. She hasn‘t learned to have balance in her life 3y
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Why don‘t we normalize therapy? What are your thoughts that she‘s still in therapy?
Also who could afford this ?
Is therapy for rich people only ?
Is therapy for everyone ?
Can people heal without therapy?
Any thoughts on this kind of therapy?

What do you think of Dr Rosen now?

vlwelser I think there is a cost and time associated with therapy that many people would not be able to meet. If you're struggling to feed the kids, therapy probably isn't a priority. 3y
megnews I think therapy should be accessible to anyone. In many ways, mental health is more important than physical. Mental health affects physical health. I don‘t feel someone should feel rushed out of therapy but I‘m not sure you‘re doing it right if you never end. This group of people could get together over coffee every week for free without Rosen. 3y
AmyG She had the money to support her therapy. Most don‘t have this privilege. They either do ‘t have access or moneyto pay for it. She got lucky yet again. But sometimes I wonder.....has she gotten so used to therapy that she feels she can‘t live without it? 3y
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kspenmoll The kind of therapy & the time it took can only work for wealthy who can afford it. She had a job that was flexible; many people do not have that luxury. There are so many boundary issues with Dr R‘s practice. Attending her wedding & a dance? ! Too much. I wish everyone had access to mental heath services. Also where I live many therapists do not take insurance which creates the situation that is inequitable. People on state or federal insurance⬇️ 3y
kspenmoll Are on long waiting lists & its the luck of the draw. In my school district we do have contracts with town therapists which is a huge asset. 3y
TheBookHippie @AmyG I don‘t think she can … 3y
TheBookHippie @kspenmoll Those we‘re many of my thoughts as well… so many that could use it can‘t afford it. 3y
sabyym Therapy is very important and it should be accessible to all. And going to therapy for the rest of your life to cope with different daily issues that might come up seems like a healthy way to deal with your emotions but no idea if having such a strong attachment to therapy is in fact healthy or not. 3y
rjsthumbelina Therapy should be much more affordable for all. But I'm not sure that I think it should be this type of therapy. Dr. Rosen does seem to help his patients, but he seems to leave them pretty dependent on him. That's a problem. Ethically, good therapy practice should have a clearly defined termination point from the beginning. It seems like the 10-year + group is almost more of a support group that's facilitated by Dr. Rosen. I wish it were just them 3y
katy4peas @sabyym I agree that it is a good way to cope, but I think it is also supposed to teach you the skills to be able to cope on your own without having to continue to rely on therapy sessions for your entire life with no end point. 3y
katy4peas It definitely is an accessibility issue for money and time. Insurance covers part of the cost for me, but my portion still varies between $30-200 depending on who I see. Depending on how many times I go, that adds up fast. If you are a working parent, you may not be able to get time off for a session or have childcare. I think it is an important service that should be covered for everybody. 3y
katy4peas At the library, we see many people who could benefit from services and meds, but who don‘t get them because of the cost associated with them 3y
DebinHawaii Therapy should be more accessible & affordable to more people who need it rather than just those who can afford the time & cost. I feel like intense Group therapy like Christie‘s is something that you would taper down from having learned coping skills & not have to rely so much on. I am still not a fan of Rosen—the Machiavellian methods, the boundaries I felt he crossed (the holding her really bugged me) made me have a hard time trusting him ⬇️ 3y
DebinHawaii … but I guess it worked for her in the sense that she got what she wanted & I don‘t think she would have gotten there without therapy. This book would probably make me totally avoid any kind of group therapy but that‘s also my introversion leaning in! 😉 3y
mollyrotondo It definitely depends on your health insurance. I am so lucky that my health insurance has a great mental health program and I only have to pay the low copay. All insurance should provide this low cost mental health program because everyone needs a little help from a third party. But I agree that by the end I thought she was too dependent on Rosen in a weird way. I don‘t knock going to therapist always. But this relationship was strange. 3y
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Then … John.
Then she realizes she‘s still her, warts and all, even though …

Was this an important moment ?

kspenmoll Yes and no. I am glad she had the realization & accepted it as true. But she is still so dependent on Dr R- how much power did his comment that John was the one in her decision making? 3y
AmyG My take on this....some peole in life get lucky and some don‘t. She got lucky as all hell. Ha...he is a saint. 3y
rjsthumbelina I do think this is an important moment for her. But, it's notable that it's still based around others' perceptions of her. Hopefully, as she continues to grow, she can see herself as valuable without needing other people's validation. 3y
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katy4peas @AmyG I feel she got really lucky too. I glad she is happy, but things kinda wrapped up very neatly for her… 3y
DebinHawaii It was an important moment for her but I agree with @rjsthumbelina it is based on others‘ perceptions. Her relationship still seems to be very centered on Dr. Rosen & the Group & their opinions. 3y
mollyrotondo She is still very dependent on the group but you know we all need help living this life so I think she‘s on a better path. But yes she totally got lucky. 3y
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What did you think of Christie‘s I‘m OKAY moment?

kspenmoll I was happy for her. Sad it took her so long. But it seems as if she still felt incomplete without a man. 3y
AmyG Took her long enough. I believe that she (deep down) doesn‘t truly believe this. 3y
sabyym Glad this happened and I wished this went on a little longer before she met another man. 3y
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rjsthumbelina I appreciated that she thought it was someone else talking to her, like that couldn't have come out of her own brain. I agree that it would have been more ideal if she had sustained this thinking pattern a while longer before jumping into another relationship 3y
katy4peas Finally! I wished she had gotten a little more out of it before meeting someone else. Again, this is a memoir though and not fiction. 🤷‍♀️ 3y
DebinHawaii It was good to see but like everyone else, I wish there had been more of it and I also concur that in her heart of hearts, she didn‘t really believe it. @AmyG @kspenmoll 3y
mollyrotondo I agree with everyone! She thought it, didn‘t fully believe it, didn‘t sit with it long enough, and had another relationship. 3y
Sargar114 I actually wish this is where it would have ended. I think it would have improved the message of the memoir for me other than it ending with her relationship with John and the marriage. But I suppose everyone is right and this is why it probably it didn‘t feel genuine. However, I did find it interesting that when she had this revelation she finally found a healthy relationship. 3y
TheBookHippie @Sargar114 I totally agree!!!! Sends a much better message!! 3y
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Why is single viewed as something must be wrong with them?

vlwelser I've never understood this. But I also wasn't raised with this expectation. 3y
kspenmoll I always dislike that idea. I could not be in a healthy relationship until I was alone, and fine with that. I was not raised with that expectation either- My dad had two sisters who never married & lived fulfilling lives. 3y
AmyG Society. Same with having children. 3y
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rjsthumbelina I think people feel like they have to have a significant other to feel validated as a person, to feel like who they are is worth something. Honestly, it's a concept that I still struggle with at times. I sometimes catch myself giving way too much relevance to the fact that I am married and have a nearly 15-year relationship. I do think it's bc society throws at us the need to be married, to form a traditional family, to feel successful 3y
katy4peas Very much societal pressures. You need to move out and be married and have kids and a successful career by a certain age. I‘m still living with my parents and struggling with that a bit because it isn‘t a normal thing for my culture, but in other cultures, generations all live together under one roof. 🤷‍♀️ 3y
TheBookHippie @katy4peas It‘s a little much how the very few dictate for the masses… it‘s ridiculous. 3y
DebinHawaii Definitely society. I am the youngest & the only one unmarried, never-married & with no children & it took many years for my family to “honor my choices” (translated to less judging comments about my life choices & speculation about everything from my sexuality to what great trauma I suffered somewhere along the way.)🙄 Maybe the fact that all but two have multiple marriages under their belts or maybe they just gave up. Anyway, I respect ⬇️ 3y
DebinHawaii … anyone who makes a marriage and/or long term relationship work & anyone who chooses to have & raise children regardless of that status & occasionally I envy them but those choices were not for me & I am happy with that & with myself. 3y
mollyrotondo Way too much societal pressure to get married and have kids. Most people don‘t succeed with this traditional life choice yet somehow it‘s still viewed as the perfect way to live. Sometimes I think it‘s a misery loves company situation. 3y
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Voiceless. Why does this happen so often to people? That they become mute. Are we conditioned, especially women, that our voice doesn‘t matter ?

rjsthumbelina It was almost like she wanted to prove she was worthy of his love, and speaking up for herself might make him not love her anymore. There were definitely some red flags that she ignored, though 3y
kspenmoll I think women are conditioned that way- at least in my generation. It happens in so many cultures. Its like if we speak our truth men will lose power. In my niece I see differences. My mother had a voice in her marriage; my dad respected her ideas. I had to grow into it - in my teens at least with my boyfriend I was too compliant. That ended in my twenties but I feel like I had to consciously guard myself against not speaking my truth. 3y
AmyG @rjsthumbelina This woman ignored red flags at every turn. And yes @kspenmoll I believe women are conditioned to remain quiet. Maybe it depends on the generation. Or perhaps in certain religions. 3y
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DebinHawaii I really felt like a man could have worn a giant placard around his neck stating “I AM A HOT MESS & VERY BAD CHOICE FOR YOU & THIS WILL NOT END WELL AT ALL!!” & she would still jump in just to have SOMEONE. 3y
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii I feel like she‘d say challenge excepted 😂🙈 3y
DebinHawaii @TheBookHippie Right?!?! 🤣🤣🤣 3y
mollyrotondo I hate feeling this way. I am trying so hard to get my voice back. I was a much more outspoken person when I was a teen and in college but my first boyfriend in college and entering the working world made me feel like I needed to silence myself and be more compliant. One to keep a boyfriend and be a cool chill girlfriend and the other to keep my job. I am working very hard to speak up again and be assertive and be myself. 3y
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Brandon. Allowed? She wasn‘t allowed to break it off with him ? What did you think of his secret? How should Christie have handled it?
(Pursuit of Happiness is 2006 so Brandon is 2006)
The hallmark of a healthy relationship is boredom? Thoughts ?
Breaking a flower pot over her head?
Thoughts ?
Finally the break up…
Goodness. Anyone ?


rjsthumbelina Brandon was a mess in his own right, but I liked seeing Christie move closer to a healthy relationship. I was sad to see her not able to voice her own wants/needs though. I guess it was all about her finding the right balance 3y
vlwelser He was a hot mess. It's good that she finally got away from him. The flowerpot was a bit extreme. She acts like a crazy person sometimes. 3y
kspenmoll He was a mess. It took her way too long to see that. The flowerpot was extreme- @vlwelser. She waited way too long to get help. But maybe her development arrested after the drowning she witnessed at age 14 because she got no help then. She dies act/think about love like a teen. 3y
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AmyG He was awful. What can I say...she has a knack for itnoring red flags. As for the flowerpot....my only take is sometimes a person gets so frustrated they just act. 3y
DebinHawaii OK, “The Flipper”!?!? 😳 Brandon‘s flags were many even before his secret & asking her to not talk about their relationship in Group. The flowerpot moment was insane. Personally, I thought just putting ointment on it & group hugging & telling her to be around people wasn‘t enough of a response. I felt like she was still in danger of harming herself more & wanted more of a response from Rosen.🤷🏻‍♀️ 3y
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii THE FLIPPER…. Oy. I was ROLLING MY EYES … like why wasn‘t that a no go?!?! 3y
TheBookHippie @vlwelser she needs a punching bag apparently … 3y
mollyrotondo Uhhh this guy was just as bad as the guy who masturbated by himself in the hotel room and smelled and played video games. He was also not interested in her needs at all. And then he had a therapist and sort of laughed at her when she found out. Uhh it was all horrible. This guy was so bad. 3y
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Online dating … is she ever going to be alone ? And be okay ? Your thoughts at this juncture of the story?

vlwelser She's so desperate to meet a man and get married and start a family. I've watched friends do this. Not my jam. 3y
kspenmoll I really wish she took time to be comfortable about being alone, but she never had that experience - when she bought her condo I hoped she enjoyed creating a home for herself but it seems she could not feel fulfilled, despite her accomplishments, without a man. 3y
TheBookHippie @vlwelser I LOATHE it. It‘s not the end all be all. I agree it made me not like the book. The answer is not a man. 3y
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TheBookHippie @kspenmoll me too. I agree with everything you said. 3y
megnews I don‘t think she will. It‘s sad but it is the reality of many still. 3y
AmyG I agree with you all. A man does not complete you. And that was her goal...to find a man. 3y
sabyym And joining a dating site specifically for Jewish people when she isn‘t one herself is so desperate and sad. 3y
DebinHawaii I do think she will never be able to be alone or without a man. As someone who has (so far & likely at this point that won‘t change) 😉chosen to be enough on my own without a partner, I am probably not the person to understand her. I wanted her to spend time on her own, getting strong & healthy. And yes, @sabyym the faking being Jewish for online dating was particularly desperate & both sad & annoying. (edited) 3y
TheBookHippie @megnews I agree it‘s really sad. 3y
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii I don‘t get her either. I see people like her but 😩 I don‘t get it. 3y
mollyrotondo I agree that she needed to be comfortable with herself before entering into a relationship. It‘s okay to want a relationship but her actions showed how much she needed to spend time with herself and know herself. She was so desperate for a man that she went to odd and extreme lengths to find someone. It was an unhealthy technique. 3y
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Christie “ I could never watch someone I cared about make such questionable decisions..” in regards to Dr Rosen

Mu first thought welcome to parenting adult kids…
what are your thoughts ?

vlwelser I may be misunderstanding this question but Dr Rosen seems to do this constantly. Watching them all make terrible decisions. But he also pushes Christie toward the good stuff. Like the job. 3y
kspenmoll Hopefully she gets over that idea when she has her children. Parenting is so hard! Dr. R practices scare me sometimes- he seems to push bad choices & his clients are so dependent on him. (edited) 3y
TheBookHippie @vlwelser she seems to want an instruction manual … or someone to tell her the answer, but the answer is inside her. 3y
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megnews I agree this is parenting teen and adult children. But I think it‘s very different because he has an ethical obligation to them and it doesn‘t always seem like he‘s taking it seriously which sometimes leads to their detriment. Of course they can still make their own decisions but to say nothing? 3y
AmyG In a pefect world...we learn from making mistakes. I would guess that would be what Rosen was after. And parenting of adult children....HA! 3y
sabyym @megnews I agree. There is a little moral obligation there. I understand that their decisions will lead to a life lesson for them but to what extent will a therapist let their patient go? At some point therapist should guide them, it‘s their move if they wanna follow or not but provide a least something. 3y
megnews @sabyym I agree. To each his own but I‘d find a new therapist. I‘d feel he was lining his pockets and getting amusement from our foils. 3y
DebinHawaii Yes, not a fan. I do think ultimately people need to make their own choices (adult children included) 😉 but I do feel like @megnews @sabyym that as her therapist, has an ethical obligation to do no harm & to do more than just watch his patients (sometimes almost with glee I felt) especially when their actions can impact them or others so negatively. 3y
mollyrotondo I don‘t think it‘s a therapist responsibility to make their patients make good choices. They are there to guide and offer advise but if the person wants to make a particular choice it‘s on that person to go through it and decide for themselves if it was right or wrong for them. 3y
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What is it with women and married men, why?!

Did you ask yourself -when is she going to take the blame for her own actions- regarding Christie? Is she a narcissist? Self involved ? Tunnel vision? Not mature enough ? Unable to see outside herself?

rjsthumbelina I think Christie was desperate to feel loved during that time in her life, and she would take it any way she could. She doesn't value herself enough until after this relationship to believe she deserves to be someone's first choice 3y
vlwelser Isn't there another woman in the group that also used to date this married man? They do seem to be a bit self absorbed. All of them. 3y
kspenmoll She is so desperate as @rjsthumbelina said to be loved she accepts any morsel offered. Married men- ultimately unavailable & unhealthy. Her choices make me sad, then angry. I remind myself this is her story, her view of her relationship life. I was surprised she ended it with the emphasis on the right man, rather than talking about finding her true self. It leaves me wondering if she did. 3y
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kspenmoll @vlwelser Yes there is. She warned Christie about him. 3y
vlwelser @kspenmoll I'm not sure finding herself was her goal. Her goal seemed to be finding the right man. Maybe this is why the book ultimately didn't resonate with me. 3y
TheBookHippie @kspenmoll I question that as well. I don‘t think she did. 3y
TheBookHippie @vlwelser Right? Ugh 3y
megnews I agree with @rjsthumbelina & @kspenmoll that she was looking for any love she could get. Not enough self esteem. I gene don‘t read books with infidel. Makes me sick. I also agree with @vlwelser that finding the right man seemed to be her focus. I think she thought that meant she‘d made it. And I think a lot of women are still that way. 3y
AmyG @vlwelser I agree. I got the i pression she just wanted to find a man. And she did want a man to love her...so here is a man who said he loved her. It‘s all she could see. And i, too, @megnews think alot of women just want a man. 3y
katy4peas @AmyG @vlwelser @kspenmoll @rjsthumbelina @megnews @TheBookHippie I think she believes(d) that she needed a healthy relationship to find her true self. At least at this point. Each relationship she has teaches her something new about herself and teaches her new boundaries. It just takes her a while. 3y
katy4peas She also mentions at the end that her story isn‘t done and that she is still in therapy. So I think she is still trying to better herself and find her true self as well. 3y
kspenmoll @vlwelser agree!!! 3y
DebinHawaii Christie irritated me through much of the book but sealed the deal with her affair with Reed. I really wanted to throat punch her, Reed & Dr. Rosen as I don‘t like the fact that he puts her therapy & growth as more important than the life & feelings of others—like Reed‘s wife & family. Like most of you, I was hoping the book ended with more about her finding herself instead of a man to make her “whole.” That really disappointed me. 3y
DebinHawaii And YES to all the above about her-narcissistic tendencies, immaturity, self-involvement, tunnel vision & “me, me, me” all of the time. 😡 3y
mollyrotondo I do understand why Rosen just let her make this mistake. She needed to see that she deserved more than just being the side girl and she wasn‘t going to understand that until she went through the cycle of that mistake. But I agree with everyone that it seemed like she was ultimately trying to find a man and only felt better once she find a man. Her focus wasn‘t on self improvement as much as it was finding a relationship. 3y
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Sunday final discussion on GROUP 💙🦋

Anyone who has read the book welcome to discuss the book with us Sunday !



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Wow. This book is VERY raw and honest. The therapy methods at times are unconventional and borderline inappropriate, but at the same time they all resolve themselves by the lessons learned. Christie and her group mates grow very close and the methods used seem to truly help them. Definitely not what I would choose for myself, but I‘m not in that situation and I applaud her for being so brave and speaking her truth. #sundaybuddyread

katy4peas Many possible triggers: sexual, eating disorders, suicidal. This book is about her struggles with life and her experiences with therapy. 3y
katy4peas Overall, a very interesting memoir that I found to be a page-turner. 3y
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Whelp. I‘m all set for #SUNDAYBUDDYREAD

🤐🤐🤐🤐remember a lot of us folks read on Saturday so please no spoilers!!

Anyone who has read the book welcome to join in on our last discussion on Sunday! 💙🦋📘🛋

AmyG I am all set, too. And 🤐 3y
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This started out really strong but honestly I got a bit bored somewhere in the middle.

#SundayBuddyRead with @TheBookHippie. Final discussion this Sunday. Until then 🤐🤐🤐

#BookSpinBingo square 1

TheAromaofBooks I've seen a lot of mixed reviews for this one!! 3y
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I am very happy that #sundaybuddyread turned me on to this book since I normally don‘t read memoirs on my own. I learned a lot about group therapy and how certain people can benefit from it. I even found some life improvement tips that I can follow myself. I appreciate Tate putting her story out there for us to read. This was my #bookspinbingo No. 24 pick.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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I just *had* to finish today, since I only had 5 more days & another library patron was waiting.😉

A memoir that reads like a novel is a good thing for me. While I thought some of the things that went on with Dr. Rosen & the groups seemed unorthodox & maybe just a bit batsh*t, I can appreciate that it‘s Tate‘s (frustrating, funny) story tell. I was entertained!


Looking forward to more discussion—a great 1st #SundayBuddyRead for me!

AmyG Agreed. I thought some of Dr Rosen‘s “treatments” for lack of a better word were nuts. What do I know. I have yet to finish but yes…I am entertained. 3y
TheBookHippie Yay!!! So glad you joined in. 3y
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Anyone who has read the book feel free to join us next week for our last discussion on this book !


AmyG I look forward to seeing how she turns out. I am guessing she meets a decent guy. 3y
Sargar114 I agree @AmyG. It‘ll be interesting to find out if that‘s the resolution or I‘m hoping it‘s her being more comfortable in her own skin. 3y
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TheBookHippie @Sargar114 I‘m hoping a man is not the answer 😝 3y
sprainedbrain I ended up finishing it just now…someone was waiting for my library copy, and I only had 5 days left, so I used that as an excuse to just listen to the rest today. 😆 3y
TheBookHippie @sprainedbrain 🤪 I‘m finishing tonight! 3y
sabyym @TheBookHippie yes hahaha. Let‘s just end with having strong bonds with platonic friends with no benefits pls 3y
AmyG @TheBookHippie I hope it‘s not a man, too. But....she seems to want a relationship so bad...and all hers were so awful....my guess is she finally makes a good choice in a man. As I said before...is it Max??? 3y
Sargar114 @AmyG for some reason I thought Max was gay…but maybe not…maybe he ends up being her healthy relationship 🤷🏼‍♀️ 3y
mollyrotondo I am going to finish it today too because I need to bring it back to the library 😂 3y
TheBookHippie @Sargar114 I think so too 😂 3y
DebinHawaii I will probably wait until Saturday again to finish but looking forward to seeing how it wraps up! 3y
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Now we get to finish it! I‘m curious to see how it ends.
I remind myself this is a memoir, someone‘s story and truth that they own. Someone who on the outside probably looks to be perfect, good job, nice place, being young dating around… also someone who was brave to share her journey- warts and all of how she healed herself. We can learn something from everyone‘s journey that‘s my focus here.

What‘s yours ?

AmyG I am oddly fascinated by her journey. Alot of it I just don‘t get but it‘s not my journey. 3y
Sargar114 I don‘t know if I‘d be this brave. I do like that aspect of seeing the ugly side of someone who is seemingly successful. 3y
kspenmoll I am totally immersed in her story, her truth. I thought it was fiction initially, but quickly corrected myself. I am so amazed at her openness- 3y
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katy4peas I admire her braveness, her openness, and her trust in Dr Rosen. I don‘t think I would have stayed. I also admire her braveness in putting her life story out there in book form for people to pick apart. 3y
TheBookHippie @Sargar114 I couldn‘t do it unless everyone I knew was dead 😝 3y
TheBookHippie @katy4peas I can‘t imagine putting it out there. I‘m seriously grateful social media wasn‘t around big until 2004/5 I was way old by then 😅 I can‘t imagine being a teen, twenty or thirty something with all that. 3y
mollyrotondo @TheBookHippie haha yes I would do this when I‘m old and approaching death because then I won‘t have any shame 🤣 but I really admire her for putting her life out there because I do think this helps people accept their own struggles. I have also found some helpful tips in this book. I have surprisingly really enjoyed this memoir. 3y
TheBookHippie @mollyrotondo I agree I‘ve gotten different perspectives on a few things to think about. The hope of this reading is maybe it can help people. Generally speaking most times you tell your truth you help another with theirs. (edited) 3y
DebinHawaii I am curious to see how it wraps up. I am reading more with bewildered fascination—it‘s a bit like an accident you can‘t look away from. I don‘t relate to most of her life & I don‘t know that there is anything for me to takeaway from a self-help perspective but I do admire her for putting it all out there & hopefully it may help other people. 3y
sprainedbrain I love that she‘s telling her story… again, don‘t think I could be this brave and put allllllll of that out there. I kept reminding myself that this all really happened to her and it‘s not just a wacky, sad novel. 3y
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So now Reed …..
WHO IS married
Thoughts ?

AmyG Oh Lord….what a mistake. We all make them in life but I want to hit her over the head. 3y
kspenmoll @AmyG Yup, give her a bop!!! Warned off but she plunges right in. Yuk. He is a jerk! 3y
kspenmoll I am leaving for the Cape shortly 🙌🏻😊 so I will come back later tonight & check in 3y
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Sargar114 Me reading: NO, NO, NO, just NOOOOO!!! @TheBookHippie I feel this may be book throwing territory!!! 3y
TheBookHippie @Sargar114 YUP SO AGGRAVATED !!!! Seriously LOATHE … 3y
TheBookHippie @kspenmoll give her a bop!!!!! 3y
katy4peas 🤦‍♀️ 3y
TheBookHippie @katy4peas seriously 🙈 3y
sabyym 75% way thru the book and this is just ……. where did all the character development go 3y
AmyG @Sargar114 Ha! Definitely book throwing worthy. 3y
rjsthumbelina I just can't imagine starting an extramarital affair with someone who literally joined your group therapy bc he can't stop having extramarital affairs... 3y
mollyrotondo Again we all make mistakes and when we are feeling so low and still think a man is the one who can fix our self esteem we look for gratification in all the wrong places. Christie!!!! This is not the answer!!! 3y
TheBookHippie @sabyym 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3y
TheBookHippie @rjsthumbelina I know just wow😱 It‘s a thing I cannot abide by. However it‘s her journey, lots of things in my journey people can‘t abide by. 3y
vlwelser She needs to stop this nonsense. 3y
TheBookHippie @vlwelser SERIOUSLY!!!! I cannot. 3y
DebinHawaii I wanted to throw my Kindle at her!!! Or at least smack her with it & give her a few shakes!!! 🤬🤬🤬 So wrong! This is a train wreck waiting to happen! (edited) 3y
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii I was like you cannot be serious here…. What is wrong with you … gah. It‘s a hot point for me I think it‘s the worst thing one woman can do to another, let alone your own self 😡 3y
DebinHawaii @TheBookHippie Right. I think of his wife & also while shaking Christine, want to ask her how she thinks this in any way is good for her & her recovery? Especially give his track record.🤬 3y
sprainedbrain This whole Reed situation pissed me off. I was mad that she willingly embarked, mad at Rosen for not telling her not to, and I didn‘t even feel a little bad for her when it ended how it did. 😬 3y
kspenmoll @rjsthumbelina Nuts! She is sooo self destructive!😡 3y
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How has Christie‘s view of Dr Rosen changed so far ? Is she evolving ?

AmyG I feel she is. Slowly. I guess ptients put their Drs, therapists on a pedestal. But we are all human. No one is perfect. 3y
kspenmoll Love that quote. I think she is slowly evolving - 3y
Sargar114 @AmyG I agree, well said 3y
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katy4peas She seems to still trust him, but seems to realize he can‘t change things with a magic wand. Change is slower and more painful than that. 3y
mollyrotondo She is finally starting to see life through a clearer lens. Her doctor isn‘t perfect and that‘s okay. She is not perfect and that‘s okay. 3y
DebinHawaii Yes, I think she is seeing more clearly that he is human too & that everyone has their issues & there‘s no quick & easy way through things. 3y
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Buying property alone
Real Estate Language
Just wow
Christie‘s sorrow of buying alone, valid?
Her fight and anger at Max?

AmyG My daughter just bought her own place. She said once how she wished she had a partner so she didn‘t have to do this alone. It‘s hard. But-then you realize you did it. By yourself. You are totally capable. 3y
kspenmoll I was impressed that she did such an “ adult” thing.the fight she & Max had was intense but made me glad she was standing up for herself. Or maybe taking everything out on him? 3y
Sargar114 I loved that she did this. I was a bit confused by the language, that wasn‘t really in her loan forms was it??? I thought it was just her perspective. Max seems great for her. I‘m glad she has him as a friend and saw the fight for what it was. A Christie issue and nothing really to do with Max. 3y
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TheBookHippie @Sargar114 yes it was on forms legally because prior to that you could not own property as a woman until 1974 or after with a loan… welcome to reason 354345 to be a feminist. 3y
sabyym I was surprised she took this step cuz it is kinda scary. And I thought this might turn out depressing just like how she thought going to Germany would be life changing but we saw how that turned out so im glad this was a positive, empowering moment for her. (edited) 3y
mollyrotondo I mean just another reason why being a single woman is ingrained in us as a bad thing. It should not be a bad thing at all but to see forms that say spinster and whatever other degrading description that was used makes women feel like it‘s shameful to not have a partner. It should be a proud moment when you can finally buy your own home. But society just makes you feel like a loser. I honestly feel her pain in this moment. 3y
TheBookHippie @mollyrotondo reminds me of my process of becoming a TSA precheck the man telling me if I just used my husbands name it would go faster😳 I had to bring my marriage certificate two times to prove I used my birth name in signing it as I never changed my name upon marriage. WHAT?! Ugh 3y
mollyrotondo @TheBookHippie what???? What does you being married have to even do with anything? Your legal name is your legal name. All of your documents would just simply have your birth name. That should be easy. Was it because you marked yourself as married? Still doesn‘t matter but they probably got all confused because they are idiots. I don‘t understand people. 3y
TheBookHippie @mollyrotondo yes I checked the married box ✔️ OY VEY 3y
mollyrotondo @TheBookHippie wow the narrow mindedness of people. There are so many women who keep their name when they marry. It‘s not a novel idea 3y
TheBookHippie @mollyrotondo in my town it is -but yes …🤯 3y
vlwelser I thought this was great. There's no reason not to buy a house for yourself. I took this more as her being young. But I guess it could be scary. But she's a freaking lawyer. 3y
DebinHawaii I bought my own house about 17 years ago & it was a bit daunting to do it alone but a great feeling of satisfaction. I do not remember that language on the loan papers but maybe I need to dig them out of my files sometime and take a look! (edited) 3y
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii Ha hopefully they‘re fine 😅 3y
sprainedbrain Having recently bought a house as a single woman, I can definitely say I don‘t share her opinion… Christie and I value different things, though! 3y
TheBookHippie @sprainedbrain I assume this was awhile ago -seeing as lack of social media- cell phones in a big way-she is I think 50? It wouldn‘t have been seen as positive 20 years ago. Thirty even worse, But I could be wrong 🤪🤣 (edited) 3y
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Why did this take her to a dark place ?

AmyG I feel it exacerbated her lonliness….being out of her comfort zone, no therapy etc. (edited) 3y
kspenmoll She needed to be physically near her therapy- not at all ready to be away from it. She did nit know who she was or how to be without it. 3y
Sargar114 @AmyG definitely. Plus she still hasn‘t finished her grieving from the loss of the Alex relationship, guessing being away triggered that since it ended when she was in Russia. 3y
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katy4peas Too far away from her group and didn‘t have her group members or friends with her. Too much for her. 3y
mollyrotondo And this Germany gig sounded kind of awful 😂 especially when your boss tells you “oh you were the first person I thought of when they said someone with no family.” I mean what a punch in the stomach. Again guys are the worst. So she didn‘t really feel like she was sent to Germany because she was a good asset to the firm. It was just because she was all alone. And then to be without her therapy group. It all just had a bad taste to it. 3y
vlwelser Maybe she is homesick. But it actually sounds pretty awful. 3y
DebinHawaii I think it was the perfect storm of the grieving for the relationship with Alex, being vulnerable & away from group therapy & that the work & accommodations were so bad. I think if she had been in a nice hotel, in the city & with interesting people & work that challenged her, it would not have hit her nearly that hard & might even have been a good distraction. 3y
sprainedbrain It sounded absolutely awful. 3y
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Christie‘s mom, thoughts ?
Married at 26 in 1970 …which was ancient! Her mom felt just like her and it calms her…

*actual pic of Christie‘s parents

AmyG Her Mom lived in a different generation. Things were done differently when it came to raising kids. I was happy to see her Mom be truthful with Chrissie. Perhaps they can have a good relationship after all. 3y
kspenmoll @AmyG I really welcomed this shift. Christie felt validated for who she was- learning her mom had some of the same fears, feelings made her if a tiny bit less alone with who she was. 3y
mollyrotondo So glad they finally had a positive mother-daughter moment. Both of them needed that 3y
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Sargar114 I loved this breakthrough for their relationship. It makes me think that a lot of her “parents issues” may be a result of Christie not communicating and her parents not knowing what to do. It seems that Group is definitely helpful for her in this way. 3y
DebinHawaii Yep, I agree. It was a nice moment with her mom that was good for Christie to hear. 3y
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